Michele Rinaldi
Michele Rinaldi
Dirigente di Ricerca, CREA-Centro di Ricerca Cerealicoltura e Colture Industriali, Foggia, I
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Assimilation of leaf area index derived from ASAR and MERIS data into CERES-Wheat model to map wheat yield
L Dente, G Satalino, F Mattia, M Rinaldi
Remote sensing of Environment 112 (4), 1395-1407, 2008
Yield response of corn to irrigation and nitrogen fertilization in a Mediterranean environment
E Di Paolo, M Rinaldi
Field Crops Research 105 (3), 202-210, 2008
Multitemporal C-band radar measurements on wheat fields
F Mattia, T Le Toan, G Picard, FI Posa, A D'Alessio, C Notarnicola, ...
IEEE transactions on geoscience and remote sensing 41 (7), 1551-1560, 2003
Olive-mill wastewater spreading in southern Italy: effects on a durum wheat crop
M Rinaldi, G Rana, M Introna
Field Crops Research 84 (3), 319-326, 2003
Evaluation of CropSyst for cropping systems at two locations of northern and southern Italy
M Donatelli, C Stöckle, E Ceotto, M Rinaldi
European Journal of Agronomy 6 (1-2), 35-45, 1997
Multi-crop green LAI estimation with a new simple Sentinel-2 LAI Index (SeLI)
N Pasqualotto, J Delegido, S Van Wittenberghe, M Rinaldi, J Moreno
Sensors 19 (4), 904, 2019
Evaluation and application of the OILCROP–SUN model for sunflower in southern Italy
M Rinaldi, N Losavio, Z Flagella
Agricultural Systems 78 (1), 17-30, 2003
Agronomic adaptation strategies under climate change for winter durum wheat and tomato in southern Italy: irrigation and nitrogen fertilization
D Ventrella, M Charfeddine, M Moriondo, M Rinaldi, M Bindi
Regional Environmental Change 12, 407-419, 2012
The response of autumn and spring sown sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) to irrigation in Southern Italy: water and radiation use efficiency
M Rinaldi, AV Vonella
Field Crops Research 95 (2-3), 103-114, 2006
Application of EPIC model for irrigation scheduling of sunflower in Southern Italy
M Rinaldi
Agricultural Water Management 49 (3), 185-196, 2001
Water availability at sowing and nitrogen management of durum wheat: a seasonal analysis with the CERES-Wheat model
M Rinaldi
Field Crops Research 89 (1), 27-37, 2004
Comparison of nitrogen and irrigation strategies in tomato using CROPGRO model. A case study from Southern Italy
M Rinaldi, D Ventrella, C Gagliano
agricultural water management 87 (1), 91-105, 2007
Decision support systems to manage irrigation in agriculture
M Rinaldi, Z He
Advances in agronomy 123, 229-279, 2014
Volatilisation of substances after spreading olive oil waste water on the soil in a Mediterranean environment
G Rana, M Rinaldi, M Introna
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 96 (1-3), 49-58, 2003
Effects of no-tillage and conventional tillage on physical and hydraulic properties of fine textured soils under winter wheat
M Castellini, F Fornaro, P Garofalo, L Giglio, M Rinaldi, D Ventrella, C Vitti, ...
Water 11 (3), 484, 2019
An approach for delineating homogeneous zones by using multi-sensor data
D De Benedetto, A Castrignanò, M Rinaldi, S Ruggieri, F Santoro, ...
Geoderma 199, 117-127, 2013
On the use of temporal series of L-and X-band SAR data for soil moisture retrieval. Capitanata plain case study
A Balenzano, G Satalino, F Lovergine, M Rinaldi, V Iacobellis, ...
European Journal of Remote Sensing 46 (1), 721-737, 2013
Field partition by proximal and remote sensing data fusion
D De Benedetto, A Castrignano, M Diacono, M Rinaldi, S Ruggieri, ...
Biosystems engineering 114 (4), 372-383, 2013
Water-use efficiency of irrigated biomass sorghum in a Mediterranean environment
P Garofalo, M Rinaldi
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research 11 (4), 1153-1169, 2013
Processing tomatoes under different irrigation regimes in Southern Italy: agronomic and economic assessments in a simulation case study
M Rinaldi, P Garofalo, P Rubino, P Steduto
J Agrometeorol 3 (3), 39-56, 2011
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