Monica L.H. Jones
Monica L.H. Jones
Patvirtintas el. paštas
The response of leg and trunk muscles in sudden unloading of the hands: implications for balance and spine stability
SHM Brown, ML Haumann, JR Potvin
Clinical Biomechanics 18 (9), 812-820, 2003
Static, dynamic, and cognitive fit of exosystems for the human operator
L Stirling, D Kelty-Stephen, R Fineman, MLH Jones, BK Daniel Park, ...
Human Factors 62 (3), 424-440, 2020
Motion sickness in passenger vehicles during test track operations
MLH Jones, VC Le, SM Ebert, KH Sienko, MP Reed, JR Sayer
Ergonomics 62 (10), 1357-1371, 2019
Posture and belt fit in reclined passenger seats
MP Reed, SM Ebert, MLH Jones
Traffic Injury Prevention 20 (sup1), S38-S42, 2019
Prevalence of non-nominal seat positions and postures among front-seat passengers
MP Reed, SM Ebert, MLH Jones, JJ Hallman
Traffic injury prevention 21 (sup1), S7-S12, 2020
Passenger head kinematics in abrupt braking and lane change events
MP Reed, SM Ebert, MLH Jones, BKD Park, JJ Hallman, R Sherony
Traffic injury prevention 19 (sup2), S70-S77, 2018
A Preliminary Investigation of the Effect of Protective Clothing Weight, Bulk and Stiffness on Combat Mobility Course Performance
LLM Bossi, MLH Jones, A Kelly, DW Tack
Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society Annual Meeting 60 (1 …, 2016
Stature and body shape effects on driver injury risks in frontal crashes: a parametric human modelling study
J Hu, K Zhang, A Fanta, M Jones, M Reed, M Neal, JT Wang, CH Lin, ...
IRCOBI conference, 656-667, 2017
Development of a Vehicle-Based Experimental Platform for Quantifying Passenger Motion Sickness during Test Track Operations
JS Monica Lynn Haumann Jones, Kathleen Sienko, Sheila Ebert-Hamilton ...
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Workplace methods and use of digital human models
A Stephens, MLH Jones
Handbook of Digital Human Modeling, USA: Taylor and Francis 6, 1-6, 2009
Child Posture and Belt Fit in a Range of Booster Configurations
MLH Jones, S Ebert, MA Manary, MP Reed, KD Klinich
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17 (3), 810, 2020
Anthropometric Dimensions of Individuals with High Body Mass Index
MLH Wiggermann N., Bradtmiller B., Bunnell S., Hildebrand C., Archibeque J ...
Human Factors, 2019
The effect of bracing availability on one-hand isometric force exertion capability
MLH Jones, MP Reed, DB Chaffin
Ergonomics 56 (4), 667-681, 2013
A Parametric Modeling of Adult Body Shape in a Supported Seated Posture Including Effects of Age
BKD Park, MLH Jones, S Ebert, MP Reed
Ergonomics, 1-16, 2021
Occupant dynamics during crash avoidance maneuvers
MP Reed, SM Ebert, MH Jones, BD Park
United States. Department of Transportation. National Highway Traffic Safety …, 2021
In-Vehicle Occupant Head Tracking Using a Low-Cost Depth Camera
BKD Park, M Jones, C Miller, J Hallman, R Sherony, M Reed
SAE Technical Paper, 2018
Effects of high levels of obesity on lap and shoulder belt paths
MLH Jones, S Ebert, J Hu, MP Reed
International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI), 13-15, 2017
Passenger kinematics during crash avoidance maneuvers
MP Reed, SM Ebert, DBK Park, MLH Jones
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Transportation Research Institute, 2018
Does the fit of personal protective equipment affect functional performance? A systematic review across occupational domains
BR Brisbine, CR Radcliffe, MLH Jones, L Stirling, CE Coltman
PLOS ONE 17 (11), e0278174, 2022
Comparison across vehicles of passenger head kinematics in abrupt vehicle maneuvers
MP Reed, SM Ebert, MLH Jones, BKD Park
Traffic injury prevention 20 (sup2), S128-S132, 2019
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