Myron F. Floyd
Myron F. Floyd
Dean, College of Natural Resources, NC State
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Role of built environments in physical activity, obesity, and cardiovascular disease
JF Sallis, MF Floyd, DA Rodríguez, BE Saelens
Circulation 125 (5), 729-737, 2012
The effect of risk perceptions on intentions to travel in the aftermath of September 11, 2001
MF Floyd, H Gibson, L Pennington-Gray, B Thapa
Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing 15 (2-3), 19-38, 2004
Nature is scary, disgusting, and uncomfortable
RD Bixler, MF Floyd
Environment and behavior 29 (4), 443-467, 1997
Environmental socialization: Quantitative tests of the childhood play hypothesis
RD Bixler, MF Floyd, WE Hammitt
Environment and behavior 34 (6), 795-818, 2002
Contributions of leisure studies and recreation and park management research to the active living agenda
GC Godbey, LL Caldwell, M Floyd, LL Payne
American journal of preventive medicine 28 (2), 150-158, 2005
Getting beyond marginality and ethnicity: The challenge for race and ethnic studies in leisure research
MF Floyd
Journal of leisure research 30 (1), 3-22, 1998
Disparities in physical activity and sedentary behaviors among US children and adolescents: prevalence, correlates, and intervention implications
MC Whitt-Glover, WC Taylor, MF Floyd, MM Yore, AK Yancey, ...
Journal of public health policy 30, S309-S334, 2009
Race, class, and leisure activity preferences: Marginality and ethnicity revisited
MF Floyd, KJ Shinew, FA McGuire, FP Noe
Journal of leisure research 26 (2), 158-173, 1994
Constraints to outdoor recreation: A multiple hierarchy stratification perspective
KA Shores, D Scott, MF Floyd
Leisure sciences 29 (3), 227-246, 2007
Observed fears and discomforts among urban students on field trips to wildland areas
RD Bixler, CL Carlisle, WE Hammltt, MF Floyd
The Journal of Environmental Education 26 (1), 24-33, 1994
Profiling risk perceptions of tourists
MF Floyd, L Pennington-Gray
Annals of Tourism Research 31 (4), 1051-1054, 2004
Park-based physical activity in diverse communities of two US cities: an observational study
MF Floyd, JO Spengler, JE Maddock, PH Gobster, LJ Suau
American journal of preventive medicine 34 (4), 299-305, 2008
Outdoor time, screen time, and connection to nature: Troubling trends among rural youth?
LR Larson, R Szczytko, EP Bowers, LE Stephens, KT Stevenson, ...
Environment and Behavior 51 (8), 966-991, 2019
Understanding the relationship between race and leisure activities and constraints: Exploring an alternative framework
KJ Shinew, MF Floyd, D Parry
Leisure sciences 26 (2), 181-199, 2004
Park-based physical activity among children and adolescents
MF Floyd, JN Bocarro, WR Smith, PK Baran, RC Moore, NG Cosco, ...
American journal of preventive medicine 41 (3), 258-265, 2011
Structural inequalities in outdoor recreation participation: A multiple hierarchy stratification perspective
JH Lee, D Scott, MF Floyd
Journal of leisure research 33 (4), 427-449, 2001
Coming to terms with environmental justice in outdoor recreation: A conceptual discussion with research implications
MF Floyd, CY Johnson
Leisure sciences 24 (1), 59-77, 2002
Park use among youth and adults: examination of individual, social, and urban form factors
PK Baran, WR Smith, RC Moore, MF Floyd, JN Bocarro, NG Cosco, ...
Environment and Behavior 46 (6), 768-800, 2014
Effects of acculturation and structural assimilation in resource-based recreation: The case of Mexican Americans
MF Floyd, JH Gramann
Journal of Leisure Research 25 (1), 6-21, 1993
Environmental justice: a framework for collaboration between the public health and parks and recreation fields to study disparities in physical activity
WC Taylor, MF Floyd, MC Whitt-Glover, J Brooks
Journal of Physical Activity and Health 4 (s1), S50-S63, 2007
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