Nor Azwan Mohamed Kamari
Nor Azwan Mohamed Kamari
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Classification of tomato leaf diseases using MobileNet v2
SZM Zaki, MA Zulkifley, MM Stofa, NAM Kamari, NA Mohamed
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 9 (2), 290, 2020
Automated glaucoma screening and diagnosis based on retinal fundus images using deep learning approaches: A comprehensive review
MJM Zedan, MA Zulkifley, AA Ibrahim, AM Moubark, NAM Kamari, ...
Diagnostics 13 (13), 2180, 2023
Techno-economic and carbon emission assessment of a large-scale floating solar Pv system for sustainable energy generation in support of Malaysia’s renewable energy roadmap
MI Islam, MS Jadin, AA Mansur, NAM Kamari, T Jamal, MS Hossain Lipu, ...
Energies 16 (10), 4034, 2023
Swarm Intelligence Approach for Angle Stability Improvement of PSS and SVC-Based SMIB
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, AA Ibrahim
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 15 (3), 1001-1014, 2020
EP based optimization for estimating synchronizing and damping torque coefficients
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, MM Othman
Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences 4 (8), 3741-3754, 2010
Intelligent bone age assessment: An automated system to detect a bone growth problem using convolutional neural networks with attention mechanism
MA Zulkifley, NA Mohamed, SR Abdani, NAM Kamari, AM Moubark, ...
Diagnostics 11 (5), 765, 2021
Design of a damping controller using the sca optimization technique for the improvement of small signal stability of a single machine connected to an infinite bus system
AW Khawaja, NAM Kamari, MAAM Zainuri
Energies 14 (11), 2996, 2021
Application of electricity tracing theory and hybrid ant colony algorithm for ranking bus priority in power system
ZA Hamid, I Musirin, MNA Rahim, NAM Kamari
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 43 (1), 1427-1434, 2012
Optimization assisted load tracing via hybrid ant colony algorithm for deregulated power system
Z Hamid, I Musirin, MNA Rahim, NAM Kamari
WSEAS Transactions on Power Systems 7 (3), 145-158, 2012
Application of evolutionary programming in the assessment of dynamic stability
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, MM Othman
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO …, 2010
Power loss minimization using optimal power flow based on firefly algorithm
SJ Chia, S Abd Halim, HM Rosli, NAM Kamari
International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications 12 (9), 2021
PSS based angle stability improvement using whale optimization approach
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, Z Othman, SA Halim
Indones. J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci 8 (2), 382-390, 2017
Intelligent swarm-based optimization technique for oscillatory stability assessment in power system
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, AA Ibrahim, SA Halim
IAES International Journal of Artificial Intelligence 8 (4), 342, 2019
Gravitational Search Algorithm Based Technique for Voltage Stability Improvement
MKM Zamani, I Musirin, MS Omar, SI Suliman, NAM Ghani, NAM Kamari
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 9 (1), 123-130, 2018
PSO-based oscillatory stability assessment by using the torque coefficients for SMIB
NA Mohamed Kamari, I Musirin, AN Dagang, MH Mohd Zaman
Energies 13 (5), 1231, 2020
Optimal tuning of SVC-PI controller using whale optimization algorithm for angle stability improvement
AAI N. A. M. Kamari, I. Musirin, Z. A. Hamid
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 12 (2 …, 2018
Optimal design of SVC-PI controller for damping improvement using new computational intelligence approach
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, ZA Hamid, MNA Rahim
Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology 42 (2), 271-280, 2012
Oscillatory stability prediction using pso based synchronizing and damping torque coefficients
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, ZA Hamid, MHM Zaman
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 7 (3), 331-344, 2018
IPSO based SVC-PID for angle stability enhancement
NAM Kamari, I Musirin, MM Othman
Int. J. Simul. Syst. Sci. Technol 17, 20.1-20.7, 2017
A non-convex economic dispatch problem with point-valve effect using a wind-driven optimisation approach
NF Ramli, NAM Kamari, S Abd Halim, MA Zulkifley, MSM Sahri, I Musirin
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 17 (1), 85-95, 2022
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