Lehmann Irina
Lehmann Irina
Professor for Environmental Epigenetics, Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin and BIH
Patvirtintas el. paštas
An endogenous tumour-promoting ligand of the human aryl hydrocarbon receptor
CA Opitz, UM Litzenburger, F Sahm, M Ott, I Tritschler, S Trump, ...
Nature 478 (7368), 197-203, 2011
COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium–immune cell interactions identified by single-cell analysis
RL Chua, S Lukassen, S Trump, BP Hennig, D Wendisch, F Pott, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (8), 970-979, 2020
Impact of maternal body mass index and gestational weight gain on pregnancy complications: an individual participant data meta‐analysis of European, North American and …
S Santos, E Voerman, P Amiano, H Barros, LJ Beilin, A Bergström, ...
BJOG: An International Journal of Obstetrics & Gynaecology 126 (8), 984-995, 2019
Maternal body mass index, gestational weight gain, and the risk of overweight and obesity across childhood: An individual participant data meta-analysis
E Voerman, S Santos, B Patro Golab, P Amiano, F Ballester, H Barros, ...
PLoS medicine 16 (2), e1002744, 2019
Association of gestational weight gain with adverse maternal and infant outcomes
E Voerman, S Santos, H Inskip, P Amiano, H Barros, MA Charles, L Chatzi, ...
Jama 321 (17), 1702-1715, 2019
Pre-activated antiviral innate immunity in the upper airways controls early SARS-CoV-2 infection in children
J Loske, J Röhmel, S Lukassen, S Stricker, VG Magalhães, J Liebig, ...
Nature biotechnology 40 (3), 319-324, 2022
Constitutive IDO expression in human cancer is sustained by an autocrine signaling loop involving IL-6, STAT3 and the AHR
UM Litzenburger, CA Opitz, F Sahm, KJ Rauschenbach, S Trump, ...
Oncotarget 5 (4), 1038, 2014
Maternal diet during pregnancy in relation to eczema and allergic sensitization in the offspring at 2 y of age
S Sausenthaler, S Koletzko, B Schaaf, I Lehmann, M Borte, O Herbarth, ...
The American journal of clinical nutrition 85 (2), 530-537, 2007
Mode of delivery and development of atopic disease during the first 2 years of life
K Negele, J Heinrich, M Borte, A Von Berg, B Schaaf, I Lehmann, ...
Pediatric allergy and immunology 15 (1), 48-54, 2004
Maternal and newborn vitamin D status and its impact on food allergy development in the German LINA cohort study
K Weisse, S Winkler, F Hirche, G Herberth, D Hinz, M Bauer, S Röder, ...
Allergy 68 (2), 220-228, 2013
Mechanisms of the Development of Allergy (MeDALL): Introducing novel concepts in allergy phenotypes
JM Anto, J Bousquet, M Akdis, C Auffray, T Keil, I Momas, DS Postma, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 139 (2), 388-399, 2017
Allergens and endotoxin on mothers' mattresses and total immunoglobulin E in cord blood of neonates
J Heinrich, G Bolte, B Hölscher, J Douwes, I Lehmann, B Fahlbusch, ...
European Respiratory Journal 20 (3), 617-623, 2002
Cord blood Tregs with stable FOXP3 expression are influenced by prenatal environment and associated with atopic dermatitis at the age of one year
D Hinz, M Bauer, S Röder, S Olek, J Huehn, U Sack, M Borte, JC Simon, ...
Allergy 67 (3), 380-389, 2012
The mycotoxins citrinin, gliotoxin, and patulin affect interferon‐γ rather than interleukin‐4 production in human blood cells
G Wichmann, O Herbarth, I Lehmann
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 17 (3), 211-218, 2002
From the exposome to mechanistic understanding of chemical-induced adverse effects
BI Escher, J Hackermüller, T Polte, S Scholz, A Aigner, R Altenburger, ...
Environment international 99, 97-106, 2017
Complement activation induces excessive T cell cytotoxicity in severe COVID-19
P Georg, R Astaburuaga-García, L Bonaguro, S Brumhard, L Michalick, ...
Cell 185 (3), 493-512. e25, 2022
Maternal and cord blood miR-223 expression associates with prenatal tobacco smoke exposure and low regulatory T-cell numbers
G Herberth, M Bauer, M Gasch, D Hinz, S Röder, S Olek, T Kohajda, ...
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 133 (2), 543-550. e4, 2014
Hypertension delays viral clearance and exacerbates airway hyperinflammation in patients with COVID-19
S Trump, S Lukassen, MS Anker, RL Chua, J Liebig, L Thürmann, ...
Nature biotechnology 39 (6), 705-716, 2021
Infant eczema, infant sleeping problems, and mental health at 10 years of age: the prospective birth cohort study LISAplus
J Schmitt, CM Chen, C Apfelbacher, M Romanos, I Lehmann, O Herbarth, ...
Allergy 66 (3), 404-411, 2011
The influence of maternal exposure to volatile organic compounds on the cytokine secretion profile of neonatal T cells
I Lehmann, A Thoelke, M Rehwagen, U Rolle‐Kampczyk, U Schlink, ...
Environmental Toxicology: An International Journal 17 (3), 203-210, 2002
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