Naijun Sha
Gene selection: a Bayesian variable selection approach
KE Lee, N Sha, ER Dougherty, M Vannucci, BK Mallick
Bioinformatics 19 (1), 90-97, 2003
Bayesian variable selection in clustering high-dimensional data
MG Tadesse, N Sha, M Vannucci
Journal of the American Statistical Association 100 (470), 602-617, 2005
Bayesian variable selection in multinomial probit models to identify molecular signatures of disease stage
N Sha, M Vannucci, MG Tadesse, PJ Brown, I Dragoni, N Davies, ...
Biometrics 60 (3), 812-819, 2004
Variable selection for nonparametric Gaussian process priors: Models and computational strategies
T Savitsky, M Vannucci, N Sha
Statistical science: a review journal of the Institute of Mathematical …, 2011
Bayesian variable selection for the analysis of microarray data with censored outcomes
N Sha, MG Tadesse, M Vannucci
Bioinformatics 22 (18), 2262-2268, 2006
NIR and mass spectra classification: Bayesian methods for wavelet-based feature selection
M Vannucci, N Sha, PJ Brown
Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 77 (1-2), 139-148, 2005
Bayesian analysis for step-stress accelerated life testing using Weibull proportional hazard model
N Sha, R Pan
Statistical Papers 55, 715-726, 2014
Gene selection in arthritis classification with large‐scale microarray expression profiles
N Sha, M Vannucci, PJ Brown, MK Trower, G Amphlett, F Falciani
Comparative and functional genomics 4 (2), 171-181, 2003
Modeling antitumor activity by using a non-linear mixed-effects model
H Liang, N Sha
Mathematical Biosciences 189 (1), 61-73, 2004
Parameter inference in a hybrid system with masked data
R Wang, N Sha, B Gu, X Xu
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 64 (2), 636-644, 2015
Identifying biomarkers from mass spectrometry data with ordinal outcome
D Kwon, MG Tadesse, N Sha, RM Pfeiffer, M Vannucci
Cancer informatics 3, 117693510700300024, 2007
Discussion on the meeting on ‘Statistical Modelling and analysis of genetic data’.
DJ Balding, AD Carothers, JL Marchini, LR Cardon, B Griffiths, BS Weir, ...
Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology …, 2002
Statistical analysis of a Weibull extension with bathtub‐shaped failure rate function
R Wang, N Sha, B Gu, X Xu
Advances in Statistics 2014 (1), 304724, 2014
Reliability estimation for accelerated life tests based on a Cox proportional hazard model with error effect
MI Rodríguez‐Borbón, MA Rodríguez‐Medina, LA Rodríguez‐Picón, ...
Quality and Reliability Engineering International 33 (7), 1407-1416, 2017
Comparison analysis of efficiency for step-down and step-up stress accelerated life testing
R Wang, N Sha, B Gu, X Xu
IEEE Transactions on Reliability 61 (2), 590-603, 2012
A Bayes inference for ordinal response with latent variable approach
N Sha, BO Dechi
Stats 2 (2), 321-331, 2019
Statistical inference for progressive stress accelerated life testing with Birnbaum-Saunders distribution
N Sha
Stats 1 (1), 189-203, 2018
Statistical inference in dependent component hybrid systems with masked data
N Sha, R Wang, P Hu, X Xu
Advances in Statistics 2015 (1), 525136, 2015
A copula approach of reliability analysis for hybrid systems
N Sha
Reliability: Theory & Applications 16 (1 (61)), 231-242, 2021
On parameter inference for step-stress accelerated life test with geometric distribution
R Wang, X Xu, R Pan, N Sha
Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 41 (10), 1796-1812, 2012
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