Jiafang Lu
Jiafang Lu
Education University of Hong Kong
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Role resources and work–family enrichment: The role of work engagement
O Siu, J Lu, P Brough, C Lu, AB Bakker, T Kalliath, M O'Driscoll, ...
Journal of Vocational Behavior 77 (3), 470-480, 2010
Antecedents and outcomes of a fourfold taxonomy of work-family balance in Chinese employed parents.
JF Lu, OL Siu, PE Spector, K Shi
Journal of occupational health psychology 14 (2), 182, 2009
Work stress and depression: the direct and moderating effects of informal social support and coping
WQ Chen, OL Siu, JF Lu, CL Cooper, DR Phillips
Stress and Health: Journal of the International Society for the …, 2009
A three‐wave study of antecedents of work–family enrichment: The roles of social resources and affect
OL Siu, AB Bakker, P Brough, C Lu, H Wang, T Kalliath, M O'Driscoll, J Lu, ...
Stress and Health 31 (4), 306-314, 2015
我国民众对 SARS 信息的风险认知及心理行为
时勘, 范红霞, 贾建民, 李文东, 宋照礼, 高晶, 陈雪峰, 陆佳芳, 胡卫鹏
心理学报 35 (004), 546-554, 2003
陆佳芳, 时勘
Simulation-based learning in management education: A longitudinal quasi-experimental evaluation of instructional effectiveness
J Lu, P Hallinger, P Showanasai
Journal of Management Development 33 (3), 218-244, 2014
Learner centered higher education in East Asia: assessing the effects on student engagement
P Hallinger, J Lu
International Journal of Educational Management 27 (6), 594-612, 2013
Leadership values and learning in China: The mediating role of psychological safety
A Wong, D Tjosvold, J Lu
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 48 (1), 86-107, 2010
Modelling the effects of principal leadership and school capacity on teacher professional learning in Hong Kong primary schools
P Hallinger, J Lu
School leadership & management 34 (5), 481-501, 2014
Cross-domain effects of work-family conflict on organizational commitment and performance
C Li, J Lu, Y Zhang
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 41 (10), 1641-1653, 2013
Implementing problem-based learning in higher education in Asia: challenges, strategies and effect
P Hallinger, J Lu
Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management 33 (3), 267-285, 2011
Building collaborative structures for teachers’ autonomy and self-efficacy: The mediating role of participative management and learning culture
J Lu, X Jiang, H Yu, D Li
School Effectiveness and School Improvement 26 (2), 240-257, 2015
Team Training in China: Testing and Applying the Theory of Cooperation and Competition1
JF Lu, D Tjosvold, K Shi
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 40 (1), 101-134, 2010
Assessing the instructional effectiveness of problem-based management education in Thailand: A longitudinal evaluation
P Hallinger, J Lu
Management Learning 42 (3), 279-299, 2011
Can professional learning communities promote teacher innovation? A multilevel moderated mediation analysis
S Liu, J Lu, H Yin
Teaching and Teacher Education 109, 103571, 2022
The Risk Perceptions of SARS and Socio-Psychological Behaviors of Urban People In China.
S Kan, F Hongxia, J Jianming, L Wendong, S Zhaoli, G Jing, C Xuefeng, ...
Acta Psychologica Sinica, 2003
Leading school change in China: A review of related literature and preliminary investigation
S Tang, J Lu, P Hallinger
International Journal of Educational Management 28 (6), 655-675, 2014
Preparing principals: what can we learn from MBA and MPA programmes?
P Hallinger, J Lu
Educational Management Administration & Leadership 41 (4), 435-452, 2013
Rationality of 17 cities’ public perception of SARS and predictive model of psychological behavior
K Shi, J Lu, H Fan, J Jia, Z Song, W Li, J Gao, X Chen, W Hu
Chinese Science Bulletin 48, 1297-1303, 2003
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20