Zhen Cao
Dimensionless analysis on liquid-liquid flow patterns and scaling law on slug hydrodynamics in cross-junction microchannels
Z Cao, Z Wu, B Sundén
Chemical Engineering Journal 344, 604-615, 2018
Pool boiling heat transfer of FC-72 on pin-fin silicon surfaces with nanoparticle deposition
Z Cao, B Liu, C Preger, Z Wu, Y Zhang, X Wang, ME Messing, K Deppert, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 126, 1019-1033, 2018
Liquid-liquid flow patterns and slug hydrodynamics in square microchannels of cross-shaped junctions
Z Wu, Z Cao, B Sundén
Chemical Engineering Science 174, 56-66, 2017
Saturated pool boiling heat transfer of acetone and HFE-7200 on modified surfaces by electrophoretic and electrochemical deposition
Z Wu, Z Cao, B Sundén
Applied Energy 249, 286-299, 2019
Pool boiling of HFE-7200 on nanoparticle-coating surfaces: Experiments and heat transfer analysis
Z Cao, Z Wu, AD Pham, Y Yang, S Abbood, P Falkman, T Ruzgas, C Albèr, ...
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 133, 548-560, 2019
Heat transfer prediction and critical heat flux mechanism for pool boiling of NOVEC-649 on microporous copper surfaces
Z Cao, Z Wu, B Sundén
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 141, 818-834, 2019
Flow patterns and slug scaling of liquid-liquid flow in square microchannels
Z Wu, Z Cao, B Sunden
International Journal of Multiphase Flow 112, 27-39, 2019
Pool boiling heat transfer of N-pentane on micro/nanostructured surfaces
B Liu, Z Cao, Y Zhang, Z Wu, AD Pham, W Wang, Z Yan, J Wei, B Sundén
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 130, 386-394, 2018
Investigation on the thermal-hydraulic performance in a PCHE with airfoil fins for supercritical LNG near the pseudo-critical temperature under the rolling condition
L Tang, Z Cao, J Pan
Applied Thermal Engineering 175, 115404, 2020
CFD analysis of two types of welded plate heat exchangers
HB Luan, JP Kuang, Z Cao, Z Wu, WQ Tao, B Sundén
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 71 (3), 250-269, 2017
Nanoparticle-assisted pool boiling heat transfer on micro-pin-fin surfaces
Z Cao, B Liu, C Preger, Y Zhang, Z Wu, ME Messing, K Deppert, J Wei, ...
Langmuir 37 (3), 1089-1101, 2021
Effect of an impinging jet on the flow characteristics and thermal performance of mainstream in battery cooling of hybrid electric vehicles
J Fu, Y Li, Z Cao, B Sundén, J Bao, G Xie
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 183, 122206, 2022
Numerical simulation of the modulated flow pattern for vertical upflows by the phase separation concept
Q Chen, J Xu, D Sun, Z Cao, J Xie, F Xing
International journal of multiphase flow 56, 105-118, 2013
Experimental test on the performance of a− 80° C cascade refrigeration unit using refrigerants R290-R170 for COVID-19 vaccines storage
Z Liu, M Bai, H Tan, Y Ling, Z Cao
Journal of Building Engineering 63, 105537, 2023
Numerical simulation of modulated heat transfer tube in laminar flow regime
Z Cao, J Xu, D Sun, J Xie, F Xing, Q Chen, X Wang
International journal of thermal sciences 75, 171-183, 2014
Electrophoretic deposition surfaces to enhance HFE-7200 pool boiling heat transfer and critical heat flux
Z Cao, Z Wu, AD Pham, B Sundén
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 146, 106107, 2019
Modulated heat transfer tube with short conical-mesh inserts: A linking from microflow to macroflow
Z Cao, J Xu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 89, 291-307, 2015
Pool boiling of NOVEC-649 on microparticle-coated and nanoparticle-coated surfaces
Z Cao, Z Wu, B Sundén
Heat Transfer Engineering 42 (19-20), 1732-1747, 2021
Numerical study on heat transfer enhancement for laminar flow in a tube with mesh conical frustum inserts
Z Cao, Z Wu, H Luan, B Sunden
Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications 72 (1), 21-39, 2017
Effect of nanoparticle concentration and surfactants on nanofluid pool boiling
J Du, Y Wang, W Yang, J Wang, Z Cao, B Sundén
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 221, 125080, 2024
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