Gábor Rétvári
Survey of performance acceleration techniques for network function virtualization
L Linguaglossa, S Lange, S Pontarelli, G Rétvári, D Rossi, T Zinner, ...
Proceedings of the IEEE 107 (4), 746-764, 2019
Compressing IP forwarding tables: Towards entropy bounds and beyond
G Rétvári, J Tapolcai, A Kőrösi, A Majdán, Z Heszberger
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2013 Conference on SIGCOMM, 111-122, 2013
The programmable data plane: Abstractions, architectures, algorithms, and applications
O Michel, R Bifulco, G Retvari, S Schmid
ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR) 54 (4), 1-36, 2021
A survey on the programmable data plane: Abstractions, architectures, and open problems
R Bifulco, G Rétvári
2018 IEEE 19th International Conference on High Performance Switching and …, 2018
A survey of fast-recovery mechanisms in packet-switched networks
M Chiesa, A Kamisiński, J Rak, G Rétvári, S Schmid
IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials 23 (2), 1253-1301, 2021
IP fast reroute: Loop free alternates revisited
G Rétvári, J Tapolcai, G Enyedi, A Császár
2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM, 2948-2956, 2011
Navigable networks as Nash equilibria of navigation games
A Gulyás, JJ Bíró, A Kőrösi, G Rétvári, D Krioukov
Nature communications 6 (1), 7651, 2015
Dataplane specialization for high-performance OpenFlow software switching
L Molnár, G Pongrácz, G Enyedi, ZL Kis, L Csikor, F Juhász, A Kőrösi, ...
Proceedings of the 2016 ACM SIGCOMM Conference, 539-552, 2016
IP fast reroute: Lightweight not-via without additional addresses
G Enyedi, P Szilágyi, G Rétvári, A Császár
IEEE INFOCOM 2009, 2771-2775, 2009
Practical OSPF traffic engineering
G Rétvári, T Cinkler
IEEE communications Letters 8 (11), 689-691, 2004
Transition to SDN is HARMLESS: Hybrid architecture for migrating legacy ethernet switches to SDN
L Csikor, M Szalay, G Rétvári, G Pongrácz, DP Pezaros, L Toka
IEEE/ACM Transactions On Networking 28 (1), 275-288, 2020
On shortest path representation
G Rétvári, JJ Bíró, T Cinkler
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 15 (6), 1293-1306, 2007
Lying your way to better traffic engineering
M Chiesa, G Rétvári, M Schapira
Proceedings of the 12th International on Conference on emerging Networking …, 2016
Converging the evolution of router architectures and IP networks
A Császár, G Enyedi, G Retvari, M Hidell, P Sjödin
IEEE Network 21 (4), 8-14, 2007
A novel loop-free IP fast reroute algorithm
G Enyedi, G Rétvári, T Cinkler
Meeting of the European Network of Universities and Companies in Information …, 2007
A precomputation scheme for minimum interference routing: the Least-Critical-Path-First algorithm
G Rétvári, JJ Bíró, T Ciinkler, T Henk
Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and …, 2005
Batchy: batch-scheduling data flow graphs with service-level objectives
T Lévai, F Németh, B Raghavan, G Retvari
17th USENIX Symposium on Networked Systems Design and Implementation (NSDI …, 2020
OSPF for implementing self-adaptive routing in autonomic networks: A case study
G Rétvári, F Nemeth, R Chaparadza, R Szabó
Modelling Autonomic Communications Environments: Fourth IEEE International …, 2009
Optimizing IGP link costs for improving IP-level resilience with Loop-Free Alternates
L Csikor, J Tapolcai, G Rétvári
Computer Communications 36 (6), 645-655, 2013
Optimizing IGP link costs for improving IP-level resilience
G Rétvári, L Csikor, J Tapolcai, G Enyedi, A Császár
2011 8th International Workshop on the Design of Reliable Communication …, 2011
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