Danilo Mandic
Danilo Mandic
Prof. of Machine Intelligence, Dept of Electrical and Electronic Eng., Imperial College London, UK
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Tensor decompositions for signal processing applications: From two-way to multiway component analysis
A Cichocki, D Mandic, L De Lathauwer, G Zhou, Q Zhao, C Caiafa, ...
IEEE signal processing magazine 32 (2), 145-163, 2015
Recurrent neural networks for prediction: Architectures, learning algorithms and stability
DP Mandic, JA Chambers
Wiley, 2001
Multivariate empirical mode decomposition
N Rehman, DP Mandic
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2010
Complex Valued Nonlinear Adaptive Filters: Noncircularity, Widely Linear and Neural Models
DP Mandic, VSL Goh
Wiley, 2009
Tensor networks for dimensionality reduction and large-scale optimization: Part 1 low-rank tensor decompositions
A Cichocki, N Lee, I Oseledets, AH Phan, Q Zhao, DP Mandic
Foundations and Trends® in Machine Learning 9 (4-5), 249-429, 2016
Audioldm: Text-to-audio generation with latent diffusion models
H Liu, Z Chen, Y Yuan, X Mei, X Liu, D Mandic, W Wang, MD Plumbley
arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12503, 2023
Filter bank property of multivariate empirical mode decomposition
N Ur Rehman, DP Mandic
IEEE transactions on signal processing 59 (5), 2421-2426, 2011
Empirical mode decomposition-based time-frequency analysis of multivariate signals: The power of adaptive data analysis
DP Mandic, N Ur Rehman, Z Wu, NE Huang
IEEE signal processing magazine 30 (6), 74-86, 2013
Multivariate multiscale entropy: A tool for complexity analysis of multichannel data
MU Ahmed, DP Mandic
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 84 (6 …, 2011
The quaternion LMS algorithm for adaptive filtering of hypercomplex processes
CC Took, DP Mandic
IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing 57 (4), 1316-1327, 2008
Complex empirical mode decomposition
T Tanaka, DP Mandic
IEEE Signal Processing Letters 14 (2), 101-104, 2007
A generalized normalized gradient descent algorithm
DP Mandic
IEEE signal processing letters 11 (2), 115-118, 2004
Biometrics from brain electrical activity: A machine learning approach
R Palaniappan, DP Mandic
IEEE transactions on pattern analysis and machine intelligence 29 (4), 738-742, 2007
Tensor networks for dimensionality reduction and large-scale optimization. Part 2: Applications and future perspectives
DPM A. Cichocki, A.-H. Phan, Q. Zhao, N. Lee, I. Oseledets, M. Sugiyama
Foundations & Trends in Machine Learning 9 (6), 431-673, 2017
The in-the-ear recording concept: User-centered and wearable brain monitoring
D Looney, P Kidmose, C Park, M Ungstrup, ML Rank, K Rosenkranz, ...
IEEE pulse 3 (6), 32-42, 2012
Classification of motor imagery BCI using multivariate empirical mode decomposition
C Park, D Looney, N ur Rehman, A Ahrabian, DP Mandic
IEEE Transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 21 (1), 10-22, 2012
Empirical mode decomposition for trivariate signals
N ur Rehman, DP Mandic
IEEE Transactions on signal processing 58 (3), 1059-1068, 2009
Augmented second-order statistics of quaternion random signals
CC Took, DP Mandic
Signal Processing 91 (2), 214-224, 2011
Resolving ambiguities in the LF/HF ratio: LF-HF scatter plots for the categorization of mental and physical stress from HRV
W Von Rosenberg, T Chanwimalueang, T Adjei, U Jaffer, V Goverdovsky, ...
Frontiers in physiology 8, 360, 2017
Multivariate multiscale entropy analysis
MU Ahmed, DP Mandic
IEEE signal processing letters 19 (2), 91-94, 2011
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