Marcel Heerink
Marcel Heerink
Saxion, LaSalle
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Assessing acceptance of assistive social agent technology by older adults: the almere model
M Heerink, B Kröse, V Evers, B Wielinga
International journal of social robotics 2 (4), 361-375, 2010
Assistive social robots in elderly care: a review
J Broekens, M Heerink, H Rosendal
Gerontechnology 8 (2), 94-103, 2009
Measuring acceptance of an assistive social robot: a suggested toolkit
M Heerink, B Krose, V Evers, B Wielinga
RO-MAN 2009-The 18th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2009
The influence of social presence on acceptance of a companion robot by older people
M Heerink, B Kröse, V Evers, B Wielinga
Red de Agentes Físicos, 2008
Enjoyment intention to use and actual use of a conversational robot by elderly people
M Heerink, B Kröse, B Wielinga, V Evers
Proceedings of the 3rd ACM/IEEE international conference on Human robot …, 2008
Exploring the influence of age, gender, education and computer experience on robot acceptance by older adults
M Heerink
Proceedings of the 6th international conference on Human-robot interaction …, 2011
The influence of a robot's social abilities on acceptance by elderly users
M Heerink, B Krose, V Evers, B Wielinga
ROMAN 2006-The 15th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2006
Studying the acceptance of a robotic agent by elderly users
M Heerink, B Kröse, BJ Wielinga, V Evers
International Journal of Assistive Robotics and Mechatronics 7 (3), 33-43, 2006
Relating conversational expressiveness to social presence and acceptance of an assistive social robot
M Heerink, B Kröse, V Evers, B Wielinga
Virtual reality 14, 77-84, 2010
Social robots to support children’s well-being under medical treatment: A systematic state-of-the-art review
CJ Moerman, L Van Der HEIDE, M Heerink
Journal of Child Health Care 23 (4), 596-612, 2019
Influence of social presence on acceptance of an assistive social robot and screen agent by elderly users
M Heerink, B Kröse, V Evers, B Wielinga
Advanced Robotics 23 (14), 1909-1923, 2009
A pilot study of the KIBO robot in children with severe ASD
J Albo-Canals, AB Martelo, E Relkin, D Hannon, M Heerink, ...
International Journal of Social Robotics 10, 371-383, 2018
Measuring the influence of social abilities on acceptance of an interface robot and a screen agent by elderly users
M Heerink, B Kröse, B Wielinga, V Evers
People and Computers XXIII Celebrating People and Technology, 2009
Exploring requirements and alternative pet robots for robot assisted therapy with older adults with dementia
M Heerink, J Albo-Canals, M Valenti-Soler, P Martinez-Martin, J Zondag, ...
Social Robotics: 5th International Conference, ICSR 2013, Bristol, UK …, 2013
A field study with primary school children on perception of social presence and interactive behavior with a pet robot
M Heerink, M Díaz, J Albo-Canals, C Angulo, A Barco, J Casacuberta, ...
2012 IEEE RO-MAN: the 21st ieee international symposium on robot and human …, 2012
Assistive social robots in elderly care: A review. Gerontechnology, 8 (2), 94–103
J Broekens, M Heerink, H Rosendal
Zugriff am 11, 2012, 2009
The influence of social presence on enjoyment and intention to use of a robot and screen agent by elderly users
M Heerink, B Krose, V Evers, B Wielinga
RO-MAN 2008-The 17th IEEE International Symposium on Robot and Human …, 2008
New Friends: Social Robots in Therapy and Education
M Heerink, B Vanderborght, J Broekens, J Albó-Canals
International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-2, 2016
Observing conversational expressiveness of elderly users interacting with a robot and screen agent
M Heerink, B Krose, V Evers, B Wielinga
2007 IEEE 10th international conference on rehabilitation robotics, 751-756, 2007
Comparing two LEGO Robotics-based interventions for social skills training with children with ASD
J Albo-Canals, M Heerink, M Diaz, V Padillo, M Maristany, A Barco, ...
2013 IEEE RO-MAN, 638-643, 2013
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