Phillip J Newton
Phillip J Newton
Patvirtintas el. paštas
National Heart Foundation of Australia and Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand: guidelines for the prevention, detection, and management of heart failure in Australia 2018
JJ Atherton, A Sindone, CG De Pasquale, A Driscoll, PS MacDonald, ...
Heart, Lung and Circulation 27 (10), 1123-1208, 2018
Do the trajectories of dyspnea differ in prevalence and intensity by diagnosis at the end of life? A consecutive cohort study
DC Currow, J Smith, PM Davidson, PJ Newton, MR Agar, AP Abernethy
Journal of pain and symptom management 39 (4), 680-690, 2010
A review of the six-minute walk test: its implication as a self-administered assessment tool
HY Du, PJ Newton, Y Salamonson, VL Carrieri-Kohlman, PM Davidson
European journal of cardiovascular nursing 8 (1), 2-8, 2009
Impact of frailty on mortality and hospitalization in chronic heart failure: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
X Yang, J Lupón, MT Vidán, C Ferguson, P Gastelurrutia, PJ Newton, ...
Journal of the American Heart Association 7 (23), e008251, 2018
Experience of advanced chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: metasynthesis of qualitative research
RT Disler, A Green, T Luckett, PJ Newton, S Inglis, DC Currow, ...
Journal of pain and symptom management 48 (6), 1182-1199, 2014
Smart devices and wearable technologies to detect and monitor mental health conditions and stress: A systematic review
BA Hickey, T Chalmers, P Newton, CT Lin, D Sibbritt, CS McLachlan, ...
Sensors 21 (10), 3461, 2021
The prevalence and prognostic significance of frailty in patients with advanced heart failure referred for heart transplantation
SR Jha, MK Hannu, S Chang, E Montgomery, M Harkess, K Wilhelm, ...
Transplantation 100 (2), 429-436, 2016
Impact of home versus clinic-based management of chronic heart failure: the WHICH?(Which Heart Failure Intervention Is Most Cost-Effective & Consumer Friendly in Reducing …
S Stewart, MJ Carrington, TH Marwick, PM Davidson, P Macdonald, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 60 (14), 1239-1248, 2012
Can a heart failure-specific cardiac rehabilitation program decrease hospitalizations and improve outcomes in high-risk patients?
PM Davidson, J Cockburn, PJ Newton, JK Webster, V Betihavas, L Howes, ...
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 17 (4), 393-402, 2010
Best practice interventions to improve the management of older people in acute care settings: a literature review
L Hickman, P Newton, EJ Halcomb, E Chang, P Davidson
Journal of advanced nursing 60 (2), 113-126, 2007
Family‐centred approaches to healthcare interventions in chronic diseases in adults: a quantitative systematic review
H Deek, S Hamilton, N Brown, SC Inglis, M Digiacomo, PJ Newton, ...
Journal of advanced nursing 72 (5), 968-979, 2016
Frailty in advanced heart failure: a systematic review
SR Jha, HSK Ha, LD Hickman, M Hannu, PM Davidson, PS Macdonald, ...
Heart failure reviews 20, 553-560, 2015
The prevalence and impact of depression and anxiety in cardiac rehabilitation: A longitudinal cohort study
A Rao, R Zecchin, PJ Newton, JL Phillips, M DiGiacomo, AR Denniss, ...
European Journal of Preventive Cardiology 27 (5), 478-489, 2020
Cognitive impairment improves the predictive validity of physical frailty for mortality in patients with advanced heart failure referred for heart transplantation
SR Jha, MK Hannu, K Gore, S Chang, P Newton, K Wilhelm, CS Hayward, ...
The Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation 35 (9), 1092-1100, 2016
Frailty assessment instruments in heart failure: a systematic review
J McDonagh, L Martin, C Ferguson, SR Jha, PS Macdonald, PM Davidson, ...
European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing 17 (1), 23-35, 2018
Multidisciplinary team interventions to optimise health outcomes for older people in acute care settings: a systematic review
LD Hickman, JL Phillips, PJ Newton, EJ Halcomb, N Al Abed, ...
Archives of gerontology and geriatrics 61 (3), 322-329, 2015
Social media: a tool to spread information: a case study analysis of twitter conversation at the Cardiac Society of Australia & New Zealand 61st annual scientific meeting 2013
C Ferguson, SC Inglis, PJ Newton, PJS Cripps, PS Macdonald, ...
Collegian 21 (2), 89-93, 2014
Reversibility of frailty after bridge-to-transplant ventricular assist device implantation or heart transplantation
SR Jha, MK Hannu, PJ Newton, K Wilhelm, CS Hayward, A Jabbour, ...
Transplantation direct 3 (7), e167, 2017
Management of intra-abdominal hypertension and abdominal compartment syndrome: a review
L Hunt, SA Frost, K Hillman, PJ Newton, PM Davidson
Journal of trauma management & outcomes 8, 1-8, 2014
An evaluation of involving family caregivers in the self-care of heart failure patients on hospital readmission: Randomised controlled trial (the FAMILY study)
H Deek, S Chang, PJ Newton, S Noureddine, SC Inglis, G Al Arab, ...
International journal of nursing studies 75, 101-111, 2017
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