A comprehensive survey on smart contract construction and execution: paradigms, tools, and systems B Hu, Z Zhang, J Liu, Y Liu, J Yin, R Lu, X Lin Patterns 2 (2), 100179, 2021 | 139 | 2021 |
Building Blocks of Sharding Blockchain Systems: Concepts, Approaches, and Open Problems Y Liu, J Liu, MAV Salles, Z Zhang, T Li, B Hu, F Henglein, R Lu Computer Science Review 46 (100513), 2022 | 111 | 2022 |
Overview on Blockchain Consensus Mechanisms Y Liu, J Liu, Z Zongyang, X Tongge, H Yu Journal of Cryptologic Research 6 (4), 395-432, 2019 | 63* | 2019 |
ECDSA weak randomness in Bitcoin Z Wang, H Yu, Z Zhang, J Piao, J Liu Future Generation Computer Systems 102, 507-513, 2020 | 41 | 2020 |
A Fair Selection Protocol for Committee-based Permissionless Blockchains Y Liu, J Liu, Z Zhang, H Yu Computers & Security 91, 2020 | 37 | 2020 |
Research on scaling technology of bitcoin blockchain H Yu, ZY ZHANG, JW LIU Journal of Computer Research and Development 54 (10), 2390-2403, 2017 | 34 | 2017 |
A Refined Analysis of Zcash Anonymity Z Zhang, W Li, H Liu, J Liu IEEE Access 8, 31845-31853, 2020 | 27 | 2020 |
Sakai-ohgishi-kasahara identity-based non-interactive key exchange scheme, revisited Y Chen, Q Huang, Z Zhang Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 274-289, 2014 | 27* | 2014 |
Generalized (identity‐based) hash proof system and its applications Y Chen, Z Zhang, D Lin, Z Cao Security and Communication Networks 9 (12), 1698-1716, 2016 | 26 | 2016 |
Anonymous identity-based hash proof system and its applications Y Chen, Z Zhang, D Lin, Z Cao International Conference on Provable Security, 143-160, 2012 | 26 | 2012 |
Privacy Preservation for Outsourced Medical Data With Flexible Access Control X Zhou, J Liu, Q Wu, Z Zhang IEEE Access 6, 14827-14841, 2018 | 24 | 2018 |
比特币区块链扩容技术研究 喻辉, 张宗洋, 刘建伟 计算机研究与发展 54 (10), 2390-2403, 2017 | 23 | 2017 |
Redactable Transactions in Consortium Blockchain: Controlled by Multi-Authority CP-ABE Z Zhang, T Li, Z Wang, L Jianwei ACISP 2021, 2021 | 22 | 2021 |
Constant-round concurrent non-malleable statistically binding commitments and decommitments Z Cao, I Visconti, Z Zhang International Workshop on Public Key Cryptography, 193-208, 2010 | 21 | 2010 |
Revisiting the Incentive Mechanism of Bitcoin-NG J Yin, C Wang, Z Zongyang, J Liu 23rd Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy (ACISP 2018), 2018 | 20 | 2018 |
Sakai–Ohgishi–Kasahara identity-based non-interactive key exchange revisited and more Y Chen, Q Huang, Z Zhang International Journal of Information Security 15, 15-33, 2016 | 20 | 2016 |
Black-box separations for one-more (static) CDH and its generalization J Zhang, Z Zhang, Y Chen, Y Guo, Z Zhang Advances in Cryptology–ASIACRYPT 2014: 20th International Conference on the …, 2014 | 19 | 2014 |
Full Anonymous Blockchain Based on Aggregate Signature and Confidential Transaction 王子钰, 刘建伟, 张宗洋, 喻辉 计算机研究与发展 55 (10), 2185-2198, 2018 | 17* | 2018 |
Deanonymization of Litecoin Through Transaction-Linkage Attacks Z Zhang, J Yin, Y Liu, J Liu 2020 11th International Conference on Information and Communication Systems …, 2020 | 15 | 2020 |
Two-level path authentication in epcglobal network H Wang, Y Li, Z Zhang, Z Cao 2012 IEEE International Conference on RFID (RFID), 24-31, 2012 | 15 | 2012 |