Eric Grommon
Eric Grommon
Paul H. O’Neill Professor, O'Neill School of Public and Environmental Affairs at IUI
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The effect and implications of sex offender residence restrictions: Evidence from a two‐state evaluation
BM Huebner, KR Kras, J Rydberg, TS Bynum, E Grommon, ...
Criminology & Public Policy 13 (1), 139-168, 2014
Barriers and facilitators to implementing an urban co-responding police-mental health team
K Bailey, SR Paquet, BR Ray, E Grommon, EM Lowder, E Sightes
Health & Justice 6, 1-12, 2018
A randomized trial of a multimodal community-based prisoner reentry program emphasizing substance abuse treatment
E Grommon, WS Davidson II, TS Bynum
Journal of Offender Rehabilitation 52 (4), 287-309, 2013
Anticipated stigma and defensive individualism during postincarceration job searching
B Ray, E Grommon, J Rydberg
Sociological Inquiry 86 (3), 348-371, 2016
The effect of statewide residency restrictions on sex offender post-release housing mobility
J Rydberg, E Grommon, BM Huebner, T Bynum
Justice Quarterly 31 (2), 421-444, 2014
Alternative Models of Instant Drug Testing: Evidence from an Experimental Trial
E Grommon, SM Cox, WS Davidson II, TS Bynum
Journal of Experimental Criminology 9 (2), 145-168, 2013
Access to recovery and recidivism among former prison inmates
B Ray, E Grommon, V Buchanan, B Brown, DP Watson
International journal of offender therapy and comparative criminology 61 (8 …, 2017
Evaluation of a police–mental health co-response team relative to traditional police response in Indianapolis
K Bailey, EM Lowder, E Grommon, S Rising, BR Ray
Psychiatric services 73 (4), 366-373, 2022
Prisoner Reentry Programs: Penetrating the Black Box for Better Theory and Practice
EL Grommon
LFB Scholarly Publishing, 2013
Effects of pretrial risk assessments on release decisions and misconduct outcomes relative to practice as usual
EM Lowder, CL Diaz, E Grommon, BR Ray
Journal of Criminal Justice 73, 101754, 2021
Officer perceptions of the impact of mobile broadband technology on police operations
JG Carter, E Grommon
Policing and society 27 (8), 847-864, 2017
An experimental trial of a dog-training program in a juvenile detention center
E Grommon, DC Carson, L Kenney
Journal of Experimental Criminology 16, 299-309, 2020
Five-county validation of the Indiana Risk Assessment System–Pretrial Assessment Tool (IRAS-PAT) using a local validation approach
EM Lowder, SG Lawson, E Grommon, BR Ray
Justice Quarterly 37 (7), 1241-1260, 2020
Does GPS supervision of intimate partner violence defendants reduce pretrial misconduct? Evidence from a quasi-experimental study
E Grommon, J Rydberg, JG Carter
Journal of experimental criminology 13, 483-504, 2017
An Evaluation of Sex Offender Residency Restrictions in Michigan and Missouri
BM Huebner, TS Bynum, J Rydberg, K Kras, E Grommon, B Pleggenkuhle
A multimethod examination of the dynamics of recidivism during reentry
J Rydberg, E Grommon
Corrections 1 (1), 40-60, 2016
Elaborating the correlates of firearm injury severity: Combining criminological and public health concerns
E Grommon, J Rydberg
Victims & Offenders 10 (3), 318-340, 2015
Police as alert responders? Lessons learned about perceived roles and responses from pretrial GPS supervision of domestic violence defendants
JG Carter, E Grommon
Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice 10 (4), 361-377, 2016
Integrating human factors engineering and information processing approaches to facilitate evaluations in criminal justice technology research
AV Salvemini, EL Piza, JG Carter, EL Grommon, N Merritt
Evaluation Review 39 (3), 308-338, 2015
Understanding the challenges facing offenders upon their return to the community: Final report
E Grommon, J Rydberg, T Bynum, MJS Center
Michigan Justice Statistics Center, Michigan, 2012
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