Georg Angenendt
Georg Angenendt
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The development of stationary battery storage systems in Germany–A market review
J Figgener, P Stenzel, KP Kairies, J Linßen, D Haberschusz, O Wessels, ...
Journal of energy storage 29, 101153, 2020
Comparison of different operation strategies for PV battery home storage systems including forecast-based operation strategies
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, H Axelsen, DU Sauer
Applied energy 229, 884-899, 2018
Enhancing battery lifetime in PV battery home storage system using forecast based operating strategies
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, R Mir-Montazeri, D Magnor, DU Sauer
Energy Procedia 99, 80-88, 2016
Optimization and operation of integrated homes with photovoltaic battery energy storage systems and power-to-heat coupling
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, F Rücker, H Axelsen, DU Sauer
Energy Conversion and Management: X 1, 100005, 2019
Enhancing PV inverter reliability with battery system control strategy
A Sangwongwanich, G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, Y Yang, D Sera, ...
CPSS Transactions on Power Electronics and Applications 3 (2), 93-101, 2018
Providing frequency control reserve with photovoltaic battery energy storage systems and power-to-heat coupling
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, J Figgener, KP Kairies, DU Sauer
Energy 194, 116923, 2020
Evaluation of the effects of frequency restoration reserves market participation with photovoltaic battery energy storage systems and power-to-heat coupling
G Angenendt, M Merten, S Zurmühlen, DU Sauer
Applied Energy 260, 114186, 2020
Reliability assessment of PV inverters with battery systems considering PV self-consumption and battery sizing
A Sangwongwanich, S Zurmühlen, G Angenendt, Y Yang, D Sera, ...
2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 7284-7291, 2018
Prognosis-based operating strategies for smart homes with power-to-heat applications
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, H Axelsen, DU Sauer
Energy Procedia 155, 136-148, 2018
Grid-relieving effects of PV battery energy storage systems with optimized operation strategies
S Zurmühlen, G Angenendt, M Heinrich, H Axelsen, DU Sauer
Proc. of EU PVSEC, 1-5, 2017
Potential and optimal sizing of combined heat and electrical storage in private households
S Zurmühlen, H Wolisz, G Angenendt, D Magnor, R Streblow, D Müller, ...
Energy Procedia 99, 174-181, 2016
Tool to determine economic capacity dimensioning in PV battery systems considering various design parameters
J Moshövel, G Angenendt, D Magnor, DU Sauer
31st European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Hamburg …, 2015
Benchmark dataset for the study of the relaxation of commercial NMC-811 and LFP cells
A Fernando, M Kuipers, G Angenendt, KP Kairies, M Dubarry
Cell Reports Physical Science 5 (1), 2024
‘Reducing cuf-off energie of PV home storage systems by using forecastbased operation strategies
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, C Chen, D Magnor, D Uwe
Proc. IRES, 1-11, 2017
Influence of the battery voltage level on the efficiency and cost of a PV battery energy storage system
G Angenendt, B Ashrafinia, S Zurmühlen, K Jacqué, J Badeda, DU Sauer
32. Symposium Photovoltaische Solareergie, 2017
Einfluss der zusätzlichen Nutzung von PV-Batteriespeichern zur Regelenergiebereitstellung auf die Batteriealterung
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, F Jesse, H Axelsen, DU Sauer
Proceedings of the PV-Symposium, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, 25-27, 2018
Participating in the control reserve market with PV battery energy storage systems and power-to-heat application
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, DU Sauer
The 13th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference 2019 (IRES 2019 …, 2019
Operation, optimization and additional market participation of households with PV battery storage system and power-to-heat application
G Angenendt
Dissertation, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule Aachen, 2019, 2019
Prognosis-Based Operating Strategies for Smart Homes with Heat and Power Coupling
G Angenendt, S Zurmühlen, H Axelsen, DU Sauer
12th International Renewable Energy Storage Conference (IRES 2018), 2018
PV Home Storage System (PV-HOST)" Betriebsstrategien und Systemkonfigurationen für Batteriespeicher für Einfamilienhäuser mit Photovoltaikanlagen": Bericht zum Teilvorhaben der …
G Angenendt, H Axelsen, S Zurmühlen
ISEA, RWTH Aachen University, 2018
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