Mahmoud Shakouri
Mahmoud Shakouri
Assistant Professor at Colorado State University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Analysis of the sensitivity of heart rate variability and subjective workload measures in a driving simulator: The case of highway work zones
M Shakouri, LH Ikuma, F Aghazadeh, I Nahmens
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 66, 136-145, 2018
Analysis of the sensitivity of heart rate variability and subjective workload measures in a driving simulator: The case of highway work zones
M Shakouri, LH Ikuma, F Aghazadeh, I Nahmens
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 66, 136-145, 2018
5S impact on safety climate of manufacturing workers
S Srinivasan, LH Ikuma, M Shakouri, I Nahmens, C Harvey
Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management 27 (3), 364-378, 2016
Hydration, strength, and durability of cementitious materials incorporating untreated corn cob ash
M Shakouri, LC Exstrom, S Ramanathan, P Suraneni
Construction and Building Materials, 1-11, 2020
Assessment of the variation impacts of window on energy consumption and carbon footprint
MM Tahmasebi, S Banihashemi, MS Hassanabadi
Procedia engineering 21, 820-828, 2011
A time-variant model of surface chloride build-up for improved service life predictions
M Shakouri, D Trejo
Cement and Concrete Composites 84, 99-110, 2017
Pretreatment of corn stover ash to improve its effectiveness as a supplementary cementitious material in concrete
M Shakouri, CL Exstrom, S Ramanathan, P Suraneni, JS Vaux
Cement and Concrete Composites 112, 103658, 2020
Flexibility of BIM towards design change
E Shourangiz, MI Mohamad, MS Hassanabadi, SS Banihashemi, ...
2nd International Conference on Construction and Project Management, IPEDR …, 2011
A Peridynamic Model for Crevice Corrosion Damage
S Jafarzadeh, J Zhao, M Shakouri, F Bobaru
Electrochimica Acta 139512, 2022
Effects of work zone configurations and traffic density on performance variables and subjective workload
M Shakouri, LH Ikuma, F Aghazadeh, K Punniaraj, S Ishak
Accident Analysis & Prevention 71, 166-176, 2014
Climatic, parametric and non-parametric analysis of energy performance of double-glazed windows in different climates
S Banihashemi, H Golizadeh, MR Hosseini, M Shakouri
International Journal of Sustainable Built Environment 4 (2), 307-322, 2015
A study of the factors affecting the surface chloride maximum phenomenon in submerged concrete samples
M Shakouri, D Trejo
Cement and Concrete Composites 94, 181-190, 2018
A comprehensive evaluation of fracture toughness, fracture energy, flexural strength and microstructure of calcium aluminate cement concrete exposed to high temperatures
A Abolhasani, M Shakouri, M Dehestani, B Salami, S Banihashemi
Engineering Fracture Mechanic, 2022
Managerial sustainability assessment tool for Iran's buildings
SB Namini, M Shakouri, MM Tahmasebi, C Preece
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Engineering Sustainability …, 2014
A probabilistic portfolio-based model for financial valuation of community solar, Applied Energy
M Shakouri, HW Lee, YW Kim
Applied Energy 191, 709-726, 2017
Development of empirical models for chloride binding in cementitious systems containing admixed chlorides
D Trejo, M Shakouri, NP Vaddey, OB Isgor
Construction and Building Materials 189, 157-169, 2018
PACPIM: New decision-support model of optimized portfolio analysis for community-based photovoltaic investment
M Shakouri, HW Lee, K Choi
Applied Energy 156, 607-617, 2015
Effect of curing temperature and water-to-cement ratio on corrosion of steel in calcium aluminate cement concrete
AA Ahmed, S Mahmoud, D Trejo, NP Vaddey
Construction and Building Materuals 350, 2022
pH-dependent chloride desorption isotherms of Portland cement paste
M Teymouri, M Shakouri, PN Vaddey
Construction and Building Materials 312, 125415, 2021
A probabilistic framework to justify allowable admixed chloride limits in concrete
M Shakouri, D Trejo, P Gardoni
Construction and Building Materials 139, 490-500, 2017
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