Manoj Kumar Tripathi
Manoj Kumar Tripathi
Assocciate Professor of Chemical Engineering, IISER Bhopal
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Dynamics of an initially spherical bubble rising in quiescent liquid
MK Tripathi, KC Sahu, R Govindarajan
Nature communications 6 (1), 6268, 2015
Shapes and paths of an air bubble rising in quiescent liquids
DM Sharaf, AR Premlata, MK Tripathi, B Karri, KC Sahu
Physics of Fluids 29 (12), 2017
Why a falling drop does not in general behave like a rising bubble
MK Tripathi, KC Sahu, R Govindarajan
Scientific reports 4 (1), 4771, 2014
Dynamics of an air bubble rising in a non-Newtonian liquid in the axisymmetric regime
AR Premlata, MK Tripathi, B Karri, KC Sahu
Journal of non-Newtonian fluid mechanics 239, 53-61, 2017
Bubble rise dynamics in a viscoplastic material
MK Tripathi, KC Sahu, G Karapetsas, OK Matar
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 222, 217-226, 2015
Nonspherical liquid droplet falling in air
M Agrawal, AR Premlata, MK Tripathi, B Karri, KC Sahu
Physical Review E 95 (3), 033111, 2017
Non-isothermal bubble rise: non-monotonic dependence of surface tension on temperature
MK Tripathi, KC Sahu, G Karapetsas, K Sefiane, OK Matar
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 763, 82-108, 2015
Numerical and experimental investigations of an air bubble rising in a Carreau-Yasuda shear-thinning liquid
AR Premlata, MK Tripathi, B Karri, KC Sahu
Physics of fluids 29 (3), 2017
Two initially spherical bubbles rising in quiescent liquid
MK Tripathi, AR Premlata, KC Sahu, R Govindarajan
Physical Review Fluids 2 (7), 073601, 2017
Dynamics of rising bubble inside a viscosity-stratified medium
AR Premlata, MK Tripathi, KC Sahu
Physics of Fluids 27 (7), 2015
Shape oscillations of a nonspherical water droplet
M Balla, M Kumar Tripathi, KC Sahu
Physical Review E 99 (2), 023107, 2019
A numerical study of a hollow water droplet falling in air
M Balla, MK Tripathi, KC Sahu
Theoretical and Computational Fluid Dynamics 34, 133-144, 2020
The dynamics of rising oil-coated bubbles: experiments and simulations
S Wang, Y Zhang, JC Meredith, SH Behrens, MK Tripathi, KC Sahu
Soft matter 14 (14), 2724-2734, 2018
Non-isothermal bubble rise dynamics in a self-rewetting fluid: three-dimensional effects
M Balla, MK Tripathi, KC Sahu, G Karapetsas, OK Matar
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 858, 689-713, 2019
Bubble motion in a converging–diverging channel
H Konda, M Kumar Tripathi, K Chandra Sahu
Journal of Fluids Engineering 138 (6), 064501, 2016
Motion of an air bubble under the action of thermocapillary and buoyancy forces
MK Tripathi, KC Sahu
Computers & Fluids 177, 58-68, 2018
Migration of a viscoelastic drop in a ratchet microchannel
AK Nema, MK Tripathi, KC Sahu
Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics 307, 104870, 2022
Effect of viscosity and density ratios on two drops rising side by side
M Balla, S Kavuri, MK Tripathi, KC Sahu, R Govindarajan
Physical Review Fluids 5 (1), 013601, 2020
Simulations of a weakly conducting droplet under the influence of an alternating electric field
KC Sahu, MK Tripathi, J Chaudhari, S Chakraborty
Electrophoresis 41 (23), 1953-1960, 2020
Evaporating falling drop
MK Tripathi, KC Sahu
Procedia IUTAM 15, 201-206, 2015
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