Claas Willem Visser
Claas Willem Visser
Fluid Mechanics for Functional Materials group, University of Twente
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Voxelated soft matter via multimaterial multinozzle 3D printing
MA Skylar-Scott, J Mueller, CW Visser, JA Lewis
Nature 575 (7782), 330-335, 2019
Assessing bioink shape fidelity to aid material development in 3D bioprinting
A Ribeiro, MM Blokzijl, R Levato, CW Visser, M Castilho, WE Hennink, ...
Biofabrication 10 (1), 014102, 2017
On the spreading of impacting drops
S Wildeman, CW Visser, C Sun, D Lohse
Journal of fluid mechanics 805, 636-655, 2016
Toward 3D printing of pure metals by laser‐induced forward transfer
CW Visser, R Pohl, C Sun, GW Römer, D Lohse
Advanced materials, 4087-4092, 2015
Dynamics of high-speed micro-drop impact: numerical simulations and experiments at frame-to-frame times below 100 ns
CW Visser, PE Frommhold, S Wildeman, R Mettin, D Lohse, C Sun
Soft matter 11 (9), 1708-1722, 2015
In-air microfluidics enables rapid fabrication of emulsions, suspensions, and 3D modular (bio) materials
CW Visser, T Kamperman, LP Karbaat, D Lohse, M Karperien
Science advances 4 (1), eaao1175, 2018
Control of slippage with tunable bubble mattresses
E Karatay, AS Haase, CW Visser, C Sun, D Lohse, PA Tsai, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 110 (21), 8422-8426, 2013
Highly focused supersonic microjets
Y Tagawa, N Oudalov, CW Visser, IR Peters, D van der Meer, C Sun, ...
Physical review X 2 (3), 031002, 2012
Architected polymer foams via direct bubble writing
CW Visser, DN Amato, J Mueller, JA Lewis
Advanced materials 31 (46), 1904668, 2019
Optimizing cell viability in droplet-based cell deposition
J Hendriks, C Willem Visser, S Henke, J Leijten, DBF Saris, C Sun, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 11304, 2015
Drop shaping by laser-pulse impact
AL Klein, W Bouwhuis, CW Visser, H Lhuissier, C Sun, JH Snoeijer, ...
Physical review applied 3 (4), 044018, 2015
Microdroplet impact at very high velocity
CW Visser, T Yoshiyuki, C Sun, D Lohse
Soft Matter 8 (41), 10732-10737, 2012
Printing functional 3D microdevices by laser-induced forward transfer
J Luo, R Pohl, L Qi, G Römer, C Sun, D Lohse, CW Visser
Small 13 (9), 1602553, 2017
Ultrahigh-throughput production of monodisperse and multifunctional janus microparticles using in-air microfluidics
T Kamperman, VD Trikalitis, M Karperien, CW Visser, J Leijten
ACS applied materials & interfaces 10 (28), 23433-23438, 2018
Centering single cells in microgels via delayed crosslinking supports long‐term 3D culture by preventing cell escape
T Kamperman, S Henke, CW Visser, M Karperien, J Leijten
small 13 (22), 1603711, 2017
Role of natural convection in the dissolution of sessile droplets
E Dietrich, S Wildeman, CW Visser, K Hofhuis, ES Kooij, HJW Zandvliet, ...
Journal of fluid mechanics 794, 45-67, 2016
Oblique drop impact onto a deep liquid pool
MV Gielen, P Sleutel, J Benschop, M Riepen, V Voronina, CW Visser, ...
Physical review fluids 2 (8), 083602, 2017
Ejection regimes in picosecond laser-induced forward transfer of metals
R Pohl, CW Visser, GW Römer, D Lohse, C Sun, B Huis in’t Veld
Physical Review Applied 3 (2), 024001, 2015
Toward jet injection by continuous-wave laser cavitation
CB Rodríguez, CW Visser, S Schlautmann, DF Rivas, R Ramos-Garcia
Journal of biomedical optics 22 (10), 105003, 2017
Impact-driven ejection of micro metal droplets on-demand
J Luo, L Qi, Y Tao, Q Ma, CW Visser
International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 106, 67-74, 2016
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