Yunwen Liu
Yunwen Liu
Cryptographer at Cryptape
El. paštas nepatvirtintas
Optimized interpolation attacks on LowMC
I Dinur, Y Liu, W Meier, Q Wang
International Conference on the Theory and Application of Cryptology and …, 2015
Automatic Search of Linear Trails in ARX with Applications to SPECK and Chaskey
Y Liu, Q Wang, V Rijmen
Applied Cryptography and Network Security 9696 (Lecture Notes in Computer …, 2016
Rotational cryptanalysis in the presence of constants
T Ashur, Y Liu
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 57-70, 2016
Rotational Cryptanalysis from a Differential-Linear Perspective: Practical Distinguishers for Round-Reduced FRIET, Xoodoo, and Alzette
Y Liu, S Sun, C Li
Advances in Cryptology–EUROCRYPT 2021: 40th Annual International Conference …, 2021
Rotational-XOR cryptanalysis of reduced-round SPECK
Y Liu, G De Witte, A Ranea, T Ashur
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology 2017 (3), 24-36, 2017
Automated search oriented to key recovery on ciphers with linear key schedule: applications to boomerangs in SKINNY and ForkSkinny
L Qin, X Dong, X Wang, K Jia, Y Liu
IACR Transactions on Symmetric Cryptology, 249-291, 2021
Related-key boomerang attacks on GIFT with automated trail search including BCT effect
Y Liu, Y Sasaki
Information Security and Privacy: 24th Australasian Conference, ACISP 2019 …, 2019
Rotational differential-linear distinguishers of ARX ciphers with arbitrary output linear masks
Z Niu, S Sun, Y Liu, C Li
Annual International Cryptology Conference, 3-32, 2022
Rotational-XOR cryptanalysis of Simon-like block ciphers
J Lu, Y Liu, T Ashur, B Sun, C Li
Australasian Conference on Information Security and Privacy, 105-124, 2020
Quantum cryptanalysis on contracting Feistel structures and observation on related-key settings
C Cid, A Hosoyamada, Y Liu, SM Sim
Progress in Cryptology–INDOCRYPT 2020: 21st International Conference on …, 2020
Nonlinear diffusion layers
Y Liu, V Rijmen, G Leander
Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 1-16, 2018
Improved cryptanalysis on SipHash
W Xin, Y Liu, B Sun, C Li
International Conference on Cryptology and Network Security, 61-79, 2019
An Easy-To-Use Tool for Rotational-XOR Cryptanalysis of ARX Block Ciphers
A Ranea, Y Liu, T Ashur
Proceedings of the Romanian Academy, Series A 18 (3), 307-316, 2017
Improved rotational‐XOR cryptanalysis of Simon‐like block ciphers
J Lu, Y Liu, T Ashur, B Sun, C Li
IET Information Security 16 (4), 282-300, 2022
The phantom of differential characteristics
Y Liu, W Zhang, B Sun, V Rijmen, G Liu, C Li, S Fu, M Cao
Designs, Codes and Cryptography 88 (11), 2289-2311, 2020
Cryptanalysis of reduced sliscp permutation in sponge-hash and duplex-AE modes
Y Liu, Y Sasaki, L Song, G Wang
Selected Areas in Cryptography–SAC 2018: 25th International Conference …, 2019
Impossible meet-in-the-middle fault analysis on the LED lightweight cipher in VANETs
W Li, V Rijmen, Z Tao, Q Wang, H Chen, Y Liu, C Li, Y Liu
Science China Information Sciences 61, 1-13, 2018
Improved fault analysis on SIMON block cipher family
H Chen, J Feng, V Rijmen, Y Liu, L Fan, W Li
2016 Workshop on Fault Diagnosis and Tolerance in Cryptography (FDTC), 16-24, 2016
New observations on invariant subspace attack
Y Liu, V Rijmen
Information Processing Letters 138, 27-30, 2018
Techniques for Block Cipher Cryptanalysis
Y Liu
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