Professor Ir. Dr. Ismail Musirin
Professor Ir. Dr. Ismail Musirin
Professor of Power System, School of Electrical Engineering, (Formerly known as Faculty of
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Novel fast voltage stability index (FVSI) for voltage stability analysis in power transmission system
I Musirin, TKA Rahman
Student conference on research and development, 265-268, 2002
Optimal overcurrent relay coordination: a review
MH Hussain, SRA Rahim, I Musirin
Procedia Engineering 53, 332-336, 2013
Estimating maximum loadability for weak bus identification using FVSI
I Musirin, TKA Rahman
IEEE power engineering review 22 (11), 50-52, 2002
On-line voltage stability based contingency ranking using fast voltage stability index (FVSI)
I Musirin, TKA Rahman
IEEE/PES Transmission and Distribution Conference and Exhibition 2, 1118-1123, 2002
Optimal allocation and sizing of embedded generators
TKA Rahman, SRA Rahim, I Musirin
PECon 2004. Proceedings. National Power and Energy Conference, 2004., 288-294, 2004
Fuzzy logic controller on DC/DC boost converter
NFN Ismail, I Musirin, R Baharom, D Johari
2010 IEEE International Conference on Power and Energy, 661-666, 2010
An intelligent method for sizing optimization in grid-connected photovoltaic system
SI Sulaiman, TKA Rahman, I Musirin, S Shaari, K Sopian
Solar energy 86 (7), 2067-2082, 2012
Construction and performance investigation of three-phase solar PV and battery energy storage system integrated UPQC
MA Mansor, K Hasan, MM Othman, SZBM Noor, I Musirin
Ieee Access 8, 103511-103538, 2020
Optimal sizing and operational strategy of hybrid renewable energy system using homer
MM bin Othman, I Musirin
2010 4th International Power Engineering and Optimization Conference (PEOCO …, 2010
Artificial immune-based optimization technique for solving economic dispatch in power system
TKA Rahman, SI Suliman, I Musirin
Italian Workshop on Neural Nets, 338-345, 2005
Optimal sizing of stand-alone photovoltaic system by minimizing the loss of power supply probability
NIA Aziz, SI Sulaiman, S Shaari, I Musirin, K Sopian
Solar Energy 150, 220-228, 2017
Power system voltage stability assessment using a hybrid approach combining dragonfly optimization algorithm and support vector regression
M Amroune, T Bouktir, I Musirin
Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering 43, 3023-3036, 2018
Artificial neural network (ANN) application in dissolved gas analysis (DGA) methods for the detection of incipient faults in oil-filled power transformer
F Zakaria, D Johari, I Musirin
2012 IEEE International Conference on Control System, Computing and …, 2012
Sizing grid-connected photovoltaic system using genetic algorithm
SI Sulaiman, TKA Rahman, I Musirin, S Shaari
2011 IEEE symposium on industrial electronics and applications, 505-509, 2011
Power system voltage instability risk mitigation via emergency demand response-based whale optimization algorithm
M Amroune, T Bouktir, I Musirin
Protection and Control of Modern Power Systems 4 (4), 1-14, 2019
Partial evolutionary ANN for output prediction of a grid-connected photovoltaic system
SI Sulaiman, TKA Rahman, I Musirin
International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering 1 (1), 40-45, 2009
Barnacles mating optimizer: an evolutionary algorithm for solving optimization
MH Sulaiman, Z Mustaffa, MM Saari, H Daniyal, I Musirin, MR Daud
2018 IEEE international conference on automatic control and intelligent …, 2018
Solving dynamic economic dispatch using evolutionary programming
AMAA Joned, I Musirin, TKA Rahman
2006 IEEE International Power and Energy Conference, 144-149, 2006
A novel approach to determine transmission reliability margin using parametric bootstrap technique
MM Othman, I Musirin
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems 33 (10), 1666-1674, 2011
Pareto optimal approach in multi-objective chaotic mutation immune evolutionary programming (MOCMIEP) for optimal distributed generation photovoltaic (DGPV) integration in …
SAS Mustaffa, I Musirin, MKM Zamani, MM Othman
Ain Shams Engineering Journal 10 (4), 745-754, 2019
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