Rafael Marcé
Rafael Marcé
Centre for Advanced Studies of Blanes (CEAB-CSIC)
El. paštas nepatvirtintas
Assessing the impacts of 1.5 C global warming–simulation protocol of the Inter-Sectoral Impact Model Intercomparison Project (ISIMIP2b)
K Frieler, S Lange, F Piontek, CPO Reyer, J Schewe, L Warszawski, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 10 (12), 4321-4345, 2017
Organic carbon decomposition rates controlled by water retention time across inland waters
N Catalán, R Marcé, DN Kothawala, LJ Tranvik
Nature Geoscience 9 (7), 501-504, 2016
Exploring the links between antibiotic occurrence, antibiotic resistance, and bacterial communities in water supply reservoirs
B Huerta, E Marti, M Gros, P López, M Pompêo, J Armengol, D Barceló, ...
Science of the Total Environment 456, 161-170, 2013
Phenological shifts in lake stratification under climate change
RI Woolway, S Sharma, GA Weyhenmeyer, A Debolskiy, M Golub, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 2318, 2021
Assessment of the water supply: demand ratios in a Mediterranean basin under different global change scenarios and mitigation alternatives
L Boithias, V Acuña, L Vergoñós, G Ziv, R Marcé, S Sabater
Science of the Total Environment 470, 567-577, 2014
Driving factors of the phytoplankton functional groups in a deep Mediterranean reservoir
V Becker, L Caputo, J Ordóñez, R Marcé, J Armengol, LO Crossetti, ...
Water research 44 (11), 3345-3354, 2010
Temperature effects explain continental scale distribution of cyanobacterial toxins
E Mantzouki, M Lürling, J Fastner, L de Senerpont Domis, E Wilk-Woźniak, ...
Toxins 10 (4), 156, 2018
Carbonate weathering as a driver of CO2 supersaturation in lakes
R Marcé, B Obrador, JA Morguí, J Lluís Riera, P López, J Armengol
Nature Geoscience 8 (2), 107-111, 2015
Effects of human-driven water stress on river ecosystems: a meta-analysis
S Sabater, F Bregoli, V Acuña, D Barceló, A Elosegi, A Ginebreda, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11462, 2018
Automatic high frequency monitoring for improved lake and reservoir management
R Marcé, G George, P Buscarinu, M Deidda, J Dunalska, E de Eyto, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (20), 10780-10794, 2016
Occurrence and modeling of pharmaceuticals on a sewage-impacted Mediterranean river and their dynamics under different hydrological conditions
V Osorio, R Marcé, S Pérez, A Ginebreda, JL Cortina, D Barceló
Science of the Total Environment 440, 3-13, 2012
Emissions from dry inland waters are a blind spot in the global carbon cycle
R Marcé Romero, B Obrador Sala, L Gómez Gener, N Catalán García, ...
Earth-Science Reviews, 2019, vol. 188, p. 240-248, 2019
Attribution of global lake systems change to anthropogenic forcing
L Grant, I Vanderkelen, L Gudmundsson, Z Tan, M Perroud, ...
Nature Geoscience 14 (11), 849-854, 2021
Runoff trends driven by climate and afforestation in a Pyrenean Basin
C Buendia, RJ Batalla, S Sabater, A Palau, R Marcé
Land degradation & development 27 (3), 823-838, 2016
Combined scenarios of chemical and ecological quality under water scarcity in Mediterranean rivers
M Petrovic, A Ginebreda, V Acuña, RJ Batalla, A Elosegi, H Guasch, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 30 (8), 1269-1278, 2011
Global CO2 emissions from dry inland waters share common drivers across ecosystems
PS Keller, N Catalán, D von Schiller, HP Grossart, M Koschorreck, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 2126, 2020
Global carbon budget of reservoirs is overturned by the quantification of drawdown areas
PS Keller, R Marcé, B Obrador, M Koschorreck
Nature Geoscience 14 (6), 402-408, 2021
A tale of pipes and reactors: Controls on the in‐stream dynamics of dissolved organic matter in rivers
JP Casas‐Ruiz, N Catalán, L Gómez‐Gener, D von Schiller, B Obrador, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 62 (S1), S85-S94, 2017
Carbon dioxide emissions from dry watercourses
D Schiller, R Marcé, B Obrador, L Gómez-Gener, JP Casas-Ruiz, V Acuña, ...
Inland waters 4 (4), 377-382, 2014
When water vanishes: magnitude and regulation of carbon dioxide emissions from dry temporary streams
L Gómez-Gener, B Obrador, R Marcé, V Acuña, N Catalán, ...
Ecosystems 19, 710-723, 2016
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