Carlos Javier Villagómez
Carlos Javier Villagómez
Instituto de Física UNAM
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy: near-fields acting on a few molecules
B Pettinger, P Schambach, CJ Villagómez, N Scott
Annual review of physical chemistry 63 (1), 379-399, 2012
Toward a light-driven motorized nanocar: Synthesis and initial imaging of single molecules
PT Chiang, J Mielke, J Godoy, JM Guerrero, LB Alemany, CJ Villagomez, ...
ACS nano 6 (1), 592-597, 2012
Bottom-up assembly of molecular wagons on a surface
CJ Villagómez, T Sasaki, JM Tour, L Grill
Journal of the American Chemical Society 132 (47), 16848-16854, 2010
STM images of a large organic molecule adsorbed on a bare metal substrate or on a thin insulating layer: Visualization of HOMO and LUMO
CJ Villagomez, T Zambelli, S Gauthier, A Gourdon, S Stojkovic, ...
Surface science 603 (10-12), 1526-1532, 2009
A local view on hyperconjugation
CJ Villagomez, T Zambelli, S Gauthier, A Gourdon, C Barthes, S Stojkovic, ...
Chemical Physics Letters 450 (1-3), 107-111, 2007
Mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline NaCl islands on Cu (111)
C Bombis, F Ample, J Mielke, M Mannsberger, CJ Villagómez, C Roth, ...
Physical Review Letters 104 (18), 185502, 2010
Self-assembly of enantiopure domains: The case of indigo on Cu (111)
CJ Villagomez, O Guillermet, S Goudeau, F Ample, H Xu, C Coudret, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 132 (7), 2010
Chemical enhancement vs molecule–substrate geometry in plasmon-enhanced spectroscopy
RD Rodriguez, CJ Villagomez, A Khodadadi, S Kupfer, A Averkiev, ...
ACS photonics 8 (8), 2243-2255, 2021
A first-principles DFT dispersion-corrected C60/Au (111) Raman study
CJ Villagomez, IL Garzon, LO Paz-Borbón
Computational Materials Science 171, 109208, 2020
Plasmonics of multifaceted metallic nanoparticles, field enhancement, and TERS
C Noguez, CJ Villagómez, AL González
physica status solidi (b) 252 (1), 56-71, 2015
Determination of the chemical composition of lithium niobate powders
O Sánchez-Dena, CJ Villagómez, CD Fierro-Ruíz, AS Padilla-Robles, ...
Crystals 9 (7), 340, 2019
Platinum nanoparticles homogenously decorating multilayered reduced graphene oxide for electrical nanobiosensor applications
S Proa-Coronado, JR Vargas-García, A Manzo-Robledo, ...
Thin Solid Films 658, 54-60, 2018
Up-conversion luminescence of hafnium, erbium, ytterbium and lithium co-doped yttrium oxide
L Mariscal-Becerra, VM Velázquez-Aguilar, MC Flores-Jiménez, ...
Optical Materials 105, 109923, 2020
Adsorption of single 1, 8-octanedithiol molecules on Cu (100)
CJ Villagómez, F Castanié, C Momblona, S Gauthier, T Zambelli, X Bouju
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 (39), 27521-27528, 2016
Tailoring the mobility of a 3D molecule adsorbed on a metal surface
T Zambelli, J Lagoute, CJ Villagomez Ojeda, C Coudret, S Gauthier
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (30), 14266-14269, 2005
Surface vacancy generation by STM tunneling electrons in the presence of indigo molecules on Cu (111)
CJ Villagómez, F Buendía, LO Paz-Borbón, B Fuentes, T Zambelli, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (33), 14103-14115, 2022
Observation of electron two-dimensional standing-wave patterns at the surface of an insulating layer by scanning tunneling microscopy
T Ardhuin, O Guillermet, CJ Villagómez, A Gourdon, S Gauthier
Physical Review B 99 (3), 035410, 2019
Advances in tip-enhanced Raman spectroscopy
B Pettinger, P Schambach, CJ Villagomez Ojeda
242nd National Meeting of the American-Chemical-Society (ACS), 2011
An irreversible thermodynamic model of prebiological dissipative molecular structures inside vacuoles at the surface of the Archean Ocean
JA Montemayor-Aldrete, JM Nieto-Villar, CJ Villagómez, ...
BioSystems, 105379, 2024
Low temperature scanning tunneling microscopy studies of single molecules adsorbed on thin insulating films
CJV Ojeda
Toulouse, INSA, 2008
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