Theodosios Kyriakou
Theodosios Kyriakou
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A comprehensive 1000 Genomes–based genome-wide association meta-analysis of coronary artery disease
Nature genetics 47 (10), 1121-1130, 2015
Genetic variants associated with Lp (a) lipoprotein level and coronary disease
R Clarke, JF Peden, JC Hopewell, T Kyriakou, A Goel, SC Heath, S Parish, ...
New England Journal of Medicine 361 (26), 2518-2528, 2009
A genome-wide association study in Europeans and South Asians identifies five new loci for coronary artery disease
Statistical genetics and bioinformatics Goel Anuj 1 2 Ongen Halit 1 2 ...
Nature genetics 43 (4), 339-344, 2011
Association analyses based on false discovery rate implicate new loci for coronary artery disease
CP Nelson, A Goel, AS Butterworth, S Kanoni, TR Webb, E Marouli, ...
Nature genetics 49 (9), 1385-1391, 2017
The influence of age and sex on genetic associations with adult body size and shape: a large-scale genome-wide interaction study
TW Winkler, AE Justice, M Graff, L Barata, MF Feitosa, S Chu, ...
PLoS genetics 11 (10), e1005378, 2015
Discovery and systematic characterization of risk variants and genes for coronary artery disease in over a million participants
KG Aragam, T Jiang, A Goel, S Kanoni, BN Wolford, DS Atri, EM Weeks, ...
Nature genetics 54 (12), 1803-1815, 2022
Pre-eclampsia and offspring cardiovascular health: mechanistic insights from experimental studies
EF Davis, L Newton, AJ Lewandowski, M Lazdam, BA Kelly, T Kyriakou, ...
Clinical science 123 (2), 53-72, 2012
Relationship between CAD Risk Genotype in the Chromosome 9p21 Locus and Gene Expression. Identification of Eight New ANRIL Splice Variants
L Folkersen, T Kyriakou, A Goel, J Peden, A Mälarstig, G Paulsson-Berne, ...
PloS one 4 (11), e7677, 2009
Association of the PHACTR1/EDN1 Genetic Locus With Spontaneous Coronary Artery Dissection
D Adlam, TM Olson, N Combaret, JC Kovacic, SE Iismaa, A Al-Hussaini, ...
Journal of the American College of Cardiology 73 (1), 58-66, 2019
Chronic activation of γ2 AMPK induces obesity and reduces β cell function
A Yavari, CJ Stocker, S Ghaffari, ET Wargent, V Steeples, G Czibik, ...
Cell metabolism 23 (5), 821-836, 2016
Adiponectin gene ADIPOQ SNP associations with serum adiponectin in two female populations and effects of SNPs on promoter activity
T Kyriakou, LJ Collins, NJ Spencer-Jones, C Malcolm, X Wang, H Snieder, ...
Journal of human genetics 53 (8), 718-727, 2008
Effect of high-fat feeding on expression of genes controlling availability of dopamine in mouse hypothalamus
AK Lee, M Mojtahed-Jaberi, T Kyriakou, EAO Astarloa, M Arno, ...
Nutrition 26 (4), 411-422, 2010
A principal component meta-analysis on multiple anthropometric traits identifies novel loci for body shape
JS Ried, J Jeff M, AY Chu, JL Bragg-Gresham, J Van Dongen, JE Huffman, ...
Nature communications 7 (1), 13357, 2016
Regulation of corticotropin-releasing hormone type 2 receptors by multiple promoters and alternative splicing: identification of multiple splice variants
RD Catalano, T Kyriakou, J Chen, A Easton, EW Hillhouse
Molecular endocrinology 17 (3), 395-410, 2003
Association of maternal antiangiogenic profile at birth with early postnatal loss of microvascular density in offspring of hypertensive pregnancies
GZ Yu, CYL Aye, AJ Lewandowski, EF Davis, CP Khoo, L Newton, ...
Hypertension 68 (3), 749-759, 2016
Impact of lipoprotein (a) levels and apolipoprotein (a) isoform size on risk of coronary heart disease
JC Hopewell, U Seedorf, M Farrall, S Parish, T Kyriakou, A Goel, ...
Journal of internal medicine 276 (3), 260-268, 2014
A Common LPA Null Allele Associates With Lower Lipoprotein(a) Levels and Coronary Artery Disease Risk
T Kyriakou, U Seedorf, A Goel, JC Hopewell, R Clarke, H Watkins, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 34 (9), 2095-2099, 2014
Genotypic effect of the− 565C> T polymorphism in the ABCA1 gene promoter on ABCA1 expression and severity of atherosclerosis
T Kyriakou, C Hodgkinson, DE Pontefract, S Iyengar, WM Howell, Y Wong, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 25 (2), 418-423, 2005
JCAD, a Gene at the 10p11 Coronary Artery Disease Locus, Regulates Hippo Signaling in Endothelial Cells
PD Jones, MA Kaiser, M Ghaderi Najafabadi, S Koplev, Y Zhao, ...
Arteriosclerosis, thrombosis, and vascular biology 38 (8), 1711-1722, 2018
Network analysis of coronary artery disease risk genes elucidates disease mechanisms and druggable targets
H Lempiäinen, I Brænne, T Michoel, V Tragante, B Vilne, TR Webb, ...
Scientific reports 8 (1), 3434, 2018
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