The affective shift model of work engagement. R Bledow, A Schmitt, M Frese, J Kühnel Journal of applied psychology 96 (6), 1246, 2011 | 611 | 2011 |
Transformational leadership and proactive work behaviour: A moderated mediation model including work engagement and job strain A Schmitt, DN Den Hartog, FD Belschak Journal of occupational and organizational psychology 89 (3), 588-610, 2016 | 445 | 2016 |
I put in effort, therefore I am passionate: Investigating the path from effort to passion in entrepreneurship MM Gielnik, M Spitzmuller, A Schmitt, DK Klemann, M Frese Academy of Management Journal 58 (4), 1012-1031, 2015 | 405 | 2015 |
Happy and proactive? The role of hedonic and eudaimonic well–being in business owners’ personal initiative VC Hahn, M Frese, C Binnewies, A Schmitt Entrepreneurship theory and practice 36 (1), 97-114, 2012 | 266 | 2012 |
What makes us enthusiastic, angry, feeling at rest or worried? Development and validation of an affective work events taxonomy using concept mapping methodology S Ohly, A Schmitt Journal of Business and Psychology 30, 15-35, 2015 | 228 | 2015 |
A dynamic model of entrepreneurial uncertainty and business opportunity identification: Exploration as a mediator and entrepreneurial self-efficacy as a moderator A Schmitt, K Rosing, SX Zhang, M Leatherbee Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice 42 (6), 835-859, 2018 | 218 | 2018 |
The buffering effect of selection, optimization, and compensation strategy use on the relationship between problem solving demands and occupational well-being: a daily diary study. A Schmitt, H Zacher, M Frese Journal of occupational health psychology 17 (2), 139, 2012 | 188 | 2012 |
Time pressure promotes work engagement A Schmitt, S Ohly, N Kleespies Journal of Personnel Psychology, 2015 | 178 | 2015 |
Work characteristics and occupational well-being: The role of age H Zacher, A Schmitt Frontiers in psychology 7, 1411, 2016 | 146 | 2016 |
Identifying ICT-related affective events across life domains and examining their unique relationships with employee recovery J Braukmann, A Schmitt, L Ďuranová, S Ohly Journal of Business and Psychology 33, 529-544, 2018 | 135 | 2018 |
Dynamic effects of personal initiative on engagement and exhaustion: The role of mood, autonomy, and support H Zacher, A Schmitt, NL Jimmieson, CW Rudolph Journal of Organizational Behavior 40 (1), 38-58, 2019 | 127 | 2019 |
How small business managers’ age and focus on opportunities affect business growth: A mediated moderation growth model MM Gielnik, H Zacher, A Schmitt Journal of Small Business Management 55 (3), 460-483, 2017 | 110 | 2017 |
Feeling Vital After a Good Night’s Sleep: The Interplay of Energetic Resources and Self-Efficacy for Daily Proactivity. A Schmitt, FD Belschak, DN Den Hartog Journal of Occupational Health 22, 443-454, 2017 | 104 | 2017 |
Students' career exploration: A meta-analysis AK Kleine, A Schmitt, B Wisse Journal of Vocational Behavior 131, 103645, 2021 | 101 | 2021 |
Finding peace of mind when there still is so much left undone—A diary study on how job stress, competence need satisfaction, and proactive work behavior contribute to work … O Weigelt, CJ Syrek, A Schmitt, T Urbach Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 24 (3), 373, 2019 | 82 | 2019 |
Stepping into my shoes: generativity as a mediator of the relationship between business owners' age and family succession H Zacher, A Schmitt, MM Gielnik Ageing & Society 32 (4), 673-696, 2012 | 69 | 2012 |
Focus on opportunities as a boundary condition of the relationship between job control and work engagement: A multi-sample, multi-method study A Schmitt, H Zacher, AH de Lange European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 22 (5), 505-519, 2013 | 62 | 2013 |
Is outcome responsibility at work emotionally exhausting? Investigating employee proactivity as a moderator. A Schmitt, DN Den Hartog, FD Belschak Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 20 (4), 491, 2015 | 42 | 2015 |
The motivational benefits of specific versus general optimism A Schmitt, MM Gielnik, H Zacher, DK Klemann The Journal of Positive Psychology 8 (5), 425-434, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
When and how does anger during goal pursuit relate to goal achievement? The roles of persistence and action planning A Schmitt, MM Gielnik, S Seibel Motivation and Emotion 43, 205-217, 2019 | 36 | 2019 |