Maksym Byshkin
Self-assembly of carbon nanotubes in polymer melts: simulation of structural and electrical behaviour by hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics
Y Zhao, M Byshkin, Y Cong, T Kawakatsu, L Guadagno, A De Nicola, ...
Nanoscale 8 (34), 15538-15552, 2016
Patent citation network analysis: A perspective from descriptive statistics and ERGMs
M Chakraborty, M Byshkin, F Crestani
Plos one 15 (12), e0241797, 2020
Fast maximum likelihood estimation via equilibrium expectation for large network data
M Byshkin, A Stivala, A Mira, G Robins, A Lomi
Scientific reports 8 (1), 11509, 2018
Auxiliary parameter MCMC for exponential random graph models
M Byshkin, A Stivala, A Mira, R Krause, G Robins, A Lomi
Journal of Statistical Physics 165, 740-754, 2016
Phase transformations and segregation in Fe–Ni alloys and nanoalloys
M Byshkin, M Hou
Journal of Materials Science 47, 5784-5793, 2012
CoolMomentum: A Method for Stochastic Optimization by Langevin Dynamics with Simulated Annealing
O Borysenko, M Byshkin
Scientific Reports 11, 1075, 2021
Simulation of self-heating process on the nanoscale: A multiscale approach for molecular models of nanocomposite materials
G Donati, A De Nicola, G Munaò, M Byshkin, L Vertuccio, L Guadagno, ...
Nanoscale Advances 2 (8), 3164-3180, 2020
A unified bottom up multiscale strategy to model gas sensors based on conductive polymers
MS Byshkin, F Buonocore, A Di Matteo, G Milano
Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 211, 42-51, 2015
Hybrid particle-field molecular dynamics under constant pressure
SL Bore, HB Kolli, A De Nicola, M Byshkin, T Kawakatsu, G Milano, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 152 (18), 2020
A simple algorithm for scalable Monte Carlo inference
A Borisenko, M Byshkin, A Lomi
arXiv preprint arXiv:1901.00533, 2019
A new method for the calculation of the conductivity of inhomogeneous systems
MS Byshkin, AA Turkin
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 38 (23), 5057, 2005
A united event grand canonical Monte Carlo study of partially doped polyaniline
MS Byshkin, A Correa, F Buonocore, A Di Matteo, G Milano
The Journal of Chemical Physics 139 (24), 2013
The effect of encapsulation in carbon nanotubes on properties of Fe–Ni nanoalloys with cubic and helical structures
M Byshkin, B Zhu, M Hou
Journal of Materials Science 48, 866-875, 2013
Bond-coordination lattice model for phase transformations in carbon
MS Byshkin
Diamond and related materials 20 (10), 1310-1314, 2011
MD simulation of phase transformations in liquid carbon
MS Byshkin, AS Bakai, AA Turkin
Diamond and related materials 19 (7-9), 1058-1064, 2010
Molecular dynamics simulation of phase transitions in liquid carbon
MS Byshkin, AS Bakai, AA Turkin
Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2007
Simulation of synthesis of cluster-assembled nanostructured materials
MS Byshkin, AS Bakai, NP Lazarev, AA Turkin
Condensed Matter Physics, 2003
Supporting Information for: Simulation of Self-Heating Process on the Nanoscale: a Multiscale Approach for Molecular Models of Nanocomposite Materials
G Donati, A De Nicola, G Munao, M Byshkin, L Vertuccio, L Guadagno, ...
Activities made by the Soft Matter Molecular Simulation Group
MS Byshkin, F Buonocore, A Di Matteo, G Milano, A De Nicola, Y Zhao, ...
High Performance Computing on CRESCO infrastructure: research activities and …, 0
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