Building systems from commercial components SA Hissam, RC Seacord, GA Lewis Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Software Engineering …, 2002 | 310 | 2002 |
Understanding free/open source software development processes W Scacchi, J Feller, B Fitzgerald, S Hissam, K Lakhani Software Process: Improvement and Practice 11 (2), 95-105, 2006 | 254 | 2006 |
Statistical-based wcet estimation and validation J Hansen, S Hissam, GA Moreno 9th International Workshop on Worst-Case Execution Time Analysis (WCET'09 …, 2009 | 226 | 2009 |
Agora: A search engine for software components RC Seacord, SA Hissam, KC Wallnau IEEE Internet computing 2 (6), 62, 1998 | 186 | 1998 |
Packaging predictable assembly SA Hissam, GA Moreno, JA Stafford, KC Wallnau Component Deployment: IFIP/ACM Working Conference, CD 2002 Berlin, Germany …, 2002 | 120 | 2002 |
Adopting open source software engineering (OSSE) practices by adopting OSSE tools J Robbins, H Fitzgerald, S Lakhani Perspectives on free and open source software, 245-264, 2005 | 87 | 2005 |
Enabling predictable assembly S Hissam, G Moreno, J Stafford, K Wallnau Journal of Systems and Software 65 (3), 185-198, 2003 | 70 | 2003 |
Complex COTS‐based software systems: practical steps for their maintenance D Carney, SA Hissam, D Plakosh Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice 12 (6), 357-376, 2000 | 60 | 2000 |
Packaging predictable assembly with prediction-enabled component technology S Hissam, GA Moreno, J Stafford, K Wallnau Software Engineering Institute, Pittsburgh, CMU/SEI-2001-TR-024, 2001 | 59 | 2001 |
Open source software development: future or fad? S Rusovan, M Lawford, DL Parnas Perspectives on free and open source software, 107-121, 2005 | 49 | 2005 |
Trust and vulnerability in open source software SA Hissam, D Plakosh, C Weinstock IEE Proceedings-Software 149 (1), 47-51, 2002 | 45 | 2002 |
On the relationship of software architecture to software component technology K Wallnau, J Stafford, S Hissam, M Klein Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Component-Oriented …, 2001 | 45 | 2001 |
Perspectives on free and open source software KR Lakhani, RG Wolf, J Feller, B Fitzgerald, S Hissam Perspectives on free and open source software, 3-23, 2005 | 37 | 2005 |
Pin component technology (V1. 0) and its C interface S Hissam, J Ivers, D Plakosh, KC Wallnau Carnegie Mellon University, 2005 | 35 | 2005 |
Predictable assembly of substation automation systems: An experiment report S Hissam, JJ Hudak, J Ivers, MH Klein, M Larsson, GA Moreno, ... Carnegie Mellon University, 2002 | 33 | 2002 |
Allocation of software development resources in open source production mode J Feller, B Fitzgerald, SA Hissam MIT Press, 2007 | 29 | 2007 |
Experience report: correcting system failure in a COTS information system SA Hissam Proceedings. International Conference on Software Maintenance (Cat. No …, 1998 | 26 | 1998 |
Epilogue: Open Source outside the domain of software C Shirky Perspectives on free and open source software, 483-488, 2005 | 23 | 2005 |
Isolating faults in complex COTS‐based systems SA Hissam, D Carney Journal of Software Maintenance: Research and Practice 11 (3), 183-199, 1999 | 23 | 1999 |
Statistical Models for Empirical Component Properties and Assembly-Level Property Predictions: Toward Standard Labeling GA Moreno, SA Hissam, KC Wallnau Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Component-Based Software …, 2002 | 22 | 2002 |