Holger Waubke
Holger Waubke
Professor für Technische Mechanik
Patvirtintas el. paštas
A 2.5 D-Fourier-BEM model for vibrations in a tunnel running through layered anisotropic soil
G Rieckh, W Kreuzer, H Waubke, P Balazs
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 36 (6), 960-967, 2012
A formulation of the fast multipole boundary element method (FMBEM) for acoustic radiation and scattering from three-dimensional structures
ZS Chen, H Waubke, W Kreuzer
Journal of Computational Acoustics 16 (02), 303-320, 2008
Deriving correction functions to model the efficiency of noise barriers with complex shapes using boundary element simulations
CH Kasess, W Kreuzer, H Waubke
Applied Acoustics 102, 88-99, 2016
Effect of train type on annoyance and acoustic features of the rolling noise
CH Kasess, A Noll, P Majdak, H Waubke
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 134 (2), 1071-1081, 2013
Non-linear stochastic dynamics of systems with random properties: a spectral approach combined with statistical linearization
H Grundmann, H Waubke
International journal of non-linear mechanics 31 (5), 619-630, 1996
Gaussian closure technique applied to the hysteretic Bouc model with non-zero mean white noise excitation
H Waubke, CH Kasess
Journal of Sound and Vibration 382, 258-273, 2016
Dynamische Berechnungen für den Halbraum mit streuenden Parametern mittels orthogonaler Polynome
H Waubke, H Grundmann
An efficient quadrature for 2.5 D boundary element calculations
CH Kasess, W Kreuzer, H Waubke
Journal of Sound and Vibration 382, 213-226, 2016
A formulation of the boundary element method for acoustic radiation and scattering from two-dimensional structures
ZS Chen, H Waubke
Journal of Computational Acoustics 15 (03), 333-352, 2007
The relation between psychoacoustical factors and annoyance under different noise reduction conditions for railway noise
CH Kasess, T Maly, P Majdak, H Waubke
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141 (5), 3151-3163, 2017
A stochastic 2D-model for calculating vibrations in random layers
P Balazs, W Kreuzer, H Waubke
Journal of Computational Acoustics 15 (03), 271-283, 2007
Moment-Closure Technik zur Abschaetzung der elasto-plastischen Reaktion von Stockwerksrahmen auf zufaellige Belastungen aus Windereignissen
H Waubke
Structures subjected to stationary stochastic loadings. Preliminary assessment by statistical linearization combined with an evolutionary algorithm
H Grundmann, C Hartmann, H Waubke
Computers & structures 67 (1-3), 53-64, 1998
Approximate solution for the response of a layered stochastic linear soil to a dynamic excitation at the surface
H Grundmann, H Waubke
Second European Conference Eurodyn 93, 152-177, 1993
Prediction of railway induced ground vibration
RJ Diehl, G Hölzl, M Beier, H Waubke
Proc. Inter-Noise, 3721-3726, 2000
A Burton–Miller formulation of the boundary element method for baffle problems in acoustics and the BEM/FEM coupling
ZS Chen, W Kreuzer, H Waubke, AJ Svobodnik
Engineering analysis with boundary elements 35 (3), 279-288, 2011
Gaussian closure technique for chain like structures with elasto-plastic elements described by the Bouc hysteresis
H Waubke, CH Kasess
Journal of Sound and Vibration 408, 73-86, 2017
Implementation of insertion loss of arbitrarily shaped noise barriers into noise mapping software
H Waubke, K Ch
The 22nd International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Florence, 2015
Perception rating of the acoustic emissions of heat pumps
CH Kasess, C Reichl, H Waubke, P Majdak
Forum Acusticum, 2453-2458, 2020
The effect of railway platforms and platform canopies on sound propagation
CH Kasess, H Waubke, M Conter, C Kirisits, R Wehr, H Ziegelwanger
Applied Acoustics 151, 137-152, 2019
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