Behrouz Tork Ladani
Behrouz Tork Ladani
Professor of software engineering at Faculty of Computer Engineering, University of Isfahan
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
An auction method for resource allocation in computational grids
H Izakian, A Abraham, BT Ladani
Future generation computer systems 26 (2), 228-235, 2010
A discrete particle swarm optimization approach for grid job scheduling
H Izakian, BT Ladani, A Abraham, V Snasel
International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control 6 (9 …, 2010
A novel particle swarm optimization approach for grid job scheduling
H Izakian, B Tork Ladani, K Zamanifar, A Abraham
International conference on information systems, technology and management …, 2009
An evolutionary game model for analysis of rumor propagation and control in social networks
M Askarizadeh, BT Ladani, MH Manshaei
Physica A: statistical mechanics and its applications 523, 21-39, 2019
The impact of group propagation on rumor spreading in mobile social networks
E Sahafizadeh, BT Ladani
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 506, 412-423, 2018
Benchmarking reputation systems: A quantitative verification approach
AJ Bidgoly, BT Ladani
Computers in Human Behavior 57, 274-291, 2016
Multi-font Farsi/Arabic isolated character recognition using chain codes
H Izakian, SA Monadjemi, BT Ladani, K Zamanifar
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology 43 (7), 67-70, 2008
Alerts correlation and causal analysis for APT based cyber attack detection
M Khosravi, BT Ladani
IEEE Access 8, 162642-162656, 2020
Information sharing vs. privacy: A game theoretic analysis
M Ezhei, BT Ladani
Expert Systems with Applications 88, 327-337, 2017
MEGDroid: A model-driven event generation framework for dynamic android malware analysis
H Hasan, BT Ladani, B Zamani
Information and Software Technology 135, 106569, 2021
Trust modeling and verification using colored petri nets
AJ Bidgoly, BT Ladani
2011 8th International ISC Conference on Information Security and Cryptology …, 2011
Interdependency analysis in security investment against strategic attacks
M Ezhei, B Tork Ladani
Information Systems Frontiers 22, 187-201, 2020
Modelling and quantitative verification of reputation systems against malicious attackers
AJ Bidgoly, BT Ladani
The Computer Journal 58 (10), 2567-2582, 2015
Modeling and quantitative verification of trust systems against malicious attackers
AJ Bidgoly, BT Ladani
The Computer Journal 59 (7), 1005-1027, 2016
Soft rumor control in social networks: Modeling and analysis
M Askarizadeh, BT Ladani
Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 100, 104198, 2021
VAnDroid: a framework for vulnerability analysis of Android applications using a model‐driven reverse engineering technique
A Nirumand, B Zamani, B Tork Ladani
Software: Practice and Experience 49 (1), 70-99, 2019
Passive testing–a constrained invariant checking approach
BT Ladani, B Alcalde, A Cavalli
Testing of Communicating Systems: 17th IFIP TC6/WG 6.1 International …, 2005
A continuous double auction method for resource allocation in computational grids
H Izakian, BT Ladani, K Zamanifar, A Abraham, V Snasel
2009 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling, 29-35, 2009
Modeling trust and reputation systems in hostile environments
SA Ghasempouri, BT Ladani
Future Generation Computer Systems 99, 571-592, 2019
Anonymity and security for autonomous mobile agents
F Raji, B Tork Ladani
IET information security 4 (4), 397-410, 2010
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