Francisco Carro
Francisco Carro
Estación Biologica de Donana (CSIC)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Spatiotemporal interactions between wild boar and cattle: implications for cross-species disease transmission
JA Barasona, MC Latham, P Acevedo, JA Armenteros, ADM Latham, ...
Veterinary research 45, 1-11, 2014
Ecosystem effects of variant rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus, Iberian Peninsula
M Delibes-Mateos, C Ferreira, F Carro, MA Escudero, C Gortázar
Emerging Infectious Diseases 20 (12), 2166, 2014
Synchrony between fruit maturation and effective dispersers' foraging activity increases seed protection against seed predators
R Boulay, F Carro, RC Soriguer, X Cerda
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1625), 2515-2522, 2007
Spatio-temporal trends in the frequency of interspecific interactions between domestic and wild ungulates from Mediterranean Spain
R Triguero-Ocana, JA Barasona, F Carro, RC Soriguer, J Vicente, ...
PloS one 14 (1), e0211216, 2019
Independent lineage of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus in wood mice (Apodemus sylvaticus), Spain
J Ledesma, CG Fedele, F Carro, L Lledó, MP Sánchez-Seco, A Tenorio, ...
Emerging infectious diseases 15 (10), 1677, 2009
Long-term determinants of tuberculosis in the ungulate host community of Doñana National Park
P Barroso, JA Barasona, P Acevedo, P Palencia, F Carro, JJ Negro, ...
Pathogens 9 (6), 445, 2020
Small-scale indirect effects determine the outcome of a tripartite plant–disperser–granivore interaction
R Boulay, F Carro, RC Soriguer, X Cerdá
Oecologia 161, 529-537, 2009
Reproduction parameters of the Iberian hare Lepus granatensis at the edge of its range
A Fernandez, R Soriguer, E Castien, F Carro
Wildlife Biology 14 (4), 434-443, 2008
Long-Term Determinants of the Seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii in a Wild Ungulate Community
P Barroso, I García-Bocanegra, P Acevedo, P Palencia, F Carro, ...
Animals 10 (12), 2349, 2020
Is restocking a useful tool for increasing rabbit densities?
F Carro, M Ortega, RC Soriguer
Global Ecology and Conservation 17, e00560, 2019
La diversidad y abundancia de los micromamíferos ibéricos
RC Soriguer, F Carro, FJ MÁRQUEZ, P Fandos
In Memorian al Profesor Isidro Ruíz Martínez, 439-478, 2003
Wild ungulate density data generated by camera trapping in 37 European areas: first output of the European Observatory of Wildlife (EOW)
ENETWILD‐consortium, T Guerrasio, P Pelayo Acevedo, M Apollonio, ...
EFSA Supporting Publications 20 (3), 7892E, 2023
Long‐term patterns in Iberian hare population dynamics in a protected area (Doñana National Park) in the southwestern Iberian Peninsula: Effects of weather conditions and plant …
F Carro, RC Soriguer
Integrative zoology 12 (1), 49-60, 2017
Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856
F Carro, RC Soriguer
Atlas de los Mamíferos terrestres de España 452, 455, 2002
Efficient identification of Microtus cabrerae excrements using noninvasive molecular analysis
S Alasaad, A Sánchez, JA Marchal, A Píriz, JA Garrido-García, F Carro, ...
Conservation Genetics Resources 3, 127-129, 2011
Relation between physical condition and reproductive activity in a population of Iberian hares, Lepus granatensis in northern Iberian Peninsula
A Fernández, R Soriguer, F Carro, E Castién
Folia Zoologica 59 (1), 1-8, 2010
La liebre ibérica
F Carro, RC Soriguer
Organismo Autónomo Parques Nacionales (España), 2010
Eficiencia de tres tipos de trampas para la captura de micromamíferos
F Carro, D Pérez-Aranda, A Lamosa, H Schmalenberger, X Pardavila, ...
Galemys 19 (73-81), 2007
Is blood collected from shot Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) useful for monitoring their physiological status?
JM Pérez, FJ González, E Serrano, JE Granados, P Fandos, F Carro, ...
European Journal of Wildlife Research 52, 125-131, 2006
Evolución poblacional de la liebre ibérica (Lepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856) en el Parque Nacional de Doñana
F Carro, JF Beltrán, JM Pérez, FJ Márquez, O Iborra, RC Soriguer
Galemys 13, 119-126, 2001
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