Emma Armstrong-Carter
Emma Armstrong-Carter
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Interactions between polygenic scores and environments: Methodological and conceptual challenges
BW Domingue, S Trejo, E Armstrong-Carter, EM Tucker-Drob
Sociological Science 7, 465-486, 2020
Think, pair, freeze: The association between social anxiety and student discomfort in the active learning environment.
M Cohen, SG Buzinski, E Armstrong-Carter, J Clark, B Buck, L Reuman
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology 5 (4), 265, 2019
Advancing measurement and research on youths’ prosocial behavior in the digital age
E Armstrong‐Carter, EH Telzer
Child development perspectives 15 (1), 31-36, 2021
Estimating effects of parents’ cognitive and non-cognitive skills on offspring education using polygenic scores
PA Demange, JJ Hottenga, A Abdellaoui, EM Eilertsen, M Malanchini, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 4801, 2022
The earliest origins of genetic nurture: The prenatal environment mediates the association between maternal genetics and child development
E Armstrong-Carter, S Trejo, LJB Hill, KL Crossley, D Mason, ...
Psychological science 31 (7), 781-791, 2020
The affective harm account (AHA) of moral judgment: Reconciling cognition and affect, dyadic morality and disgust, harm and purity.
K Gray, JK MacCormack, T Henry, E Banks, C Schein, E Armstrong-Carter, ...
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 123 (6), 1199, 2022
Beta-adrenergic blockade blunts inflammatory and antiviral/antibody gene expression responses to acute psychosocial stress
JK MacCormack, MM Gaudier-Diaz, EL Armstrong-Carter, JMG Arevalo, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 46 (4), 756-762, 2021
The United States should recognize and support caregiving youth
E Armstrong‐Carter, C Johnson, J Belkowitz, C Siskowski, E Olson
Social Policy Report 34 (2), 1-24, 2021
Addressing educational inequalities and promoting learning through studies of stress physiology in elementary school students
J Obradović, E Armstrong-Carter
Development and Psychopathology 32 (5), 1899-1913, 2020
Daily links between helping behaviors and emotional well‐being during late adolescence
E Armstrong‐Carter, JF Guassi Moreira, SL Ivory, EH Telzer
Journal of Research on Adolescence 30 (4), 943-955, 2020
Role fulfillment mediates the association between daily family assistance and cortisol awakening response in adolescents
E Armstrong‐Carter, S Ivory, LC Lin, KA Muscatell, EH Telzer
Child Development 91 (3), 754-768, 2020
Young children’s prosocial behavior protects against academic risk in neighborhoods with low socioeconomic status
E Armstrong‐Carter, JG Miller, LJB Hill, BW Domingue
Child Development 92 (4), 1509-1522, 2021
β-Adrenergic contributions to emotion and physiology during an acute psychosocial stressor
JK MacCormack, EL Armstrong-Carter, MM Gaudier-Diaz, ...
Psychosomatic Medicine 83 (9), 959-968, 2021
Momentary links between adolescents’ social media use and social experiences and motivations: Individual differences by peer susceptibility.
E Armstrong-Carter, SL Garrett, EA Nick, MJ Prinstein, EH Telzer
Developmental psychology 59 (4), 707, 2023
Genetics and Child Development: Recent Advances and Their Implications for Developmental Research
E Armstrong‐Carter, J Wertz, BW Domingue
Child Development Perspectives 15 (1), 57-64, 2021
Taking a few deep breaths significantly reduces children's physiological arousal in everyday settings: Results of a preregistered video intervention
J Obradović, MJ Sulik, E Armstrong‐Carter
Developmental Psychobiology 63 (8), e22214, 2021
A meta‐analysis of mother–child synchrony in respiratory sinus arrhythmia and contextual risk
JG Miller, E Armstrong‐Carter, L Balter, J Lorah
Developmental Psychobiology 65 (1), e22355, 2023
Child and adolescent caregiving for family: Emotional, social, physical, and academic risk and individual differences.
E Armstrong-Carter, C Siskowski, J Belkowitz, C Johnson, E Olson
Journal of Family Psychology 36 (8), 1407, 2022
Biological sensitivity to context in Pakistani preschoolers: Hair cortisol and family wealth are interactively associated with girls’ cognitive skills
E Armstrong‐Carter, JE Finch, S Siyal, AK Yousafzai, J Obradović
Developmental psychobiology 62 (8), 1046-1061, 2020
A unifying approach for investigating and understanding youth’s help and care for the family
E Armstrong‐Carter, E Olson, E Telzer
Child Development Perspectives 13 (3), 186-192, 2019
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