Hend A Alwathnani
Hend A Alwathnani
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Distribution of arsenic resistance genes in prokaryotes
I Ben Fekih, C Zhang, YP Li, Y Zhao, HA Alwathnani, Q Saquib, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 9, 2473, 2018
Phytoremediation of heavy and transition metals aided by legume-rhizobia symbiosis
X Hao, S Taghavi, P Xie, MJ Orbach, HA Alwathnani, C Rensing, G Wei
International Journal of Phytoremediation 16 (2), 179-202, 2014
Alleviation of adverse impact of cadmium stress in sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi’
AA Ef, H Abeer, AA Alqarawi, AA Hend
Pak. J. Bot 47 (2), 785-795, 2015
Biological control of fusarium wilt of tomato by antagonist fungi and cyanobacteria
HA Alwathnani, K Perveen
African Journal of Biotechnology 11 (5), 1100-1105, 2012
Cobalt oxide nanoparticles aggravate DNA damage and cell death in eggplant via mitochondrial swelling and NO signaling pathway
M Faisal, Q Saquib, AA Alatar, AA Al-Khedhairy, M Ahmed, SM Ansari, ...
Biological Research 49, 1-13, 2016
A role for copper in protozoan grazing–two billion years selecting for bacterial copper resistance
X Hao, F Lüthje, R Rønn, NA German, X Li, F Huang, J Kisaka, D Huffman, ...
Molecular microbiology 102 (4), 628-641, 2016
Evaluation of biological control potential of locally isolated antagonist fungi against Fusarium oxysporum under in vitro and pot conditions
HA Alwathnani, K Perveen, R Tahmaz, S Alhaqbani
African Journal of Microbiology Research 6 (2), 312-319, 2012
Advantages and challenges of increased antimicrobial copper use and copper mining
J Elguindi, X Hao, Y Lin, HA Alwathnani, G Wei, C Rensing
Applied microbiology and biotechnology 91, 237-249, 2011
Draft genome sequence of Halomonas sp. strain HAL1, a moderately halophilic arsenite-oxidizing bacterium isolated from gold-mine soil
Y Lin, H Fan, X Hao, L Johnstone, Y Hu, G Wei, HA Alwathnani, G Wang, ...
Journal of bacteriology 194 (1), 199-200, 2012
Cyanobacteria in soils from a Mojave Desert ecosystem
H Alwathnani, JR Johansen
Monographs of the Western North American Naturalist 5 (1), 71-89, 2011
Myristica fragrans bio-active ester functionalized ZnO nanoparticles exhibit antibacterial and antibiofilm activities in clinical isolates
T Cherian, K Ali, S Fatima, Q Saquib, SM Ansari, HA Alwathnani, ...
Journal of microbiological methods 166, 105716, 2019
Pendimethalin induces oxidative stress, DNA damage, and mitochondrial dysfunction to trigger apoptosis in human lymphocytes and rat bone-marrow cells
SM Ansari, Q Saquib, SM Attia, EM Abdel-Salam, HA Alwathnani, ...
Histochemistry and Cell Biology 149, 127-141, 2018
Soil characteristics influence the radionuclide uptake of different plant species
AK Hegazy, SY Afifi, AA Alatar, HA Alwathnani, MH Emam
Chemistry and Ecology 29 (3), 255-269, 2013
Genotoxicity of ferric oxide nanoparticles in Raphanus sativus: Deciphering the role of signaling factors, oxidative stress and cell death
Q Saquib, M Faisal, AA Alatar, AA Al-Khedhairy, M Ahmed, SM Ansari, ...
Journal of Environmental Sciences 47, 49-62, 2016
Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of methomyl, carbaryl, metalaxyl, and pendimethalin in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Q Saquib, MA Siddiqui, SM Ansari, HA Alwathnani, J Musarrat, ...
Journal of Applied Toxicology 41 (5), 832-846, 2021
Hazards of low dose flame-retardants (BDE-47 and BDE-32): Influence on transcriptome regulation and cell death in human liver cells
Q Saquib, MA Siddiqui, J Ahmed, A Al-Salim, SM Ansari, M Faisal, ...
Journal of Hazardous Materials 308, 37-49, 2016
Marine macroalgae display bioreductant efficacy for fabricating metallic nanoparticles: intra/extracellular mechanism and potential biomedical applications
S Mahmood Ansari, Q Saquib, V De Matteis, H Awad Alwathnani, ...
Bioinorganic Chemistry and Applications 2021 (1), 5985377, 2021
Genome sequences of copper resistant and sensitive Enterococcus faecalis strains isolated from copper-fed pigs in Denmark
S Zhang, D Wang, Y Wang, H Hasman, FM Aarestrup, HA Alwathnani, ...
Standards in genomic sciences 10, 1-10, 2015
Antibacterial activity and morphological changes in human pathogenic bacteria caused by Chlorella vulgaris extracts
H Alwathnani, K Perveen
Biomed. Res 28, 1610-1614, 2017
High-throughput transcriptomics: An insight on the pathways affected in HepG2 cells exposed to nickel oxide nanoparticles
Q Saquib, P Xia, MA Siddiqui, J Zhang, Y Xie, M Faisal, SM Ansari, ...
Chemosphere 244, 125488, 2020
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