Wenzhuo Cao
Wenzhuo Cao
Assistant Professor, Department of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Dynamic response and energy evolution of sandstone under coupled static–dynamic compression: insights from experimental study into deep rock engineering applications
Z Zhou, X Cai, X Li, W Cao, X Du
Rock mechanics and rock engineering 53, 1305-1331, 2020
Influence of water content on mechanical properties of rock in both saturation and drying processes
Z Zhou, X Cai, W Cao, X Li, C Xiong
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 49 (8), 3009-3025, 2016
Influence of cyclic wetting and drying on physical and dynamic compressive properties of sandstone
Z Zhou, X Cai, L Chen, W Cao, Y Zhao, C Xiong
Engineering Geology 220, 1-12, 2017
Effects of thermal treatment on tensile strength of Laurentian granite using Brazilian test
T Yin, X Li, W Cao, K Xia
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 48, 2213-2223, 2015
A fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methodology for rock burst forecasting using microseismic monitoring
W Cai, L Dou, M Zhang, W Cao, JQ Shi, L Feng
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 80, 232-245, 2018
Effects of water content on fracture and mechanical behavior of sandstone with a low clay mineral content
Z Zhou, X Cai, D Ma, W Cao, L Chen, J Zhou
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 193, 47-65, 2018
Dynamic stress concentration and energy evolution of deep-buried tunnels under blasting loads
X Li, C Li, W Cao, M Tao
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 104, 131-146, 2018
Influence of stress path on excavation unloading response
X Li, W Cao, Z Zhou, Y Zou
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 42, 237-246, 2014
Dynamic response of pre-stressed rock with a circular cavity subject to transient loading
M Tao, A Ma, W Cao, X Li, F Gong
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 99, 1-8, 2017
A monitoring investigation into rock burst mechanism based on the coupled theory of static and dynamic stresses
W Cai, X Bai, G Si, W Cao, S Gong, L Dou
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 1-21, 2020
Vibrations induced by high initial stress release during underground excavations
W Cao, X Li, M Tao, Z Zhou
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 53, 78-95, 2016
Fracture evolution and failure behaviour of marble specimens containing rectangular cavities under uniaxial loading
Z Zhou, L Tan, W Cao, Z Zhou, X Cai
Engineering Fracture Mechanics 184, 183-201, 2017
Numerical modelling of microseismicity associated with longwall coal mining
W Cao, JQ Shi, G Si, S Durucan, A Korre
International Journal of Coal Geology 193, 30-45, 2018
Influence of unloading disturbance on adjacent tunnels
X Li, W Cao, M Tao, Z Zhou, Z Chen
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 84, 10-24, 2016
Life cycle assessment on lead–zinc ore mining and beneficiation in China
M Tao, X Zhang, S Wang, W Cao, Y Jiang
Journal of Cleaner Production 237, 117833, 2019
Parametric analysis of slotting operation induced failure zones to stimulate low permeability coal seams
G Si, S Durucan, JQ Shi, A Korre, W Cao
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 52, 163-182, 2019
A plastic strain-based damage model for heterogeneous coal using cohesion and dilation angle
W Cai, L Dou, Y Ju, W Cao, S Yuan, G Si
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 110, 151-160, 2018
Gas-driven rapid fracture propagation under unloading conditions in coal and gas outbursts
W Cao, JQ Shi, S Durucan, G Si, A Korre
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 130, 104325, 2020
Dynamic response of pillar workings induced by sudden pillar recovery
Z Zhou, Y Zhao, W Cao, L Chen, J Zhou
Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering 51, 3075-3090, 2018
Stress redistribution of dynamic loading incident with arbitrary waveform through a circular cavity
M Tao, Z Li, W Cao, X Li, C Wu
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 2019
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