Reem Ajaj
Reem Ajaj
King Abdulaziz University Faculty of Dentistry
Patvirtintas el. paštas
In vitro antimicrobial effectiveness of root canal sealers against Enterococcus faecalis: a systematic review
E AlShwaimi, D Bogari, R Ajaj, S Al-Shahrani, K Almas, A Majeed
Journal of endodontics 42 (11), 1588-1597, 2016
Expanding the Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (Ex-GRADE) for evidence-based clinical recommendations: validation study
L Phi, R Ajaj, MH Ramchandani, XMC Brant, O Oluwadara, O Polinovsky, ...
The open dentistry journal 6, 31, 2012
Osteoimmunopathology in HIV/AIDS: a translational evidence‐based perspective
A Barkhordarian, R Ajaj, MH Ramchandani, G Demerjian, R Cayabyab, ...
Pathology research international 2011 (1), 359242, 2011
Efficiency of light curing units in a government dental school
HM Nassar, R Ajaj, F Hasanain
Journal of oral science 60 (1), 142-146, 2018
Effect of different curing modes on the degree of conversion and the microhardness of different composite restorations
RA Ajaj, MK Yousef, AIA El Naga
Dental Hypotheses 6 (3), 109-116, 2015
Effect of light curing distance on microhardness profiles of bulk-fill resin composites
FA Hasanain, HM Nassar, RA Ajaj
Polymers 14 (3), 528, 2022
Dental bulk-fill resin composites polymerization efficiency: A systematic review and meta-analysis
RA Ajaj, NJ Farsi, L Alzain, N Nuwaylati, R Ghurab, HM Nassar
Journal of composites science 5 (6), 149, 2021
Comparison of Stresses Generated within the Supporting Structures of Mandibular Second Molars Restored with Different Crown Materials: 3‐D Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
DA Abuelenain, R Ajaj, EIMF El‐Bab, MMI Hammouda
Journal of Prosthodontics 24 (6), 484-493, 2015
Relative microhardness and flexural strength of different bulk fill resin composite restorative materials
RA Ajaj
J Am Sci 11 (7), 155-9, 2015
Effect of different light-curing units on microhardness of different bulk fill materials
MK Yousef, A Reem, A Ajaj
Life Sci J 12 (5), 24-30, 2015
Effect of eugenol on bond strength of adhesive resin: a systematic review
R Ajaj, S Al-Mutairi, S Ghandoura
OHDM 13 (4), 950-958, 2014
Evidence-based dentistry: the next frontier in translational and trans-national dental practice
R Ajaj, A Barkhordarian, L Phi, A Giroux, F Chiappelli
Dental Hypotheses 2 (2), 55-62, 2011
Infection control barrier and curing time as factors affecting the irradiance of light-cure units
RA Ajaj, HM Nassar, FA Hasanain
Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry 8 (6 …, 2018
Evidence-based assessment of the efficacy and effectiveness of light/laser activation in in-office dental bleaching
RA Ajaj, F Chiappelli, L Phi, A Giroux, C Maida, N Garrett, O Polinovsky
Dental Hypotheses 3 (2), 55-66, 2012
Optical and Surface properties of different bulk-fill resin composites after storage in different media
RA Ajaj
Journal of American Science.[Internet] 11 (6), 349-54, 2015
Flexural Strength Properties of Five Different Monolithic Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing Ceramic Materials: An In Vitro Study
EA Attar, A Aldharrab, R Ajaj
Cureus 15 (3), 2023
No-prep veneers versus traditional veneers: steps and follow up cases
R Ajaj
Med Sci 24 (105), 3234-57, 2020
A preliminary study in using computerized dental simulators to train students at Faculty of Dentistry, King Abdulaziz University
R Ajaj, G Naguib, A Banjar, A Abuzinadah
JKAU Med Sci 21, 39-53, 2014
Infrared spectroscopic analysis of restorative composite materials' surfaces and their saline extracts
R Ajaj, R Baier, J Fabiano, P Bush
Progress in biomaterials 2, 1-14, 2013
Infrared spectroscopic analysis of restorative composite materials surfaces and their saline extracts
RA Ajaj
State University of New York at Buffalo, 2009
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