Bernhard Laback
Bernhard Laback
Psychoacoustics and Experimental Audiology, Austrian Academy of Sciences
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Multiple exponential sweep method for fast measurement of head-related transfer functions
P Majdak, P Balazs, B Laback
Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 55 (7/8), 623-637, 2007
3-D localization of virtual sound sources: Effects of visual environment, pointing method, and training
P Majdak, MJ Goupell, B Laback
Attention, perception, & psychophysics 72 (2), 454-469, 2010
Modeling sound-source localization in sagittal planes for human listeners
R Baumgartner, P Majdak, B Laback
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 136 (2), 791-802, 2014
Sensitivity to interaural level and envelope time differences of two bilateral cochlear implant listeners using clinical sound processors
B Laback, SM Pok, WD Baumgartner, WA Deutsch, K Schmid
Ear and hearing 25 (5), 488-500, 2004
Perception and coding of interaural time differences with bilateral cochlear implants
B Laback, K Egger, P Majdak
Hearing Research 322, 138-150, 2015
Effects of interaural time differences in fine structure and envelope on lateral discrimination in electric hearing
P Majdak, B Laback, WD Baumgartner
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 120 (4), 2190-2201, 2006
Binaural jitter improves interaural time-difference sensitivity of cochlear implantees at high pulse rates
B Laback, P Majdak
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (2), 814-817, 2008
Time–frequency sparsity by removing perceptually irrelevant components using a simple model of simultaneous masking
P Balazs, B Laback, G Eckel, WA Deutsch
IEEE transactions on audio, speech, and language processing 18 (1), 34-49, 2009
Lateralization discrimination of interaural time delays in four-pulse sequences in electric and acoustic hearing
B Laback, P Majdak, WD Baumgartner
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121 (4), 2182-2191, 2007
Effect of long-term training on sound localization performance with spectrally warped and band-limited head-related transfer functions
P Majdak, T Walder, B Laback
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (3), 2148-2159, 2013
Assessment of sagittal-plane sound localization performance in spatial-audio applications
R Baumgartner, P Majdak, B Laback
The technology of binaural listening, 93-119, 2013
Two-dimensional localization of virtual sound sources in cochlear-implant listeners
P Majdak, MJ Goupell, B Laback
Ear and hearing 32 (2), 198-208, 2011
Effects of envelope shape on interaural envelope delay sensitivity in acoustic and electric hearing
B Laback, I Zimmermann, P Majdak, WD Baumgartner, SM Pok
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130 (3), 1515-1529, 2011
Acoustic and non-acoustic factors in modeling listener-specific performance of sagittal-plane sound localization
P Majdak, R Baumgartner, B Laback
Frontiers in psychology 5, 319, 2014
Median-plane sound localization as a function of the number of spectral channels using a channel vocoder
MJ Goupell, P Majdak, B Laback
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 127 (2), 990-1001, 2010
Enhancing sensitivity to interaural time differences at high modulation rates by introducing temporal jitter
MJ Goupell, B Laback, P Majdak
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 126 (5), 2511-2521, 2009
Channel interaction and current level affect across-electrode integration of interaural time differences in bilateral cochlear-implant listeners
K Egger, P Majdak, B Laback
Journal of the Association for Research in Otolaryngology 17, 55-67, 2016
Binaural interference in bilateral cochlear-implant listeners
V Best, B Laback, P Majdak
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 130 (5), 2939-2950, 2011
Effects of upper-frequency boundary and spectral warping on speech intelligibility in electrical stimulation
MJ Goupell, B Laback, P Majdak, WD Baumgartner
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 123 (4), 2295-2309, 2008
Modeling the effects of sensorineural hearing loss on sound localization in the median plane
R Baumgartner, P Majdak, B Laback
Trends in Hearing 20, 2331216516662003, 2016
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