Carel Dieperink
Carel Dieperink
Utrecht University Copernicus Institute Environmental Governance/Netherlands Insitute of Ecology
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Towards a conceptual framework for the study of shifts in modes of environmental governance–experiences from the Netherlands
PPJ Driessen, C Dieperink, F Van Laerhoven, HAC Runhaar, ...
Environmental policy and governance 22 (3), 143-160, 2012
Conceptualising joint knowledge production in regional climate change adaptation projects: success conditions and levers for action
D Hegger, M Lamers, A Van Zeijl-Rozema, C Dieperink
Environmental science & policy 18, 52-65, 2012
Local civil society based renewable energy organisations in the Netherlands: Exploring the factors that stimulate their emergence and development
FP Boon, C Dieperink
Energy Policy 69, 297-307, 2014
Assessing stability and dynamics in flood risk governance: an empirically illustrated research approach
DLT Hegger, PPJ Driessen, C Dieperink, M Wiering, GTT Raadgever, ...
Water Resources Management 28, 4127-4142, 2014
Ecotourism as a development strategy: experiences from Costa Rica
JF Koens, C Dieperink, M Miranda
Environment, Development and Sustainability 11, 1225-1237, 2009
Assessing the governance capacity of cities to address challenges of water, waste, and climate change
SHA Koop, L Koetsier, A Doornhof, O Reinstra, CJ Van Leeuwen, ...
Water resources management 31, 3427-3443, 2017
Diffusion of energy-saving innovations in industry and the built environment: Dutch studies as inputs for a more integrated analytical framework
C Dieperink, I Brand, W Vermeulen
Energy policy 32 (6), 773-784, 2004
The influence of information and communication technologies on public participation in urban water governance: A review of place-based research
F Mukhtarov, C Dieperink, P Driessen
Environmental Science & Policy 89, 430-438, 2018
Recurrent governance challenges in the implementation and alignment of flood risk management strategies: a review
C Dieperink, DLT Hegger, MHN Bakker, ZW Kundzewicz, C Green, ...
Water Resources Management 30, 4467-4481, 2016
Governance of the emerging bio-energy markets
M Verdonk, C Dieperink, APC Faaij
Energy Policy 35 (7), 3909-3924, 2007
Uncertainty management strategies: Lessons from the regional implementation of the Water Framework Directive in the Netherlands
GT Raadgever, C Dieperink, PPJ Driessen, AAH Smit, H Van Rijswick
Environmental Science & Policy 14 (1), 64-75, 2011
Policy analysis for sustainable development: The toolbox for the environmental social scientist
H Runhaar, C Dieperink, P Driessen
International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 7 (1), 34-56, 2006
Toward successful joint knowledge production for climate change adaptation: lessons from six regional projects in the Netherlands
D Hegger, C Dieperink
Ecology and Society 19 (2), 2014
Governance conditions for adaptive freshwater management in the Vietnamese Mekong Delta
TP Ha, C Dieperink, HS Otter, P Hoekstra
Journal of Hydrology 557, 116-127, 2018
The challenges of water governance in Ho Chi Minh City
CJ van Leeuwen, NP Dan, C Dieperink
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 12 (2), 345-352, 2015
Flood risk management in Europe: similarities and differences between the STAR-FLOOD consortium countries
DLT Hegger, C Green, PPJ Driessen, M Bakker, C Dieperink, A Crabbé, ...
STAR-FLOOD Consortium, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 2013
Blowin'in the wind? Drivers and barriers for the uptake of wind propulsion in international shipping
I Rojon, C Dieperink
Energy Policy 67, 394-402, 2014
Successful international cooperation in the Rhine catchment area
C Dieperink
Water International 25 (3), 347-355, 2000
Applicability of decision support systems for integrated coastal zone management
F Van Kouwen, C Dieperink, P Schot, M Wassen
Coastal Management 36 (1), 19-34, 2007
Toward design principles for joint knowledge production projects: lessons from the deepest polder of The Netherlands
D Hegger, A Van Zeijl-Rozema, C Dieperink
Regional Environmental Change 14, 1049-1062, 2014
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