umberto rizza
umberto rizza
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An analytical air pollution model: development and evaluation
DM Moreira, U Rizza, GA Degrazia, C Mangia, T Tirabassi
Contributions to Atmospheric Physics 71, 1998
Evaluation of a new eddy diffusivity parameterisation from turbulent Eulerian spectra in different stability conditions
C Mangia, DM Moreira, I Schipa, GA Degrazia, T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Atmospheric Environment 36 (1), 67-76, 2002
WRF-Chem model simulations of a dust outbreak over the central Mediterranean and comparison with multi-sensor desert dust observations
U Rizza, F Barnaba, MM Miglietta, C Mangia, L Di Liberto, D Dionisi, ...
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 17 (1), 93-115, 2017
Outdoor spatial distribution and indoor levels of NO2 and SO2 in a high environmental risk site of the South Italy
P Ielpo, C Mangia, GP Marra, V Comite, U Rizza, VF Uricchio, P Fermo
Science of the total environment 648, 787-797, 2019
A theoretical model for the study of convective turbulence decay and comparison with large-eddy simulation data
A Goulart, G Degrazia, U Rizza, D Anfossi
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 107, 143-155, 2003
Validation of a new turbulent parameterization for dispersion models in convective conditions
GA Degrazia, U Rizza, C Mangia, T Tirabassi
Boundary-Layer Meteorology 85, 243-254, 1997
Sensitivity of WRF-Chem model to land surface schemes: Assessment in a severe dust outbreak episode in the Central Mediterranean (Apulia Region)
U Rizza, MM Miglietta, C Mangia, P Ielpo, M Morichetti, C Iachini, S Virgili, ...
Atmospheric Research 201, 168-180, 2018
Analytic modeling of two-dimensional transient atmospheric pollutant dispersion by double GITT and Laplace Transform techniques
M Cassol, S Wortmann, U Rizza
Environmental Modelling & Software 24 (1), 144-151, 2009
Semi-analytical model for pollution dispersion in the planetary boundary layer
DM Moreira, U Rizza, MT Vilhena, A Goulart
Atmospheric Environment 39 (14), 2673-2681, 2005
An inclusive view of Saharan dust advections to Italy and the Central Mediterranean
GP Gobbi, F Barnaba, L Di Liberto, A Bolignano, F Lucarelli, S Nava, ...
Atmospheric Environment 201, 242-256, 2019
Boundary layer parameterization for a non-Gaussian puff model
T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Journal of Applied Meteorology 36 (8), 1031-1037, 1997
Multi-physics ensemble versus atmosphere–ocean coupled model simulations for a tropical-like cyclone in the Mediterranean Sea
A Ricchi, MM Miglietta, D Bonaldo, G Cioni, U Rizza, S Carniel
Atmosphere 10 (4), 202, 2019
Sunset decay of the convective turbulence with Large-Eddy Simulation under realistic conditions
U Rizza, MM Miglietta, GA Degrazia, OC Acevedo, EP Marques Filho
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 392 (19), 4481-4490, 2013
Investigation of sea-breeze convergence in Salento Peninsula (southeastern Italy)
AN Comin, MM Miglietta, U Rizza, OC Acevedo, GA Degrazia
Atmospheric Research 160, 68-79, 2015
A comparison between different methods to estimate the lateral dispersion parameter under convective conditions
GA Degrazia, C Mangia, U Rizza
Journal of Applied Meteorology 37 (2), 227-231, 1998
Applied dispersion modelling for ground-level concentrations from elevated sources
T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Atmospheric Environment 28 (4), 611-615, 1994
Estimation of the ratio between the Lagrangian and Eulerian time scales in an atmospheric boundary layer generated by large eddy simulation
D Anfossi, U Rizza, C Mangia, GA Degrazia, EP Marques Filho
Atmospheric Environment 40 (2), 326-337, 2006
A practical model for the dispersion of skewed puffs
T Tirabassi, U Rizza
Journal of Applied Meteorology (1988-2005), 989-993, 1995
Influence of wave state and sea spray on the roughness length: Feedback on medicanes
U Rizza, E Canepa, A Ricchi, D Bonaldo, S Carniel, M Morichetti, ...
Atmosphere 9 (8), 301, 2018
Aerosol optical depth of the main aerosol species over Italian cities based on the NASA/MERRA-2 model reanalysis
U Rizza, E Mancinelli, M Morichetti, G Passerini, S Virgili
Atmosphere 10 (11), 709, 2019
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