Danella M. Hafeman
Danella M. Hafeman
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Effects of medication on neuroimaging findings in bipolar disorder: an updated review
DM Hafeman, KD Chang, AS Garrett, EM Sanders, ML Phillips
Bipolar disorders 14 (4), 375-410, 2012
Diagnostic precursors to bipolar disorder in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder: a longitudinal study
D Axelson, B Goldstein, T Goldstein, K Monk, H Yu, MB Hickey, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 172 (7), 638-646, 2015
Opening the Black Box: a motivation for the assessment of mediation
DM Hafeman, S Schwartz
International journal of epidemiology 38 (3), 838-845, 2009
Toward the definition of a bipolar prodrome: dimensional predictors of bipolar spectrum disorders in at-risk youths
DM Hafeman, J Merranko, D Axelson, BI Goldstein, T Goldstein, K Monk, ...
American Journal of Psychiatry 173 (7), 695-704, 2016
Association between manganese exposure through drinking water and infant mortality in Bangladesh
D Hafeman, P Factor-Litvak, Z Cheng, A Van Geen, H Ahsan
Environmental health perspectives 115 (7), 1107-1112, 2007
Assessment of a person-level risk calculator to predict new-onset bipolar spectrum disorder in youth at familial risk
DM Hafeman, J Merranko, TR Goldstein, D Axelson, BI Goldstein, K Monk, ...
JAMA psychiatry 74 (8), 841-847, 2017
Positional firing properties of postrhinal cortex neurons
RD Burwell, DM Hafeman
Neuroscience 119 (2), 577-588, 2003
“Proportion explained”: a causal interpretation for standard measures of indirect effect?
DM Hafeman
American journal of epidemiology 170 (11), 1443-1448, 2009
Psychometrics of the screen for adult anxiety related disorders (SCAARED)-A new scale for the assessment of DSM-5 anxiety disorders
M Angulo, BT Rooks, MK Gill, T Goldstein, D Sakolsky, B Goldstein, ...
Psychiatry Research 253, 84-90, 2017
A risk calculator to predict the individual risk of conversion from subthreshold bipolar symptoms to bipolar disorder I or II in youth
B Birmaher, JA Merranko, TR Goldstein, MK Gill, BI Goldstein, H Hower, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 57 (10 …, 2018
Alternative assumptions for the identification of direct and indirect effects
DM Hafeman, TJ VanderWeele
Epidemiology 22 (6), 753-764, 2011
Lithium versus other mood-stabilizing medications in a longitudinal study of youth diagnosed with bipolar disorder
DM Hafeman, B Rooks, J Merranko, F Liao, MK Gill, TR Goldstein, R Diler, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 59 (10 …, 2020
Altered amygdala-prefrontal response to facial emotion in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder
A Manelis, CD Ladouceur, S Graur, K Monk, LK Bonar, MB Hickey, ...
Brain 138 (9), 2777-2790, 2015
Association between arsenic exposure and a measure of subclinical sensory neuropathy in Bangladesh
DM Hafeman, H Ahsan, ED Louis, AB Siddique, V Slavkovich, Z Cheng, ...
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine 47 (8), 778-784, 2005
Confounding of indirect effects: a sensitivity analysis exploring the range of bias due to a cause common to both the mediator and the outcome
DM Hafeman
American journal of epidemiology 174 (6), 710-717, 2011
A sufficient cause based approach to the assessment of mediation
DM Hafeman
European journal of epidemiology 23, 711-721, 2008
Phenomenology of bipolar disorder not otherwise specified in youth: a comparison of clinical characteristics across the spectrum of manic symptoms
D Hafeman, D Axelson, C Demeter, RL Findling, MA Fristad, RA Kowatch, ...
Bipolar disorders 15 (3), 240-252, 2013
Abnormal deactivation of the inferior frontal gyrus during implicit emotion processing in youth with bipolar disorder: attenuated by medication
DM Hafeman, G Bebko, MA Bertocci, JC Fournier, L Bonar, SB Perlman, ...
Journal of psychiatric research 58, 129-136, 2014
A longitudinal study of family functioning in offspring of parents diagnosed with bipolar disorder
A Shalev, J Merranko, T Goldstein, DJ Miklowitz, D Axelson, BI Goldstein, ...
Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry 58 (10 …, 2019
Amygdala-prefrontal cortical functional connectivity during implicit emotion processing differentiates youth with bipolar spectrum from youth with externalizing disorders
D Hafeman, G Bebko, MA Bertocci, JC Fournier, HW Chase, L Bonar, ...
Journal of Affective Disorders 208, 94-100, 2017
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