Anne Charrier
Anne Charrier
Aix Marseille Université - CNRS
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Solid-state decomposition of silicon carbide for growing ultra-thin heteroepitaxial graphite films
A Charrier, A Coati, T Argunova, F Thibaudau, Y Garreau, R Pinchaux, ...
Journal of applied physics 92 (5), 2479-2484, 2002
Solid-state graphitization mechanisms of silicon carbide 6H–SiC polar faces
I Forbeaux, JM Themlin, A Charrier, F Thibaudau, JM Debever
Applied surface science 162, 406-412, 2000
Tailoring the Electrochemical and Mechanical Properties of PEDOT:PSS Films for Bioelectronics
SS Mohammed ElMahmoudy, Sahika Inal,* Anne Charrier, Ilke Uguz, George G ...
Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2017
Main phase transitions in supported lipid single-bilayer
A Charrier, F Thibaudau
Biophysical Journal 89 (2), 1094-1101, 2005
Mechanical characterization of cross-linked serum albumin microcapsules
C De Loubens, J Deschamps, M Georgelin, A Charrier, F Edwards-Levy, ...
Soft matter 10 (25), 4561-4568, 2014
Wetting Properties and Critical Micellar Concentration of Benzalkonium Chloride Mixed in Sodium Hypochlorite
F Bukiet, G Couderc, J Camps, H Tassery, F Cuisinier, A Charrier, ...
Journal of Endodontics 38 (11), 1525-1529, 2012
High Aspect Ratio Sub‐Micrometer Channels Using Wet Etching: Application to the Dynamics of Red Blood Cell Transiting through Biomimetic Splenic Slits
P Gambhire, S Atwell, C Iss, F Bedu, I Ozerov, C Badens, E Helfer, ...
Small 13 (32), 1700967, 2017
Contrasted electronic properties of Sn-adatom-based (sqrt [3]× sqrt [3]) R30° reconstructions on Si (111)
A Charrier, R Pérez, F Thibaudau, JM Debever, J Ortega, F Flores, ...
Physical Review B 64 (11), 115407, 2001
Photoemission from graphite: Intrinsic and self-energy effects
VN Strocov, A Charrier, JM Themlin, M Rohlfing, R Claessen, N Barrett, ...
Physical Review B 64 (7), 075105, 2001
Plasticity, elasticity, and adhesion energy of plant cell walls: nanometrology of lignin loss using atomic force microscopy
RH Farahi, AM Charrier, A Tolbert, AL Lereu, A Ragauskas, BH Davison, ...
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 152, 2017
From understanding cellular function to novel drug discovery: the role of planar patch-clamp array chip technology
C Py, M Martina, GA Diaz-Quijada, CC Luk, D Martinez, MW Denhoff, ...
Frontiers in Pharmacology 2, 51, 2011
Label free femtomolar electrical detection of Fe (III) ions with a pyridinone modified lipid monolayer as the active sensing layer
TD Nguyen, R El Zein, JM Raimundo, H Dallaporta, A Charrier
Journal of Materials Chemistry B 1, 443-446, 2013
2D aggregation and selective desorption of nanoparticle probes: A new method to probe DNA mismatches and damages
A Charrier, N Candoni, N Liachenko, F Thibaudau
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 22 (9), 1881-1886, 2007
Classification of red cell dynamics with convolutional and recurrent neural networks: a sickle cell disease case study
M Darrin, A Samudre, M Sahun, S Atwell, C Badens, A Charrier, E Helfer, ...
Scientific Reports 13 (1), 745, 2023
Autonomic self-healing lipid monolayer: a new class of ultrathin dielectric
C Dumas, R El Zein, H Dallaporta, AM Charrier
Langmuir 27 (22), 13643-13647, 2011
DNA detection method based on the two-dimensional aggregation and selective desorption of nanoparticle probes
A Charrier, N Candoni, F Thibaudau
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 110 (26), 12896-12900, 2006
Self-organization of red blood cell suspensions under confined 2D flows
C Iss, D Midou, A Moreau, D Held, A Charrier, S Mendez, A Viallat, ...
Soft matter 15 (14), 2971-2980, 2019
A field effect transistor biosensor with γ-pyrone derivative engineered lipid-sensing layer for ultrasensitive Fe3þ ion detection with low pH interference
TD Nguyen, A Labed, R El Zein, S Lavandier, F Bedu, I Ozerov, ...
Biosensors and Bioelectronics 54, 571-577, 2014
Nanometric Protein-Patch Arrays on Glass and Polydimethylsiloxane for Cell Adhesion Studies
F Pi, P Dillard, L Limozin, A Charrier, K Sengupta
Nano Letters 13 (7), 3372, 2013
Electron correlation effects at Sn/Si (111)–3× 3, 3× 3 and Sn/Ge (111)–3× 3, 3× 3 reconstructions
F Flores, J Ortega, R Pérez, A Charrier, F Thibaudau, JM Debever, ...
Progress in Surface Science 67 (1), 299-307, 2001
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