Chad Van Iddekinge
Chad Van Iddekinge
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Social media in employee-selection-related decisions: A research agenda for uncharted territory
PL Roth, P Bobko, CH Van Iddekinge, JB Thatcher
Journal of management 42 (1), 269-298, 2016
Are you interested? A meta-analysis of relations between vocational interests and employee performance and turnover.
CH Van Iddekinge, PL Roth, DJ Putka, SE Lanivich
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (6), 1167, 2011
Acquiring and developing human capital in service contexts: The interconnectedness of human capital resources
RE Ployhart, CH Van Iddekinge, WI MacKenzie Jr
Academy of management journal 54 (2), 353-368, 2011
Social media for selection? Validity and adverse impact potential of a Facebook-based assessment
CH Van Iddekinge, SE Lanivich, PL Roth, E Junco
Journal of Management 42 (7), 1811-1835, 2016
Individual differences and their measurement: A review of 100 years of research.
PR Sackett, F Lievens, CH Van Iddekinge, NR Kuncel
Journal of applied psychology 102 (3), 254, 2017
A meta-analysis of the interactive, additive, and relative effects of cognitive ability and motivation on performance
CH Van Iddekinge, H Aguinis, JD Mackey, PS DeOrtentiis
Journal of Management 44 (1), 249-279, 2018
The criterion-related validity of integrity tests: An updated meta-analysis.
CH Van Iddekinge, PL Roth, PH Raymark, HN Odle-Dusseau
Journal of Applied Psychology 97 (3), 499, 2012
Reconsidering vocational interests for personnel selection: The validity of an interest-based selection test in relation to job knowledge, job performance, and continuance …
CH Van Iddekinge, DJ Putka, JP Campbell
Journal of Applied Psychology 96 (1), 13, 2011
The Team Role Test: Development and validation of a team role knowledge situational judgment test.
TV Mumford, CH Van Iddekinge, FP Morgeson, MA Campion
Journal of applied psychology 93 (2), 250, 2008
Assessing personality with a structured employment interview: Construct-related validity and susceptibility to response inflation.
CH Van Iddekinge, PH Raymark, PL Roth
Journal of Applied psychology 90 (3), 536, 2005
Effects of selection and training on unit-level performance over time: A latent growth modeling approach.
CH Van Iddekinge, GR Ferris, PL Perrewé, AA Perryman, FR Blass, ...
Journal of Applied Psychology 94 (4), 829, 2009
Are highly structured job interviews resistant to demographic similarity effects?
JM McCarthy, CH Van Iddekinge, MA Campion
Personnel Psychology 63 (2), 325-359, 2010
Understanding applicant behavior in employment interviews: A theoretical model of interviewee performance
AI Huffcutt, CH Van Iddekinge, PL Roth
Human Resource Management Review 21 (4), 353-367, 2011
Test of a multistage model of distal and proximal antecedents of leader performance
CH Van Iddekinge, GR Ferris, TS Heffner
Personnel Psychology 62 (3), 463-495, 2009
Line manager implementation perceptions as a mediator of relations between high-performance work practices and employee outcomes.
DM Sikora, GR Ferris, CH Van Iddekinge
Journal of applied psychology 100 (6), 1908, 2015
Developments in the criterion‐related validation of selection procedures: A critical review and recommendations for practice
CH Van Iddekinge, RE Ployhart
Personnel Psychology 61 (4), 871-925, 2008
Antecedents of impression management use and effectiveness in a structured interview
CH Van Iddekinge, LA McFarland, PH Raymark
Journal of Management 33 (5), 752-773, 2007
Using beta coefficients to impute missing correlations in meta-analysis research: Reasons for caution.
PL Roth, H Le, IS Oh, CH Van Iddekinge, P Bobko
Journal of Applied Psychology 103 (6), 644, 2018
Meta-analytic and primary investigations of the role of followers in ratings of leadership behavior in organizations.
G Wang, CH Van Iddekinge, L Zhang, J Bishoff
Journal of Applied Psychology 104 (1), 70, 2019
Taking it to another level: Do personality-based human capital resources matter to firm performance?
IS Oh, S Kim, CH Van Iddekinge
Journal of Applied Psychology 100 (3), 935, 2015
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