Associate Professor Dr Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal, C.Eng., MIET, MIEEE, MISTE
Associate Professor Dr Sathish Kumar Selvaperumal, C.Eng., MIET, MIEEE, MISTE
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Automated smart hydroponics system using internet of things
R Lakshmanan, M Djama, SK Selvaperumal, R Abdulla
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (IJECE) 10 (6 …, 2020
IoT based on secure personal healthcare using RFID technology and steganography
HA Khan, R Abdulla, SK Selvaperumal, A Bathich
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 11 (4), 3300, 2021
Accelerometer-based elderly fall detection system using edge artificial intelligence architecture
OZ Salah, SK Selvaperumal, R Abdulla
Int. J. Electr. Comput. Eng 12 (4), 4430-4438, 2022
Speech to Text Synthesis from Video automated subtitling using Levinson Durbin method of Linear Predictive coding
SK Selvaperumal, C Nataraj, V Thiruchelvam, WTC Hung
International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 11 (4), 2388-2395, 2016
Integrated approach of brain segmentation using neuro fuzzy k-means
SKS Jawwad Sami Ur Rahman
Indonesian Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 29 (1 …, 2023
Multiband high gain microstrip patch antenna at ka band (26 ghz)
S Subramanian, SK Selvaperumal, V Jayapal, RMT Abdulla
Journal of Advanced Research in Dynamical and Control Systems 11, 667-673, 2019
Literature review on biomedical imaging technique for detection of brain tumour
JSU Rahman, SK Selvaperumal, R Logeswaran
J. Adv. Res. Dynam. Control Syst. 12 (03-Special Issue), 2020
High gain 2x2 slotted array Antenna for 5G mobile applications
SR Haneef, SK Selvaperumal, V Jayapal
International Journal of Electronics and Telecommunications, 557-563-557-563, 2019
An improved method of segmentation using fuzzy-neuro logic
SS Kumar, M Moorthi, M Madhu, R Amutha
2010 Second International Conference on Computer Research and Development …, 2010
Design challenges for 3 dimensional network-on-chip (NoC)
N AshokKumar, P Nagarajan, SK Selvaperumal, P Venkatramana
Sustainable Communication Networks and Application: ICSCN 2019, 773-782, 2020
Modified triple band microstrip patch antenna for higher 5G bands
S Subramanian, SK Selvaperumal, V Thangasamy, C Nataraj
2018 Fourth International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics …, 2018
Interactive on smart classroom system using beacon technology.
HJ Dong, R Abdulla, SK Selvaperumal, S Duraikannan, R Lakshmanan, ...
International Journal of Electrical & Computer Engineering (2088-8708) 9 (5), 2019
A review of energy detection and cyclostationary sensing techniques of cognitive radio spectrum
S Helif, R Abdulla, S Kumar
2015 IEEE Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 177-181, 2015
Carbon monoxide detection using IoT
H Singh, R Abdulla, SK Selvaperumal
Journal of Applied Technology and Innovation 5 (3), 7-12, 2021
Edge detection of angiogram images using the classical image processing techniques
SS Kumar, R Amutha
IEEE-International Conference On Advances In Engineering, Science And …, 2012
IOT based Pet Feeder
R Abdulla, AA Eldebani, SK Selvaperumal, MK Abbas
Test Engineering Management 83, 269-279, 2020
Wheelchair-person fall detection with internet of things
FS Hon, R Abdulla, SK Selvaperumal, C Nataraj, D Ratnadurai
Solid State Technology 63 (1s), 911-922, 2020
Design of simple DC-to-DC Wireless Power Transfer via inductive coupling
C Nataraj, S Khan, FF Eniola, SK Selvaperumal
2017 Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical, Electronics …, 2017
Ann-Based Maximum Power Point Tracking of a Variable-Speed Wind Energy Conversion System using Sepic Converter
A Mustapha, SKSH Mohd, R Lakshmanan
International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 29, 189-205, 2020
Compact multiband microstrip patch antenna with slot-rings for wireless applications
C Nataraj, AA Ismael, S Selvaperumal, S Khan
2017 IEEE 15th Student Conference on Research and Development (SCOReD), 428-433, 2017
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