Bonnie Hurwitz
Bonnie Hurwitz
Associate Professor of Biosystems Engineering
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
VirSorter: mining viral signal from microbial genomic data
S Roux, F Enault, BL Hurwitz, MB Sullivan
PeerJ 3, e985, 2015
A first-generation haplotype map of maize
MA Gore, JM Chia, RJ Elshire, Q Sun, ES Ersoz, BL Hurwitz, JA Peiffer, ...
Science 326 (5956), 1115-1117, 2009
Minimum information about an uncultivated virus genome (MIUViG)
S Roux, EM Adriaenssens, BE Dutilh, EV Koonin, AM Kropinski, ...
Nature biotechnology 37 (1), 29-37, 2019
The Pacific Ocean Virome (POV): a marine viral metagenomic dataset and associated protein clusters for quantitative viral ecology
BL Hurwitz, MB Sullivan
PloS one 8 (2), e57355, 2013
Three-dimensional printing surgical instruments: are we there yet?
TM Rankin, NA Giovinco, DJ Cucher, G Watts, B Hurwitz, DG Armstrong
Journal of Surgical Research 189 (2), 193-197, 2014
Seasonal time bombs: dominant temperate viruses affect Southern Ocean microbial dynamics
JR Brum, BL Hurwitz, O Schofield, HW Ducklow, MB Sullivan
The ISME journal 10 (2), 437-449, 2016
Rapid Genomic Characterization of the Genus Vitis
S Myles, JM Chia, B Hurwitz, C Simon, GY Zhong, E Buckler, D Ware
PloS one 5 (1), e8219, 2010
Metabolic reprogramming by viruses in the sunlit and dark ocean
BL Hurwitz, SJ Hallam, MB Sullivan
Genome biology 14, 1-14, 2013
Viral metabolic reprogramming in marine ecosystems
BL Hurwitz, JM U’Ren
Current opinion in microbiology 31, 161-168, 2016
Evaluation of methods to concentrate and purify ocean virus communities through comparative, replicated metagenomics
BL Hurwitz, L Deng, BT Poulos, MB Sullivan
Environmental microbiology 15 (5), 1428-1440, 2013
Gramene: a growing plant comparative genomics resource
C Liang, P Jaiswal, C Hebbard, S Avraham, ES Buckler, T Casstevens, ...
Nucleic Acids Research 36 (suppl_1), D947-D953, 2007
Microbiology of diabetic foot infections: from Louis Pasteur to ‘crime scene investigation’
A Spichler, BL Hurwitz, DG Armstrong, BA Lipsky
BMC medicine 13, 1-13, 2015
Depth-stratified functional and taxonomic niche specialization in the ‘core’and ‘flexible’Pacific Ocean Virome
BL Hurwitz, JR Brum, MB Sullivan
The ISME Journal 9 (2), 472-484, 2015
The Oryza Map Alignment Project: The Golden Path to Unlocking the Genetic Potential of Wild Rice Species
RA Wing, JSS Ammiraju, M Luo, HR Kim, Y Yu, D Kudrna, JL Goicoechea, ...
Plant Molecular Biology 59, 53-62, 2005
Viral to metazoan marine plankton nucleotide sequences from the Tara Oceans expedition
A Alberti, J Poulain, S Engelen, K Labadie, S Romac, I Ferrera, G Albini, ...
Scientific data 4 (1), 1-20, 2017
iVirus: facilitating new insights in viral ecology with software and community data sets imbedded in a cyberinfrastructure
B Bolduc, K Youens-Clark, S Roux, BL Hurwitz, MB Sullivan
The ISME journal 11 (1), 7-14, 2017
VirSorter: mining viral signal from microbial genomic data. PeerJ 3: e985
S Roux, F Enault, BL Hurwitz, MB Sullivan
Modeling ecological drivers in marine viral communities using comparative metagenomics and network analyses
BL Hurwitz, AH Westveld, JR Brum, MB Sullivan
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111 (29), 10714-10719, 2014
Species trees from highly incongruent gene trees in rice
KA Cranston, B Hurwitz, D Ware, L Stein, RA Wing
Systematic Biology 58 (5), 489-500, 2009
Dynamics of genome evolution in facultative symbionts of aphids
PH Degnan, TE Leonardo, BN Cass, B Hurwitz, D Stern, RA Gibbs, ...
Environmental Microbiology 12 (8), 2060-2069, 2010
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