Juan Carlos Martin
Juan Carlos Martin
Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (Tides)
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Using fuzzy number for measuring quality of service in the hotel industry
JM Benitez, JC Martín, C Román
Tourism management 28 (2), 544-555, 2007
An application of DEA to measure the efficiency of Spanish airports prior to privatization
JC Martı́n, C Roman
Journal of Air Transport Management 7 (3), 149-157, 2001
Using accessibility indicators and GIS to assess spatial spillovers of transport infrastructure investment
J Gutiérrez, A Condeço-Melhorado, JC Martín
Journal of transport geography 18 (1), 141-152, 2010
Competition of high-speed train with air transport: The case of Madrid–Barcelona
C Román, R Espino, JC Martín
Journal of Air Transport Management 13 (5), 277-284, 2007
A DEA-logistics performance index
L Martí, JC Martín, R Puertas
Journal of applied economics 20 (1), 169-192, 2017
Social media as a resource for sentiment analysis of Airport Service Quality (ASQ)
L Martin-Domingo, JC Martín, G Mandsberg
Journal of Air Transport Management 78, 106-115, 2019
Data envelopment analysis (DEA) index to measure the accessibility impacts of new infrastructure investments: The case of the high-speed train corridor Madrid-Barcelona-French …
JC Martin, J Gutiérrez, C Román
Regional Studies 38 (6), 697-712, 2004
A benchmarking analysis of Spanish commercial airports. A comparison between SMOP and DEA ranking methods
JC Martín, C Román
Networks and Spatial Economics 6, 111-134, 2006
Analyzing the effect of preference heterogeneity on willingness to pay for improving service quality in an airline choice context
R Espino, JC Martín, C Román
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 44 (4 …, 2008
A stochastic frontier analysis to estimate the relative efficiency of Spanish airports
JC Martín, C Román, A Voltes-Dorta
Journal of Productivity Analysis 31, 163-176, 2009
Recent methodological developments to measure spatial interaction: synthetic accessibility indices applied to high‐speed train investments
JC Martín, A Reggiani
Transport reviews 27 (5), 551-571, 2007
Analyzing competition between the high speed train and alternative modes. The case of the Madrid-Zaragoza-Barcelona corridor
C Román, R Espino, JC Martín
Journal of Choice Modelling 3 (1), 84-108, 2010
Service quality of airports' food and beverage retailers. A fuzzy approach
G Del Chiappa, JC Martin, C Roman
Journal of air transport management 53, 105-113, 2016
Willingness to pay for airline service quality
J Carlos Martín, C Román, R Espino
Transport Reviews 28 (2), 199-217, 2008
Integration of HSR and air transport: Understanding passengers’ preferences
C Román, JC Martín
Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 71, 129-141, 2014
Discrete choice experiments in the analysis of consumers’ preferences for finfish products: A systematic literature review
J Cantillo, JC Martín, C Román
Food Quality and Preference 84, 103952, 2020
A DEA travel–tourism competitiveness index
JC Martín, C Mendoza, C Román
Social Indicators Research 130, 937-957, 2017
Microeconomic impacts of investments in high speed trains in Spain
JC Martín, G Nombela
The Annals of Regional Science 41 (3), 715-733, 2007
Hotel attributes: Asymmetries in guest payments and gains–A stated preference approach
C Román, JC Martín
Tourism management 52, 488-497, 2016
The antecedents and consequences of customer satisfaction in tourism: a systematic literature review
MV Sánchez-Rebull, V Rudchenko, JC Martín
Tourism and hospitality management 24 (1), 151-183, 2018
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