Sang-Jun Choi
Sang-Jun Choi
Associate Professor, Department of Physics Education, Kongju National University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Topological and holonomic quantum computation based on second-order topological superconductors
SB Zhang, WB Rui, A Calzona, SJ Choi, AP Schnyder, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Research 2 (4), 043025, 2020
Spectroscopic studies of atomic defects and bandgap renormalization in semiconducting monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
TY Jeong, H Kim, SJ Choi, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, KJ Yee, YS Kim, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3825, 2019
Tunable spin injection and detection across a van der Waals interface
KH Min, DH Lee, SJ Choi, IH Lee, J Seo, DW Kim, KT Ko, K Watanabe, ...
Nature Materials 21 (10), 1144-1149, 2022
Dirac states in an inclined two-dimensional Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model
CA Li, SJ Choi, SB Zhang, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Research 4 (2), 023193, 2022
Direct probing of phonon mode specific electron–phonon scatterings in two-dimensional semiconductor transition metal dichalcogenides
DH Lee, SJ Choi, H Kim, YS Kim, S Jung
Nature Communications 12 (1), 4520, 2021
Majorana-induced DC Shapiro steps in topological Josephson junctions
SJ Choi, A Calzona, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B 102 (14), 140501, 2020
Geometric phase at a graphene edge: Scattering phase shift of Dirac fermions
SJ Choi, S Park, HS Sim
Physical Review B 89, 155412, 2014
Magnetic topological transistor exploiting layer-selective transport
HP Sun, CA Li, SJ Choi, SB Zhang, HZ Lu, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Research 5 (1), 013179, 2023
Emergent localized states at the interface of a twofold -symmetric lattice
JW Ryu, N Myoung, A Go, S Woo, SJ Choi, HC Park
Physical Review Research 2 (3), 033149, 2020
Stacking-induced symmetry-protected topological phase transitions
SJ Choi, B Trauzettel
Physical Review B 107 (24), 245409, 2023
Tunable geometric phase of Dirac fermions in a topological junction
SJ Choi, S Park, HS Sim
Physical Review B 87, 165420, 2013
Microscopic Quantum Transport Processes of Out‐of‐Plane Charge Flow in 2D Semiconductors Analyzed by a Fowler–Nordheim Tunneling Probe
DH Shin, DH Lee, SJ Choi, S Kim, H Kim, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Advanced Electronic Materials 9 (6), 2300051, 2023
Nanomechanical cat states generated by a dc voltage-driven Cooper pair box qubit
D Radić, SJ Choi, HC Park, J Suh, RI Shekhter, LY Gorelik
npj quantum information 8 (1), 74, 2022
Josephson junction of finite-size superconductors on a topological insulator under a magnetic field
SJ Choi, HS Sim
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11403, 2019
Nonequilibrium Fractional Josephson Effect
A Lahiri, SJ Choi, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Letters 131 (12), 126301, 2023
Microscopic theory of the current-voltage characteristics of Josephson tunnel junctions
SJ Choi, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Letters 128 (12), 126801, 2022
Non-Abelian evolution of a Majorana train in a single Josephson junction
SJ Choi, HS Sim
arXiv preprint arXiv:1808.08714, 2018
Helical Topological Superconducting Pairing at Finite Excitation Energies
M Bahari, SB Zhang, CA Li, SJ Choi, P Rüßmann, C Timm, B Trauzettel
Physical Review Letters 132 (26), 266201, 2024
The interplay between Zeeman splitting and spin–orbit coupling in InAs nanowires
BK Kim, SJ Choi, JC Shin, M Kim, YH Ahn, HS Sim, JJ Kim, MH Bae
Nanoscale 10 (48), 23175-23181, 2018
AC Josephson Signatures of the Superconducting Higgs/Amplitude Mode
A Lahiri, SJ Choi, B Trauzettel
arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.13074, 2024
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