Anindita Sengupta Ghatak
Anindita Sengupta Ghatak
Senior Project Scientist at IIT Kanpur
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Polypeptide helices in hybrid peptide sequences
K Ananda, PG Vasudev, A Sengupta, KM Poopathi Raja, N Shamala, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (47), 16668-16674, 2005
Aromatic interactions in tryptophan‐containing peptides: crystal structures of model tryptophan peptides and phenylalanine analogs
A Sengupta, R Mahalakshmi, N Shamala, P Balaram
The Journal of peptide research 65 (1), 113-129, 2005
Disordered nanowrinkle substrates for inducing crystallization over a wide range of concentration of protein and precipitant
A Sengupta Ghatak, A Ghatak
Langmuir 29 (13), 4373-4380, 2013
Tryptophan‐containing peptide helices: interactions involving the indole side chain
R Mahalakshmi, A Sengupta, S Raghothama, N Shamala, P Balaram
The Journal of peptide research 66 (5), 277-296, 2005
Structural studies of model peptides containing β-, γ-and δ-amino acids
A Sengupta, S Aravinda, N Shamala, KMP Raja, P Balaram
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 4 (22), 4214-4222, 2006
Peptide induced crystallization of calcium carbonate on wrinkle patterned substrate: implications for chitin formation in molluscs
A Sengupta Ghatak, M Koch, C Guth, IM Weiss
International journal of molecular sciences 14 (6), 11842-11860, 2013
Tryptophan rich peptides: Influence of indole rings on backbone conformation
R Mahalakshmi, A Sengupta, S Raghothama, N Shamala, P Balaram
Peptide Science: Original Research on Biomolecules 88 (1), 36-54, 2007
Precipitant-free crystallization of protein molecules induced by incision on substrate
AS Ghatak, G Rawal, A Ghatak
Crystals 7 (8), 245, 2017
Controlled crystallization of macromolecules using patterned substrates in a sandwiched plate geometry
AS Ghatak, A Ghatak
Industrial & engineering chemistry research 50 (23), 12984-12989, 2011
Aggregation modes in sheets formed by protected β-amino acids and β-peptides
A Sengupta, RS Roy, V Sabareesh, N Shamala, P Balaram
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry 4 (6), 1166-1173, 2006
Precipitantless Crystallization of Protein Molecules Induced by High Surface Potential
A Sengupta Ghatak, A Ghatak
Crystal Growth & Design 16 (9), 5323-5329, 2016
Peptide induced crystallization of calcium carbonate on wrinkle patterned substrate: implications for chitin formation in molluscs
IM Weiss, AS Ghatak, M Koch, C Guth
Basel: MDPI, 2013
X-Ray Crystallographic Studies Of Designed Peptides And Protected Omega Amino Acids: Structure, Conformation, Aggregation And Aromatic Interactions
A Sengupta
Aromatic interactions in tryptophan-containing peptides: crystal structures of model tryptophan peptides and phenylalanine analogs.(vol 65, pg 113, 2005)
A Sengupta, R Mahalakshmi, N Shamala, P Balaram
JOURNAL OF PEPTIDE RESEARCH 65 (5), 513-513, 2005
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