Antje Schmitt
The affective shift model of work engagement.
R Bledow, A Schmitt, M Frese, J Kühnel
Journal of applied psychology 96 (6), 1246, 2011
Transformational leadership and proactive work behaviour: A moderated mediation model including work engagement and job strain
A Schmitt, DN Den Hartog, FD Belschak
Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 89 (3), 588-610, 2016
I put in effort, therefore I am passionate: Investigating the path from effort to passion in entrepreneurship
MM Gielnik, M Spitzmuller, A Schmitt, DK Klemann, M Frese
Academy of Management Journal 58 (4), 1012-1031, 2015
Happy and proactive? The role of hedonic and eudaimonic well–being in business owners’ personal initiative
VC Hahn, M Frese, C Binnewies, A Schmitt
Entrepreneurship theory and practice 36 (1), 97-114, 2012
What makes us enthusiastic, angry, feeling at rest or worried? Development and validation of an affective work events taxonomy using concept mapping methodology
S Ohly, A Schmitt
Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 15-35, 2015
A dynamic model of entrepreneurial uncertainty and business opportunity identification: Exploration as a mediator and entrepreneurial self-efficacy as a moderator
A Schmitt, K Rosing, SX Zhang, M Leatherbee
Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (6), 835-859, 2018
The buffering effect of selection, optimization, and compensation strategy use on the relationship between problem solving demands and occupational well-being: a daily diary study.
A Schmitt, H Zacher, M Frese
Journal of occupational health psychology 17 (2), 139, 2012
Time pressure promotes work engagement
A Schmitt, S Ohly, N Kleespies
Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2015
Work characteristics and occupational well-being: The role of age
H Zacher, A Schmitt
Frontiers in psychology 7, 1411, 2016
Identifying ICT-related affective events across life domains and examining their unique relationships with employee recovery
J Braukmann, A Schmitt, L Ďuranová, S Ohly
Journal of Business and Psychology 33, 529-544, 2018
Dynamic effects of personal initiative on engagement and exhaustion: The role of mood, autonomy, and support
H Zacher, A Schmitt, NL Jimmieson, CW Rudolph
Journal of Organizational Behavior 40 (1), 38-58, 2019
How small business managers’ age and focus on opportunities affect business growth: A mediated moderation growth model
MM Gielnik, H Zacher, A Schmitt
Journal of Small Business Management 55 (3), 460-483, 2017
Feeling Vital After a Good Night’s Sleep: The Interplay of Energetic Resources and Self-Efficacy for Daily Proactivity.
A Schmitt, FD Belschak, DN Den Hartog
Journal of Occupational Health 22, 443-454, 2017
Students' career exploration: A meta-analysis
AK Kleine, A Schmitt, B Wisse
Journal of Vocational Behavior 131, 103645, 2021
Finding peace of mind when there still is so much left undone—A diary study on how job stress, competence need satisfaction, and proactive work behavior contribute to work …
O Weigelt, CJ Syrek, A Schmitt, T Urbach
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 24 (3), 373, 2019
Stepping into my shoes: generativity as a mediator of the relationship between business owners' age and family succession
H Zacher, A Schmitt, MM Gielnik
Ageing & Society 32 (4), 673-696, 2012
Focus on opportunities as a boundary condition of the relationship between job control and work engagement: A multi-sample, multi-method study
A Schmitt, H Zacher, AH de Lange
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 22 (5), 505-519, 2013
Is outcome responsibility at work emotionally exhausting? Investigating employee proactivity as a moderator.
A Schmitt, DN Den Hartog, FD Belschak
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 20 (4), 491, 2015
The motivational benefits of specific versus general optimism
A Schmitt, MM Gielnik, H Zacher, DK Klemann
The Journal of Positive Psychology 8 (5), 425-434, 2013
When and how does anger during goal pursuit relate to goal achievement? The roles of persistence and action planning
A Schmitt, MM Gielnik, S Seibel
Motivation and Emotion 43, 205-217, 2019
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