Yao Xin (辛遥)
Yao Xin (辛遥)
Peng Cheng Laboratory
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Parallel architecture for DNA sequence inexact matching with Burrows-Wheeler Transform
Y Xin, B Liu, B Min, WXY Li, RCC Cheung, AS Fong, TF Chan
Microelectronics Journal 44 (8), 670-682, 2013
GPU-based biclustering for microarray data analysis in neurocomputing
B Liu, Y Xin, RCC Cheung, H Yan
Neurocomputing 134, 239-246, 2014
HybridTSS: A recursive scheme combining coarse-and fine-grained tuples for packet classification
Y Liu, Y Xin, W Li, H Song, O Rottenstreich, G Xie, W Li, Y Wang
Proceedings of the 6th Asia-Pacific Workshop on Networking, 43-49, 2022
FPGA-based updatable packet classification using TSS-combined bit-selecting tree
Y Xin, W Li, G Tang, T Yang, X Hu, Y Wang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 30 (6), 2760-2775, 2022
FPga-Based high-Performance collision Detection: an enabling Technique for image-guided robotic surgery
Z Zhang, Y Xin, B Liu, WXY Li, KH Lee, CF Ng, D Stoyanov, RCC Cheung, ...
Frontiers in Robotics and AI 3, 51, 2016
An FPGA based scalable architecture of a stochastic state point process filter (SSPPF) to track the nonlinear dynamics underlying neural spiking
Y Xin, WXY Li, RCC Cheung, RHM Chan, H Yan, D Song, TW Berger
Microelectronics Journal 45 (6), 690-701, 2014
A parallel and updatable architecture for FPGA-based packet classification with large-scale rule sets
Y Xin, W Li, G Xie, Y Xu, Y Wang
IEEE Micro 43 (2), 110-119, 2023
KickTree: A recursive algorithmic scheme for packet classification with bounded worst-case performance
Y Xin, Y Liu, W Li, R Yao, Y Xu, Y Wang
Proceedings of the Symposium on Architectures for Networking and …, 2021
An application specific instruction set processor (asip) for adaptive filters in neural prosthetics
Y Xin, WXY Li, Z Zhang, RCC Cheung, D Song, TW Berger
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics 12 (5 …, 2015
Laguerre-Volterra model and architecture for MIMO system identification and output prediction
WXY Li, Y Xin, RHM Chan, D Song, TW Berger, RCC Cheung
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
Adderic: towards low computation cost image compression
B Li, Y Xin, C Li, Y Bao, F Meng, Y Liang
ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and …, 2022
High throughput hardware/software heterogeneous system for RRPN-based scene text detection
Y Xin, D Chen, C Zeng, W Zhang, Y Wang, RCC Cheung
IEEE Transactions on Computers 71 (7), 1507-1521, 2021
A novel low-latency scheduling approach of TSN for multi-link rate networking
X Zheng, Y Liu, S Zhan, Y Xin, Y Wang
Computer Networks 240, 110184, 2024
An FPGA-based high-throughput packet classification architecture supporting dynamic updates for large-scale rule sets
Y Xin, W Li, Y Wang, S Yao
IEEE INFOCOM 2021-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications Workshops …, 2021
An FPGA-based high-performance neural ensemble spiking activity simulator utilizing generalized Volterra kernel and complexity analysis
WXY Li, RCC Cheung, Y Xin, D Song, TW Berger
Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers 25 (01), 1640004, 2016
MCCQF: Low-Latency Transmission Based on IEEE 802.1 Qch For Hierarchical Networking
Y Liu, D Zhou, S Zhan, Y Xin, J Lin, X Feng, E Shi, Y Qi, G Chen, J Zheng, ...
ICC 2023-IEEE International Conference on Communications, 6052-6058, 2023
Updatable Packet Classification on FPGA with Bounded Worst-Case Performance
Y Xin, W Li, G Xie, Y Xu, Y Wang
HOT Interconnets 2022, 2022
Recursive multi-tree construction with efficient rule sifting for packet classification on FPGA
Y Xin, W Li, C Jia, X Li, Y Xu, B Liu, Z Tian, W Zhang
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 32 (2), 1707-1722, 2023
Reversible data hiding in Redundancy-Free cipher images through pixel rotation and multi-MSB replacement
L Qu, X Wang, Y Yuan, J Zhou, Y Xin
Journal of Information Security and Applications 89, 104003, 2025
Evaluating Partitions in Packet Classification with the Asymmetric Metric of Disassortative Modularity.
J Wang, Y Xin, C Lu, C Jia, Y Ding
Symmetry (20738994) 17 (1), 2025
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