Leigh Royden
Leigh Royden
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Topographic ooze: Building the eastern margin of Tibet by lower crustal flow
MK Clark, LH Royden
Geology 28 (8), 703-706, 2000
Surface deformation and lower crustal flow in eastern Tibet
LH Royden, BC Burchfiel, RW King, E Wang, Z Chen, F Shen, Y Liu
science 276 (5313), 788-790, 1997
The geological evolution of the Tibetan Plateau
LH Royden, BC Burchfiel, RD van der Hilst
science 321 (5892), 1054-1058, 2008
Tectonics of the Longmen Shan and adjacent regions, central China
BC Burchfiel, C Zhiliang, L Yupinc, LH Royden
International Geology Review 37 (8), 661-735, 1995
The South Tibetan detachment system, Himalayan orogen: Extension contemporaneous with and parallel to shortening in a collisional mountain belt
BC Burchfiel, C Zhiliang, KV Hodges, L Yuping, LH Royden, ...
Surface uplift, tectonics, and erosion of eastern Tibet from large‐scale drainage patterns
MK Clark, LM Schoenbohm, LH Royden, KX Whipple, BC Burchfiel, ...
Tectonics 23 (1), 2004
A geological and geophysical context for the Wenchuan earthquake of 12 May 2008, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
BC Burchfiel, LH Royden, RD Van der Hilst, BH Hager, Z Chen, RW King, ...
GSA today 18 (7), 4-11, 2008
Rifting process and thermal evolution of the continental margin of eastern Canada determined from subsidence curves
L Royden, CE Keen
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 51 (2), 343-361, 1980
Late Cenozoic uplift of southeastern Tibet
MK Clark, MA House, LH Royden, KX Whipple, BC Burchfiel, X Zhang, ...
Geology 33 (6), 525-528, 2005
Evolution of retreating subduction boundaries formed during continental collision
LH Royden
Tectonics 12 (3), 629-638, 1993
North-south extension within the convergent Himalayan region
BC Burchfiel, LH Royden
Geology 13 (10), 679-682, 1985
An integral approach to bedrock river profile analysis
JT Perron, L Royden
Earth surface processes and landforms 38 (6), 570-576, 2013
The tectonic expression slab pull at continental convergent boundaries
LH Royden
Tectonics 12 (2), 303-325, 1993
Global Positioning System measurements from eastern Tibet and their implications for India/Eurasia intercontinental deformation
ZH Chen, BC Burchfiel, Y Liu, RW King, LH Royden, W Tang, E Wang, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105 (B7), 16215-16227, 2000
Motion of the Pacific plate relative to Eurasia and its potential relation to Cenozoic extension along the eastern margin of Eurasia
CJ Northrup, LH Royden, BC Burchfiel
Geology 23 (8), 719-722, 1995
Segmentation and configuration of subducted lithosphere in Italy: an important control on thrust-belt and foredeep-basin evolution
L Royden, E Patacca, P Scandone
Geology 15 (8), 714-717, 1987
Late Cenozoic tectonics of the Pannonian basin system: Chapter 3
LH Royden
AAPG Special Volumes 113, 27-48, 1988
Mantle dynamics in the Mediterranean
C Faccenna, TW Becker, L Auer, A Billi, L Boschi, JP Brun, FA Capitanio, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 52 (3), 283-332, 2014
Coupling and decoupling of crust and mantle in convergent orogens: Implications for strain partitioning in the crust
L Royden
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 101 (B8), 17679-17705, 1996
Evolution of the Pannonian basin system: 2. Subsidence and thermal history
L Royden, F Horváth, A Nagymarosy, L Stegena
Tectonics 2 (1), 91-137, 1983
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