Philippe Letourmy
Philippe Letourmy
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Comparative performance of conservation agriculture and current smallholder farming practices in semi-arid Zimbabwe
F Baudron, P Tittonell, M Corbeels, P Letourmy, KE Giller
Field crops research 132, 117-128, 2012
Comparison of the genetic determinism of two key phenological traits, flowering and maturity dates, in three Prunus species: peach, apricot and sweet cherry
E Dirlewanger, J Quero-Garcia, L Le Dantec, P Lambert, D Ruiz, ...
Heredity 109 (5), 280-292, 2012
Effects of remnant trees in fallows on diversity and structure of forest regrowth in a slash-and-burn agricultural system in southern Cameroon
SM Carrière, P Letourmy, DB McKey
journal of Tropical Ecology 18 (3), 375-396, 2002
Seed rain beneath remnant trees in a slash-and-burn agricultural system in southern Cameroon
SM Carrière, M André, P Letourmy, I Olivier, DB McKey
journal of Tropical Ecology 18 (3), 353-374, 2002
Limits of conservation agriculture to overcome low crop yields in sub-Saharan Africa
M Corbeels, K Naudin, AM Whitbread, R Kühne, P Letourmy
Nature Food 1 (7), 447-454, 2020
Assessing humification and organic C compounds by laser-induced fluorescence and FTIR spectroscopies under conventional and no-till management in Brazilian Oxisols
F Tivet, JC de Moraes Sá, R Lal, DMBP Milori, C Briedis, P Letourmy, ...
Geoderma 207, 71-81, 2013
Resistance to Leaf Scald Disease Is Associated with Limited Colonization of Sugarcane and Wild Relatives by Xanthomonas albilineans
P Rott, IS Mohamed, P Klett, D Soupa, A de Saint-Albin, P Feldmann, ...
Phytopathology 87 (12), 1202-1213, 1997
Effects of living mulches or residue amendments on soil microbial properties in direct seeded cropping systems of Madagascar
B Rabary, S Sall, P Letourmy, O Husson, E Ralambofetra, N Moussa, ...
applied soil ecology 39 (2), 236-243, 2008
Impact of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus on Sugarcane Yield and Juice Quality in Réunion Island
L Rassaby, JC Girard, P Letourmy, J Chaume, MS Irey, BEL Lockhart, ...
European Journal of Plant Pathology 109, 459-466, 2003
Targeted association analysis identified japonica rice varieties achieving Na+/K+ homeostasis without the allelic make-up of the salt tolerant indica variety Nona …
N Ahmadi, S Negrão, D Katsantonis, J Frouin, J Ploux, P Letourmy, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 123, 881-895, 2011
Organochlorine (chlordecone) uptake by root vegetables
F Clostre, P Letourmy, M Lesueur-Jannoyer
Chemosphere 118, 96-102, 2015
Genetic mapping of maize streak virus resistance from the Mascarene source. II. Resistance in line CIRAD390 and stability across germplasm
A Pernet, D Hoisington, J Dintinger, D Jewell, C Jiang, M Khairallah, ...
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 99, 540-553, 1999
Investigation of potentially toxic heavy metals in different organic wastes used to fertilize market garden crops
M Tella, E Doelsch, P Letourmy, S Chataing, F Cuoq, MN Bravin, ...
Waste Management 33 (1), 184-192, 2013
Variation in infection capacity and in virulence exists between genotypes of Sugarcane yellow leaf virus
YA Ahmad, L Costet, JH Daugrois, S Nibouche, P Letourmy, JC Girard, ...
Plant Disease 91 (3), 253-259, 2007
Genetic variability of nitrogen use efficiency in rainfed upland rice
T Rakotoson, J Dusserre, P Letourmy, IR Ramonta, TV Cao, ...
Field Crops Research 213, 194-203, 2017
Leaf scald {Xanthomonas albilineans) incidence and its effect on yield in seven sugarcane cultivars in Guadeloupe
P Rott, D Soupa, Y Brunet, P Feldmann, P Letourmy
Plant Pathology 995 (44), 1075-1084, 1995
Population dynamics of Xanthomonas albilineans in sugarcane plants as determined with an antibiotic-resistant mutant.
P Rott, M Abel, D Soupa, P Feldmann, P Letourmy
Soil carbon inventory by wet oxidation and dry combustion methods: effects of land use, soil texture gradients, and sampling depth on the linear model of C‐equivalent …
F Tivet, J Carlos de Moraes Sá, PR Borszowskei, P Letourmy, C Briedis, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 76 (3), 1048-1059, 2012
Decision support tool for soil sampling of heterogeneous pesticide (chlordecone) pollution
F Clostre, M Lesueur-Jannoyer, R Achard, P Letourmy, YM Cabidoche, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 21, 1980-1992, 2014
Synergies and tradeoffs in natural regulation of crop pests and diseases under plant species diversification
A Ratnadass, J Avelino, P Fernandes, P Letourmy, R Babin, P Deberdt, ...
Crop Protection 146, 105658, 2021
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