Lucio H. Acioli
Lucio H. Acioli
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Femtosecond-tunable measurement of electron thermalization in gold
CK Sun, F Vallée, LH Acioli, EP Ippen, JG Fujimoto
Physical Review B 50 (20), 15337, 1994
Femtosecond investigation of electron thermalization in gold
CK Sun, F Vallée, L Acioli, EP Ippen, JG Fujimoto
Physical Review B 48 (16), 12365, 1993
Femtosecond temporal encoding in barium titanate
LH Acioli, M Ulman, EP Ippen, JG Fujimoto, H Kong, BS Chen, ...
Optics Letters 16 (24), 1984-1986, 1991
Self-focusing-induced saturable loss for laser mode locking
D Huang, M Ulman, LH Acioli, HA Haus, JG Fujimoto
Optics letters 17 (7), 511-513, 1992
Measurement of high-order optical nonlinear susceptibilities in semiconductor-doped glasses
LH Acioli, ASL Gomes, JR Leite
Applied physics letters 53 (19), 1788-1790, 1988
Coherent accumulation in two-level atoms excited by a train of ultrashort pulses
D Felinto, CAC Bosco, LH Acioli, SS Vianna
Optics Communications 215 (1-3), 69-73, 2003
Infrared‐to‐visible CW frequency upconversion in Er3+‐doped fluoroindate glasses
CB de Araújo, LS Menezes, GS Maciel, LH Acioli, ASL Gomes, ...
Applied physics letters 68 (5), 602-604, 1996
Accumulative effects in the coherence of three-level atoms excited by femtosecond-laser frequency combs
D Felinto, LH Acioli, SS Vianna
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 70 (4), 043403, 2004
Third-order optical nonlinearity of a transparent glass ceramic containing sodium niobate nanocrystals
EL Falcão-Filho, CAC Bosco, GS Maciel, LH Acioli, CB de Araújo, ...
Physical Review B 69 (13), 134204, 2004
Modulation of a semicondutor‐to‐semimetal transition at 7 THz via coherent lattice vibrations
TK Cheng, LH Acioli, J Vidal, HJ Zeiger, G Dresselhaus, MS Dresselhaus, ...
Applied physics letters 62 (16), 1901-1903, 1993
Femtosecond dynamics of semiconductor‐doped glasses using a new source of incoherent light
LH Acioli, ASL Gomes, JM Hickmann, CB de Araujo
Applied physics letters 56 (23), 2279-2281, 1990
Temporal coherent control of a sequential transition in rubidium atoms
D Felinto, LH Acioli, SS Vianna
Optics letters 25 (12), 917-919, 2000
Accumulative effects in temporal coherent control
D Felinto, CAC Bosco, LH Acioli, SS Vianna
Physical Review A 64 (6), 063413, 2001
Ultrafast chi/sup (3)/-related processes in semiconductor doped glasses
LH Acioli, ASL Gomes, JRR Leite, CB De Araujo
IEEE journal of quantum electronics 26 (7), 1277-1284, 1990
Ultrafast nonlinearity of antimony polyphosphate glasses
EL Falcão Filho, CAC Bosco, GS Maciel, CB De Araújo, LH Acioli, M Nalin, ...
Applied physics letters 83 (7), 1292-1294, 2003
Antimony orthophosphate glasses with large nonlinear refractive indices, low two-photon absorption coefficients, and ultrafast response
EL Falcão-Filho, CB de Araújo, CAC Bosco, GS Maciel, LH Acioli, M Nalin, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 97 (1), 2005
Method to determine the phase dispersion of the third-order susceptibility
H Ma, LH Acioli, ASL Gomes, CB de Araújo
Optics letters 16 (9), 630-632, 1991
Zero-area single-photon pulses
LS Costanzo, AS Coelho, D Pellegrino, MS Mendes, L Acioli, ...
Physical review letters 116 (2), 023602, 2016
Femtosecond tunable nonlinear absorption spectroscopy in Al 0.1 Ga 0.9 As
M Ulman, DW Bailey, LH Acioli, FG Vallee, CJ Stanton, EP Ippen, ...
Physical Review B 47 (16), 10267, 1993
Nonlinear optical properties of tungstate fluorophosphate glasses
EL Falcão-Filho, CB de Araújo, CAC Bosco, LH Acioli, G Poirier, ...
Journal of applied physics 96 (5), 2525-2529, 2004
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