Oscar Björnham
Oscar Björnham
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Helicobacter pylori adapts to chronic infection and gastric disease via pH-responsive BabA-mediated adherence
JA Bugaytsova, O Björnham, YA Chernov, P Gideonsson, S Henriksson, ...
Cell host & microbe 21 (3), 376-389, 2017
A structural basis for sustained bacterial adhesion: biomechanical properties of CFA/I pili
M Andersson, O Björnham, M Svantesson, A Badahdah, BE Uhlin, ...
Journal of molecular biology 415 (5), 918-928, 2012
Physical properties of the specific PapG–galabiose binding in E. coli P pili-mediated adhesion
O Björnham, H Nilsson, M Andersson, S Schedin
European biophysics journal 38, 245-254, 2009
Modeling of the elongation and retraction of Escherichia coli P pili under strain by Monte Carlo simulations
O Björnham, O Axner, M Andersson
European Biophysics Journal 37, 381-391, 2008
Characterization of the Biomechanical Properties of T4 Pili Expressed by Streptococcus pneumoniae—A Comparison between Helix‐like and Open Coil‐like Pili
M Castelain, E Koutris, M Andersson, K Wiklund, O Björnham, S Schedin, ...
Chemphyschem 10 (9‐10), 1533-1540, 2009
Measurements of the binding force between the Helicobacter pylori adhesin BabA and the Lewis b blood group antigen using optical tweezers
O Björnham, E Fällman, O Axner, J Ohlsson, UJ Nilsson, T Borén, ...
Journal of biomedical optics 10 (4), 044024-044024-9, 2005
Dynamic force spectroscopy of the Helicobacter pylori BabA–Lewis b Binding
O Björnham, J Bugaytsova, T Borén, S Schedin
Biophysical Chemistry 143 (1-2), 102-105, 2009
Results of comparisons of the predictions of 17 dense gas dispersion models with observations from the Jack Rabbit II chlorine field experiment
T Mazzola, S Hanna, J Chang, S Bradley, R Meris, S Simpson, S Miner, ...
Atmospheric Environment 244, 117887, 2021
The 2016 Al-Mishraq sulphur plant fire: Source and health risk area estimation
O Björnham, H Grahn, P von Schoenberg, B Liljedahl, A Waleij, ...
Atmospheric Environment 169, 287-296, 2017
Assessing bacterial adhesion on an individual adhesin and single pili level using optical tweezers
O Axner, M Andersson, O Björnham, M Castelain, J Klinth, E Koutris, ...
Bacterial Adhesion: Chemistry, Biology and Physics, 301-313, 2011
Unraveling the secrets of bacterial adhesion organelles using single-molecule force spectroscopy
O Axner, O Björnham, M Castelain, E Koutris, S Schedin, E Fällman, ...
Single Molecule Spectroscopy in Chemistry, Physics and Biology: Nobel …, 2009
Multipili attachment of bacteria with helixlike pili exposed to stress
O Björnham, O Axner
The Journal of chemical physics 130 (23), 2009
Multilevel model for airborne transmission of foot-and-mouth disease applied to Swedish livestock
O Björnham, R Sigg, J Burman
PLoS One 15 (5), e0232489, 2020
Radioxenon releases from a nuclear power plant: Stack data and atmospheric measurements
A Ringbom, A Axelsson, O Björnham, N Brännström, T Fritioff, H Grahn, ...
Pure and Applied Geophysics 178, 2677-2693, 2021
Catch-bond behavior of bacteria binding by slip bonds
O Björnham, O Axner
Biophysical journal 99 (5), 1331-1341, 2010
Methods and estimations of uncertainties in single-molecule dynamic force spectroscopy
O Björnham, S Schedin
European Biophysics Journal 38, 911-922, 2009
Bacterial adhesion
O Axner, M Andersson, O Björnham, M Castelain, JE Klinth, E Koutris, ...
Springer Verlag, 2011
Theory for nonlinear dynamic force spectroscopy
O Björnham, M Andersson
European Biophysics Journal 46, 225-233, 2017
Hazmat risk area assessment by atmospheric dispersion modelling using Latin hypercube sampling with weather ensemble
R Sigg, P Lindgren, P von Schoenberg, L Persson, J Burman, H Grahn, ...
Meteorological Applications 25 (4), 575-585, 2018
Time optimization of 90Sr measurements: Sequential measurement of multiple samples during ingrowth of 90Y
S Holmgren, A Tovedal, O Björnham, H Ramebäck
Applied Radiation and Isotopes 110, 150-154, 2016
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