Amin Raeisi
Amin Raeisi
Kiti vardaiA. Rayisi, Raisikomiz A
Assistant professor of physical Oceanography, Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An Efficient Data Driven-Based Model for Prediction of the Total Sediment Load in Rivers
MHSA Roohollah Noori, Behzad Ghiasi, Sohrab Salehi, Mehdi Esmaeili Bidhendi ...
hydrology 9 (36), 18, 2022
Mesoscale eddies and their dispersive environmental impacts in the Persian Gulf
A Raeisi, A Bidokhti, SMJ Nazemosadat, K Lari
Chinese Physics B 29 (8), 084701, 2020
Impact of mesoscale eddies on climate and environmental changes in the Persian Gulf
A Raeisi, AA Bidokhti, SMJ Nazemosadat, K Lari
Numerical study of the effects of coastal currents and meso-scale eddies on the spread of pollution in the Persian Gulf
H Mehrfar, A Raeisi, MT Azad, SMR Reisosadat
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 20 (7), 7099-7116, 2023
Sound Speed Spatial Modeling in Persian Gulf using Geostatistical Techniques
H Mehrfar, M Akbarinasab, A Siah Sarani, A Raeisi
Human & Environment 17 (2), 15-25, 2019
Calculation of sea surface drag coefficient and wind stress in the Gorgan Bay
H Mehrafar, MT Azad, MM Pasand, A Raeisi
Res Mar Sci 3 (4), 379-89, 2018
Field Study of Changes in Geostrophic Currents in the Persian Gulf
A Sabet Ahd, A Raeisi, M Torabi Azad, H Mehrfar
Iranian Journal of Marine Science and Technology 22 (87), 31-37, 2018
Feasibility study on wind farm construction in Gorgan Bay using GIS
ASA Jahromi, H Mehrfar, MT Azad, A Raeisi
Research in Marine Sciences 2 (4), 210-220, 2017
Sound Speed Spatial Modeling in Persian Gulf in a 2001 ROPME Patrol using Geostatistical Techniques
AS Sarani, H Mehrfar, A Raeisi
4 th International Congress on Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban …, 2016
Study the changes of the coastline of Hormozgan province using the analysis of Radar satellite images
A Raeisi, M Torabi Azad, H Mehrfar, T Sadeghifar
اولین سمینار ملی آمایش سرزمین با تاکید بر دریا سواحل و بنادر, 2022
The study of the diffusion coefficient of meso-scale eddies in the Persian Gulf (In Persian)
AB Amin Raeisi, Hesameddin Mehrfar
Human & Environment 20 (1), 215-227, 2022
Impact of coastal currents and meso-scale eddies on environmental changes in the Persian Gulf (In Persian)
A Raeisi, H Mehrfar, A Bidokhti, M Torabi Azad
19th Fluid Dynamics Conference, 2021
The effect of magnetic field on the physical properties of water and its application in industry, agriculture and so on Water resource management
A Raeesi, H Mehrfar, AM Torabi
Human and Environment 19 (459002265), 61-71, 2021
مدل سازی مکانی سرعت صوت در خلیج فارس با استفاده از روش های زمین آماری
مهرفر, اکبری نسب, سیه سرانی, امیر, رئیسی, امین
انسان و محیط زیست 17 (2), 15-25, 2019
The study of sedimentation and erosion at river arc using CCHE2D model (Case study: Interval Karkheh River)
A Raeisi, H Mehrfar, R Mohammadi Motlagh, A Moatazedi
Journal of Civil Engineering and Structures 2 (3), 38-49, 2018
Heat Budget in Uremieh Lake
H Mehrfar, M Torabi Azad, A Raeesi, A Sabet Ahd Jahromi, B Partovi
Human & Environment 16 (2), 45-60, 2018
Effect of meso-scale eddies on horizontal diffusity in Persian Gulf
ASJ Amin Raeisi, Abbas ali ali akbari Bidokhti, Seyyed Mohammad Jafar ...
19th Marine Industry Conferences, 2017
Energy Generation Using Ocean Thermal Energy
AR Maryam Dabestani, Ahmad Dordizadeh Basirabadi
American Journal of Life Science Researches 3 (3), 236-243, 2015
Study of the Effect of meso-scales eddy on the distribution of temperature and salinity grades in the Persian Gulf and Strait of Hormuz
mohammad jafar soltanian amin raeisi, kamran lari , abdoreza sabetahd jahromi
13th Marine Industry Conference, 2011
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